Joined Nov 11, 2007
31,929 Blog Posts

Behold: The Power of iP

“While the mainstream media continues to push the idea that we are facing an energy crisis due to a lack of resources, more people are actually looking into alternative energy and discovering that there really is no energy crisis at at all. We aren’t facing a lack of resources, we have multiple means to provide energy to billions of people without damaging the environment and diminishing resources. . These methods use very little input, and in some cases achieve infinite output.  One of these ways to generate energy is through urine. It sounds a little nasty, but the story is quite remarkable. Approximately 1 year ago, a group of 14 year old’s from Lagos, Nigeria, developed a urine powered generator that can provide 6 hours of power on 1 liter of pee. It’s not uncommon for innovate energy ideas to come out of the third world, many of their problems stem from a lack of power, so some from that area are looking for ways to solve it with whatever they have.

The model you see in this article was created by four girls, Duro-Aina Adebola, Akindele Abiola, Faleke Oluwatoyin, and Bello Eniola. The group of 14 year old’s  developed a system that works like this:

  1.  Urine is put into an electrolytic cell, which separates out the hydrogen.
  2.  The hydrogen enters a water filter for purification, which then gets pushed into a gas cylinder.
  3.  The gas cylinder pushes hydrogen into a cylinder of liquid borax, which is used to remove the moisture from the hydrogen.
  4. This purified hydrogen gas is pushed into the generator….”
[youtube://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f48zowFhVFA 450 300]

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Interesting Indeud

I found this document to be rather interesting.

Anyone involved with banking, real estate, law, and the purchase of a home should consider the following information.

Since i’m not an authority to give an opinion as to the validity or value of said information, it would be greatly appreciated that the readership offer any knowledge of the topic and or refer this to anyone they might know who could shine a light on these here matters.


Selected excerpts:


This document is meant to take the reader down a road they have
likely never traveled.   This is a layman’s explanation of what has
been happening in this country that most have no idea or inkling
of.   It is intended to  give the  reader  an  overview  of  a  systemic
Fraud  in  this  country  that  has  reached  epic  proportions  and
provoke action to eradicate this scourge that has descended upon
the people of America.   Depending on what your situation is, you
may react with disbelief, fear, anger or outright disgust at what you
are about to learn.   The following information is supported with
facts, exhibits, law and is not mere opinion.

Let’s start our journey of discovery with the purchase of a home
and subsequent steps in the financial process……

The two most important and valuable documents that are signed
at a closing are the “Note” and the “Deed” in various forms.  When
looking at the definition of a “Mortgage Note” it is obvious that it is
a “Security Instrument”.  It is a promise to pay made by the maker
of that “Note”.

When looking at a copy of a “Deed of Trust” such as
the attached Exhibit “A”, which is a template of a Tennessee “Deed
of Trust” form that is directly from the freddiemac.com website, it
is very obvious that this document is also a “Security Instrument”.
This is a template that is used for MOST government purchased
loans.    You  will  note  that  the  words “Security  Instrument”  are
mentioned no less than 90 times in that document.   Is there ANY
doubt it is a “Security”?  When at the closing, the “borrower” is led to believe that

the “Mortgage Note”that he signs is a document that
binds  him to make repayment of “money” that the “lender” is
loaning  him to  purchase the  property  he is  acquiring.   Is there
disclosure to the “borrower” to the effect that the “lender” is not
really loaning any of their money to the “borrower” and therefore
is taking no risk whatsoever in the transaction?  Is it disclosed to
the “borrower” that  according to  FEDERAL  LAW,  banks  are  not
allowed to loan credit and are also not allowed to loan their own or
their depositor’s money?   If that is the case, then how could this
transaction  possibly  take  place?    Where  does  the  money  come
from?  Is there really any money to be loaned?  The answer to this
last question is a resounding NO!  Most people are not aware that
there has been no lawful money since the bankruptcy of the United
States in 1933……..

