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Are you Ready for the September Collapse Fatso?

On about August 1st 2023, I stepped onto the scale and saw I had gained some unwanted weight, in spite of my regularly physical activities. This is most likely due to my gluttonous behavior — eating cakes and cookies like a fat fuck. Angered by this dose of reality, I drastically cut without regards for muscle or being reasonable. Since then I’ve shed nearly 11lbs, as if I was a prisoner of war — more than the weight I need to lose.

While it’s true, there isn’t a night I do not go to bed hungry, it’s also true that life isn’t about having fun and pleasing myself — but instead an endurance challenge. I demolish obstacles and ignore with seething hatred the things that annoy me. Some people tell me of their diets, as if they’ve just re-invented the fucking sail boat. Look here, jackass, output more than you input. It’s that simple. What is your maintenance caloric intake vs the amount you ingest? I don’t need to count anymore — because I am full aware of what constitutes a chicken breast or a teaspoon of olive oil.

The bottom lie is you need to shut the fuck up and STOP EATING. Just fucking stop and when you get hungry like a little bitch — get angry for being such a pussy.

As for markets, I was fully long into the wonderful open and now sit with gains of +72bps, slightly hedged. It has been a cantankerous month for me, so I’m not pushing anything and will bide my time until the eventual and splendid collapse to come in September.

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One comment

  1. john galt

    I heard a commercial they have drugs to help you lose weight and curb that appetite. Wtf just like you said take in what you put out. If you’re on your ass in front of a screen all day you get a wafer. I eat like a horse, activity is a lifestyle. Get after it

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