18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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America in Turmoil

I’m just a damned finance blogger/manager of other people’s money. I keep getting sucked into political debates because it’s in my nature to voice strong opinions. The truth is, everyone is bugging out over what happened in Newtown. Before this happened, the country was already a mess, reeling from a slow motion economic collapse and methodical compression of the middle to upper middle classes. This country is about to change, veering down a very dark road, and it’ll be decidedly for the worse.

Your government is monitoring every single thing you are communicating, even through private emails. Bots are being used to search out keywords and your exact GPS location. Whenever you utter a string of words in a certain sequence that can be viewed as a “threat”, your home is raided and your property is seized. We the people accept this form of fascism because the people perpetuating these crimes against etiquette are distasteful and we revile them. Freedom of speech can be rather expensive if shopped in the wrong manner.

I am sure that “The Fly” is on a watch list of dissidents, waiting on my every word and syllable.

Truth is, I should learn to keep my opinions to myself, particularly regarding subjects that do not concern me. Do you really think our little debate about gun control is going to make a difference? It’s laughable, really. They will do whatever they want to do and you and I will just sit here, twisting in the wind with our dicks in our hands, watching them make law with their pens. To sit here and drag their fine names through the mud can only hurt us. There is no revenue to be had from being a partisan dissident.

Let the winds of tyranny blow through America, with the same ease and vigor that they were expelled many years ago. From now on, Le Fly (as he is famously known in France) will stay focused on his p n l, which needs a bit of tending to–frankly.

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  1. tw


    A reference to Le Fly.

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  2. Gravestonedoji


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  3. Testicules

    Any thoughts on a “Long play” here, generic drugs are going to be a big part in any Health Care agreement and they just penned a deal with S. Korea. This seems to be a Company that will not let set-backs slow them down long.

    I tried to post a chart on my blog in the netherlands but was unable for some reason

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    • mad_scientist

      I am a suffering long in TEVA. I got on board amidst the carnage (2011), but the carnage wasn’t over yet.

      They face serious headwinds from Copaxone competition, and more seriously once it goes generic, but I still kind of think the negativity surrounding them is really excessive and disconnected from reality. I hope the analysis will capitulate with downgrades and sell ratings soon, so it can finally bottom.

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    • Zero Dark Kitty

      Generic drug space?
      Maybe consider Mylan $MYL on the next pullback to 20 or 50 MA.

      Better yet biotech

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  4. The Real Muppet

    Trading Psychology:

    Here’s an old article on Harvey Dorfman, a man Greg Maddux credited with making him the unflappable and relentless competitor Greg is. If you are a Dorfman or Maddux fan it is worth a read.

    Some quotes:

    “He virtually invented sports psychology, though he will insist that he considers some aspects of the field to be, basically, a load of shit”

    “‘Self-consciousness will fuck you up,’ says Harvey”

    “He stresses to me that he doesn’t actually care how a player feels”

    “‘It’s normal to feel the fear, to feel down. It’s normal to feel this way.’ Not a split-second pause later, though, he said, ‘You’re not normal; you’re a [fucking] professional athlete.’”


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  5. Frog

    Fly, I don’t think you are on a watch list of dissidents. Most folks who voted for Romney believe what you believe. They can’t be all on a watch list. That’s 47% of the voters.

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    • The Fly

      Well if I disappear one day, just know they came for me and was forced to exit planet via space rocket, but will be exacting revenge via Orbital Space Cannon (OSC).

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  6. The Eye-Talian Stallion
    The Eye-Talian Stallion

    The number of firearms sold this past weekend in the US was staggering and sales are mounting through this week. I see back orders for certain black rifles of up to nine months. SWHC is a steal here unless one thinks that all firearms will be banned.

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  7. Grey Poopon

    Making a public post on Facebook is a lot different than having Bots searching out keywords in private emails. Not even saying I don’t agree with you that that does probably happen, but that story is not an example of this. In that stories case I would imagine paranoid college kids probably contacted the authorities. If people like that are gonna make threatening comments (even if he was making a joke) I think they gotta be prepared for the consequences, especially if there are 9 firearms in your household.