……When  you  sit  down  at  the  closing  table  to  complete  the

transaction to purchase your home aren’t you tendering a “Note”
with your signature which would be considered money?   That is
exactly what you are doing.   A “Note” is money in our monetary
system  today!    You  can  deposit  the  “Federal  Reserve  Note”  (a
promise to pay) with a denomination of $10 at the bank and they
will credit your account in that same amount.  Why is it that when
you tender your “Note” at the closing that they don’t tell you that
your home is paid for right on the spot?  The fact is that it IS PAID
FOR ON THE SPOT.  Your signature on a “Note” makes that “Note”
money  in  the  amount  that  is  stated  on  the  “Note”!    Was  this
disclosed to you at the “closing” in either verbal or written form?
Could this  be the  place  where the  other  players  come  into the
transaction at or near the time of closing?

What happens to the
“Note” (promise to pay) that you sign at the closing table?  Do they
put it in their vault for safe keeping as evidence of a debt that you
owe them as you are led to believe?  Do they return that note to you
if you pay off your mortgage in 5, 10 or 20 years?  Do they disclose
to you that they do anything other than put it away for safe keeping
once it is in their possession?

Unknown to almost everyone,there is something VERY different
that happens with your “Mortgage Note” immediately after closing.
Your “Mortgage Note” is endorsed and deposited in the bank as a
check and becomes “MONEY”!……

……How can it be that you could just write a “Note” and pay for your

home?   This leads us back to the bankruptcy of the United States in
1933.  When FDR and Congress took all the property and gold from
the people in 1933 they had to give something in return for that
confiscation of property.   See attached (Exhibit “B” para 6)   What
the people got in  return was the promise that all of their needs
would be met by the government because the assets and the labor
of the people were collateral for the debt of the United States in the bankruptcy.

All of their debts would be “discharged”.   This was
done without the consent of the people of America and was an act
of Treason by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  The problem
comes in where they never told us how we could accomplish that
discharge and have what we were entitled to after the bankruptcy.
Why  has this  never  been taught  in the  schools in this  country?
Could it be that it would expose the biggest fraud in the history of
this entire country and in the world?

If the public is purposely not
educated about certain things then certain individuals and entities
can take full financial advantage of virtually the entire population.
Isn’t this “selective education” more like “indoctrination”?    Could
this  be what  has  happened?   In  Fina  Supply, Inc.  v. Abilene Nat.
Bank,  726  S.W.2d  537,  1987  it  says  “Party  having  superior
knowledge who takes advantage of another’s ignorance of the law
to deceive him by studied concealment or misrepresentation can
be held responsible for that conduct.”

Does this mean that if there
are  people  with  superior  knowledge  as  a  party  in  this  “Loan
Transaction” that take  advantage  of the “ignorance  of the  law”,
(through  indoctrination)  of  the  public  to  unjustly  enrich
themselves, that they can be held responsible?   Can they be held
responsible  in  only  a  civil  manner  or  is  there  a  more  serious
accountability that falls into the category of criminal conduct? ….”

Full document 

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The CAFR Swindle


[youtube://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pRPBKJQnyU 450 300]

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Lawless America

[youtube://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmooauwuv0w 450 300]

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There is Money to be Made

On the matter of government and “corporate regulation”

[youtube://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCAIj3YJUmg 450 300]



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FLASH: A Message From Your President

[youtube://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpAqiGSp29c 450 300]

Currently there are no comments from the administration despite….


“Fukushima Radiation Hits California’s Pacifica State Beach?

They say seeing is believing and in the video below from Kill0Your0TV, he films his Geiger counter as he approaches and walks along Pacifica State Beach (Surfers Beach), California, on December 23, 2013…………

………..A warning to the rest of the readers… stay out of the water and off the beach….”

