18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Not Fooled Again

We had a morning collapse followed by a whole bunch of nothing thereafter. The bulls used that sideways painting as an opportune to re-energize themselves and pretend to make money. The bears just screamed at their monitors accusing the government of rigging prices higher.

Let’s make one thing perfectly clear, we want stocks lower in order to preside over the complete destruction of Pax Americana. It’s not because we are “traitors” but because America is currently occupied by a foreign enemy and needs to be beheaded. The quickest way to behead this monster is via the stock exchange and banking system.

At any rate, I was +30bps in the morning, made a few trades and got up to +40bps — then slid wayward into small losses but finished up strong +8bps. In short, I wasn’t fooled by any of the action, as evidenced by the fact that I made money.

That being said, I closed with a slightly bearish book, short bonds, REITs, long VIX, and TQQQ — 60% cash.

I would like very much to buy “deals of a lifetime”, gayly sashaying in my boat amidst the carnage of Florida. But that’s not what we have in front of us. This is the beginning of the end, meat shortages, cascading prices, skyrocketing APR’s, a Fed battling the boogeyman it cannot see.


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  1. Mr. Cain Thaler

    Hah true the great saga comes to a close. But must it come swiftly? Surely the globalists can cut some currency swaps and drag this out another 3 months.

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  2. bob smith

    This market feels like it’s going to crash imminently, like tomorrow.

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  3. rigged game

    Judy Shelton is full of shit. She wants to “make the pie bigger”.

    What we need is to DIVIDE the pie better. Give only a thin
    sliver a pie to the wealthy and bigger pieces to the workers.

    We need a 110% tax on ALL INCOME above $300,000 yearly.
    Stop the STEAL by the megarich!. Tax the SHIT out of them!

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