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  8. ottnott

    “From now on, Le Fly (as he is famously known in France) will stay focused on his p n l, which needs a bit of tending to–frankly.”

    13 minutes later, you are posting Alex Jones videos from inside the bubble.

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  9. GetReal1

    I guess that changing your name to be French signifies surrender?

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  10. dztrading

    ‘Le Fly’ adore le Camembert

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  11. Steve B

    “I am sure that “The Fly” is on a watch list of dissidents, waiting on my every word and syllable.”

    Many people flatter themselves with this thought. And it’s almost never true. Your view on the 1984 like tactics of our government are also false. Yes, there are programs to monitor for certain phrases. But they are in the context of national security, not monitoring people that are not on board with the politics of the day. And the result of a hit is a person looks into it, not being raided and losing your property.

    Our government is far from perfect and has done things including kidnapping terrorists from foreign country A and taking them to foreign country B which allows torture to be conducted. We know about this because there are few secrets that can be kept today. Ruby Ridge happened and so did Waco. Sometimes police raid the wrong house and as a result of the confusion a resident is killed. Amadou Diallo became Swiss cheese as he pulled out his wallet.

    But you give the government far too much credit to think they’d be able to pull off that kind of monitoring and response. They can’t successfully manage a lemonade stand. And if they actually did act in the way you say then a lot of things that happens would have been stopped. I’m not at all arguing for it, that would be a disaster and travesty on many fronts, just pointing out the evidence that many things happen that the government really doesn’t want, and if they had the knowledge of them beforehand they would surely have stopped.

    And rest easy on gun control. Nothing material will change there either. Maybe some law will make its way through so the shitbag politicians can pat themselves on the back and simple minded folks can feel a false sense of security, but it will be as flaccid and ineffective a piece of legislation as the government that wrote it.

    Viva Le Fly

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    • The Fly

      Steve B

      You are making assumptions.

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    • tm

      Solid points. For many, holding strong beliefs about how every move they make is being carefully observed by some omnipotent force, is just a coping mechanism.

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  12. Jean-Paul

    Le Fly est aussi connu au Québec…

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    • TraderCaddy

      Le Fly is just on edge because of a lack of NHL and his Tim Horton’s ran out of Timbits this AM.

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      • Mr Boulders

        Speaking of Timmy Ho’s ($THI), does Le Fly ever follow stocks north of the border? I’ve never noticed any CAD picks…

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  13. JTU

    Gun stocks are getting crushed!
    SWHC down 26% since Dec. 6.

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  14. Gappingandyapping

    Welcome to my world where everyone is watched and every word posted IS despite many of you believing it, reviewed by bots. I eat sleep and frankly shit the business of security and privacy and I 100% promise you that EVERY SINGLE word you leave on the web is scrutinized.

    So what do you do about it? Run everything through a VPN (vpnbook.com is a good start) and don’t post ANY personal information that you don’t want acted upon. Use secure connections for everything (https-everywhere, google it) and start leading a more boring internets life.

    Look I am the Horatio Clawhammer, the Le Fly, the Senior Tropicana of this security realm. You can heed the advice or you can sit our your days waiting on your attorney to bail you out for your 1st amendment comments. Do you want to go to jail or do you want to go home, that’s the question.

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    • tm

      Exaggerations. You believe this stuff because it makes life more exciting. The gov’t doesn’t give a shit about 99.999% of us.

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      • MJ

        tm – Try this:
        Grab a friend or two of yours and just start emailing back and forth about a plot to kill the pres. See how long it takes for someone to come knocking.

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      • Gappingandyapping

        Why do I have to exaggerate something I know to be fact and I see the actual traffic on a daily basis?

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  15. Gappingandyapping

    On Saturday, Connecticut state police warned that people posting “misinformation” on social media websites would be “investigated and prosecuted.”

    — How would one find such information? You telling me their state police visit all of the web pages of the internet each day?

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