[youtube://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcQLxT49ZP0 450 300]

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Holiday Retail Sales Fall Well Short of Expectations

“As the holiday spending season draws to a close, there has been a huge schism between hope and reality once again as captured by these two numbers: 3.9% and -3.5%. The first, aka hope, is how much the national retail federation predicted holiday sales would rise by at the start of the holiday season; the second, aka reality, is how much in-store retail sales declined by in the week before Christmas. So what is a despondent retail industry – which unlike the stock market can’t put off delivering results forever – to do? Why bet it all on a huge after-Christmas surge of course.

As USA Today reports, some online sales, including at Target.com and Kohls.com, start on Christmas Day. And for sales die-hards, many Wal-Mart and Kohl’s stores will open on Thursday by 5 a.m. “This is an especially big time for people who got gift cards to come and spend on what they didn’t get for Christmas,” says Sarah McKinney, a Wal-Mart spokeswoman. It is also the single-most popular day to redeem Target gift cards. Then again, one wonders just how hacked those are…

A quick summary of the panicked retailers’ biggest sales incentives and deals…”

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Will 2014 Go Down as a First in the History Books for Upside Market Action?

“Dow is up more than 5% five consecutive years now. A sixth such year has not happened before in history. A 5-year bull trend only occurred once before, in the 1990s, and was followed by 3 down years. Russell 2k rallies of similar size and duration to 2013′s (excluding accelerations from major bear lows) are shown below. In each case all the gains were given back the following year.


Source: Fat-Pitch

2014 is the second year in the Presidential cycle, and is the weakest historically by returns, averaging flat. The logic for this is that is it a time for governments to deploy tougher, unpopular policies. The Investors Intelligence bull-bear ratio currently exceeding 40% also forecasts a flat return for the SP500 by the end of 2014, by averaging history, whilst the II bear percentage alone, around 15% the last 4 weeks, has historically produced returns of -5% to -20% over the next 6 months.

The Citigroup Panic/Euphoria Model, having crossed the Euphoria threshold, predicts an 83% chance of losses in 2014. Goldman’s analysis of performance following a year of 25% gains or more point to a median drawdown of 11% in the next 12 months.

Next is a chart highlighting a couple of previous occurrences similar to 2012 and 2013 where stock index rises were dominated by multiple expansion, not earnings growth.

Source: Fat-Pitch

In both instances the following two years saw better earnings growth. But notably the next two years were 1987, stock market crash, and 1999, at the end of which the Dow peaked, suggesting a common theme of pre-correction exuberance.

Both the following charts reveal that 10 year stock market returns are closely correlated to deviations from norms 10 years earlier. The first correlates average investor allocations and the second market cap to GDP. I have added the blue horiztonal line averages, revealing both are overvalued currently, but one more extreme than the other.

Source: Philosophical Economics

Source: Hussman

The logic behind both is that mean reversion always occurs. The bigger the deviation build the bigger the subsequent normalisation, as ‘this time is different’ each time is disproven. For US markets currently, we see the second highest market cap to GDP valuation outside of 2000, the 4th highest Q ratio valuation and 4th highest CAPE valuation in history. In all the other such historic outliers, a bear market followed to correct the extreme, there was no orderly consolidation of prices whilst the underlying fundamentals accelerated to catch up. ‘This time is different’ thinking argues that because the Fed has suppressed cash and bond yields, equities have to be revalued higher, so this valuation outlier doesn’t count, and there will be an orderly normalisation of valuation as earnings and GDP will accelerate and yields rise slowly, without any crash in equities.

Interesting to discover that the rally in the 1990s was also at the time considered to be Fed-induced and prolonged….”

Full article

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The New Normal of Economic Growth: Private Sector Shrinks While Public Sector Expands

“Despite the Obama administration’s claims of economic growth, the truth is that in most states the private sector is shrinking and the public sector is expanding as a proportion of the workforce. In fact, say researchers Keith Hall and Robert Greene, since the beginning of the Great Recession, the private sector has shed jobs in almost every state, while the increase in taxpayer-funded employment has been masked by the use of contractors rather than outright employees.

“In 2012,” Hall and Greene wrote in a recent report for George Mason University’s Mercatus Center, “public-sector employment made up more than 16 percent of the U.S. labor market.” That in itself is bad enough; but as the men observed, “Direct government employment fails to capture the full impact of government spending on state labor markets.”

To determine that “full impact,” Hall and Greene estimated the number of jobs in each state that are funded by federal contract dollars and added them to the number of actual public employees in that state. When they did that, they found that public-sector employment grew by almost 3.5 million jobs to a national average of 19.2 percent of the workforce. In other words, nearly one-fifth of all workers in the United States are employed either directly or indirectly by government….”

Full article

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Merry Ba’al

[youtube://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFEJzMk7oLk 450 300] [youtube://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEc9nXErU-Y 450 300]



All simple monkeys with alien babies
Amphetamines for boys
Crucifixes for ladies
Sampled and soulless
Worldwide and real webbed
You sell all the living
For more safer dead

Anything to belong

Rock is deader than dead
Shock is all in your head
Your sex and your dope is all that were fed
So fuck all your protests and put them to bed

God is in the T.V.

1,000 mothers are praying for it
We’re so full of hope
And so full of shit
Build a new god to medicate and to ape
Sell us ersatz dressed up and real fake

Anything to belong

Rock is deader than dead

[Chorus repeat]

God is in the T.V.

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Happy Birthday Federal Reserve

“December 23rd, 1913 is a date which will live in infamy.  That was the day when the Federal Reserve Act was pushed through Congress.  Many members of Congress were absent that day, and the general public was distracted with holiday preparations.  Now we have reached the 100th anniversary of the Federal Reserve, and most Americans still don’t know what it actually is or how it functions.  But understanding the Federal Reserve is absolutely critical, because the Fed is at the very heart of our economic problems. 

Since the Federal Reserve was created, there have been 18 recessions or depressions, the value of the U.S. dollar has declined by 98 percent, and the U.S. national debt has gotten more than 5000 times larger.  This insidious debt-based financial system has literally made debt slaves out of all of us, and it is systematically destroying the bright future that our children and our grandchildren were supposed to have.  If nothing is done, we are inevitably heading for a massive amount of economic pain as a nation. The following are 100 reasons why the Federal Reserve should be shut down forever…”

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China’s Cash Crunch Continues to Make Rates Stubbornly High

“A cash crunch in China pushed short-term interest rates to another recent high Monday and highlighted the difficulties faced by the central bank in managing an increasingly complex and stressed financial system.

The latest jump in rates came even after the People’s Bank of China last week made cash injections into the banking system that were aimed at cooling the upward pressure on rates.

The government has the capacity to prevent the cash squeeze from developing into a systemwide financial crisis, analysts say. Still, they are watching closely because rising borrowing costs could erode Chinese companies’ already weakening profitability and exacerbate a current economic slowdown. Reduced demand from the world’s second-largest economy would hurt global resources exporters and others that are dependent on Chinese buyers.

An announcement by the central bank Friday that it had added cash to the financial system initially triggered optimism among analysts and investors that the country would avoid a a severe cash squeeze like one in June. But they said they have become less certain after the central bank’s move failed to keep money-market rates from climbing further Monday.

The central bank has tried to rein in lending this year as part of a broader effort to reduce the economy’s dependence on credit-driven growth.

But the credit squeeze highlights that in seeking to do so, the PBOC is facing crosscurrents ranging from government budget tightening and quirks in bank accounting rules to distrust among banks and rising bad-loan losses that haven’t yet been disclosed.

A broad squeeze in lending will likely continue into next year, analysts said, as the central bank tries to get control of short-term interbank lending while the government limits spending. China will also feel the effects of the reduction of monetary stimulus in the U.S…..”

Full article

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How Your Brain Works


[youtube://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkFNifsaxhg#t=30 450 300]

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