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Right or Wrong?

Apparently, Peter Schiff is embarrassed by this clip and wants it removed, according to the vlogger who posted it. At any rate, before the vid is pulled, what is your opinion on this sort of fuckery?

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTF-oPvhHVs&feature=channel_page 450 300] If you enjoy the content at iBankCoin, please follow us on Twitter


  1. so i herd you liek mudkips
    so i herd you liek mudkips

    he is WAY too fucking gleeful.

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  2. Goldie

    Schiff knows if the Saudis follow his advice with this video out, he will get the Benedict Arnold treatment. And he should..

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  3. Sierra Water

    Can you say client exodus if the mainstream media gets its hands on this. Schiff is so paranoid as it is about losing clients. A couple years ago my partner and I spoke with Peter on a personal call and we asked him if he thought it would be better to just short financials vs buying foreign stocks,etc.. and his response was to buy foreign stocks so we decided not to invest any money with him.. Peter is an ass to most of his guests on his weekly conference call on Wednesday Nights and comes off rather smug and pompous. Its all about Karma Peter.

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  4. ZMoose12

    He may be a pompous, arrogant prick, but those people there are clapping for a reason.


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  5. The Fly


    I agree. How’s the fucking trailer parks going?

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  6. Sierra Water

    yes they are.. and they have every right to considering we exported toxic waste called triple A rated CDOs…

    This should be pretty good:

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  7. Sierra Water

    Last year we had a direct Hurricane Hit in South Tropical Texas but got lucky because our park sits behind a large eXpressway Wall that shielded the park.. Last week our park in the Ozarks of Arkansas was in the middle of the worst Ice Storm in 100 years. We had twenty trees fall on on 12 park owned mobiles. Luckily nobody died and we are out only a few G. Fema took care of the cost of hauling the trees to designated burn zones.. You love it FLy!!

    Other than that the MHPs we own are cash cows in this shitty economy.. If you own Senior parks in the SOuth, its probably one of the best investments out there. Family parks suck unless you have hwy coverage..land bank etc.. Old people actually take care of their place and are looking for a good quality of life at an affordable cost.. Quasi Linear markets are key with good aging demographics.

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  8. Bob the Builder

    Peter Schiff is such a dumb fuck. He got brutally taken down by Mish the other week, and had no coherent comeback to speak of. I still wonder how in the fuck he thinks we are going to have hyperinflation, when you need an increase in credit to create hyperinflation.. Which, from what I see, ain’t going to happen for a long time. Isn’t the definition of inflation an increase in both the money supply and velocity? I have yet to hear him defend that assertion. I don’t understand why people like gold so much. If the dollar and every other currency collapse Gold won’t be worth shit either.

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  9. ZMoose12

    Thanks for that link Sierra! I have to remind myself to watch that… I’m excited, to say the least.

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  10. JimPunkrockford

    man, i hope nobody sees this and buys up all the gold mines. i don’t know how i could live if i couldn’t get more gold. what would i do with myself???

    what a JOKE!!!!

    i get it, we have a fiat currency, nothing backing it, but WTF, are we the fucking Aztecs? who gives a ratsass about gold anymore. yes it is rare, who cares. it has no use. gold is as fiat as the US dollar, unless your a fucking Mayan.

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  11. Mao

    Right. The truth hurts.

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  12. LordGaino


    Re Gold: You’re an idiot. Heres a scenario for you to wrap your small brain around.

    You run a grocery store in Zimbabwe. What would you prefer to accept from your customers in exchange for your goods and services? Zimbabwe Dollars or gold coins?

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  13. Gio

    Peter needs to go back to economics class.

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  14. J

    I think he’s a pin head.

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  15. The Other Pete

    Schiff should be tried for treason. He is nothing more than a self-serving, pandering, invertebrate…he should run for Congress.

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  16. anjin bau

    we have a MHP in Indianna ( 122 lots) …would like to communciate with you Sierra Water…..

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  17. Juice

    I cope & paste this for DEVILDOG’s pleasure, so he can be all happy & shit.

    Some, like Jake (ie), will ask why I post this shit: Take it or leave it, but certainly no harm can come from knowing what is possible if humanity doesn’t get a grip on the effects tomorrow, of its actions today.

    This will likely shock many. This is not for ostriches. If you are an ostriches, assume the position, iow, do not read further.


    Excerpt from the 469th Contact Conversation of 11th August 2008

    Please note, this is a Non Official Translation, and it may contain errors.

    Faithfully translated into English language by José Barreto Silva –

    Brazil Sunday, 08 February 2009 18:43:13

    Images added here by J.B.S

    Bitte nehmen Sie zur Kenntnis, dass dies ist ein Nicht Offiziell anerkannt übersetzung und es kann Fehler enthalten

    Originalgetreu übersetzung in englische Sprache von José Barreto Silva gemachte

    Brasilien Sonntag, 08 Februar 2009 18:43:13

    Abbildungen sind hier hinzugefügte von J.B.S -Anmerkung von J.B.S

    Billy … Kannst du mir nun jedoch etwas dazu sagen, was du bereits früher angesprochen hast, nämlich bezüglich des Bankcrashs in den USA. Ist das Gröbste nun vorbei?

    Billy … But can you now tell me something of which you had already mentioned early, namely concerning the bank crash in the USA. Is the roughest now past?

    Ptaah Nein, denn das Ganze weitet sich noch mehr aus und führt erst Mitte September zum grossen Bankenzusammenbruch resp. zur Finanzkrise in den USA, wobei sich dieser Crash dann auf die weltweite Finanzwelt und auf Grossversicherungen ausbreitet, wovon in besonderem Masse erst Europa betroffen werden wird.

    Ptaah No, because the whole thing expands itself even more and, firstly, in the middle of September, leads to the big bank collapse, respectively, to the financial crisis in the USA, with what this Crash then spreads itself worldwide to the financial world and on major parts to big insurances, from which specially Europe will be involved in great mass.

    Billy Dann kann ja einiges erwartet werden. Da habe ich aber noch eine Frage bezüglich der Erdölförderung: Wie lange Zeit kann man noch rechnen, bis weltweit die Ölförderung in bezug auf die Reserven überschritten wird?

    Billy. Yes, then something can be expected. Here, however, I have another question concerning the petroleum extraction: How long time can one still calculate until the petroleum extraction with respect to the worldwide reserves is exceeded?

    Ptaah Die ist schon seit geraumer Zeit überschritten, was jedoch von den Erdölförderstaaten undKonzernen verheimlicht wird.

    Ptaah It has already been exceeded for quite a long time, which, however, is concealed by the petroleum producing states and by groups of companies.

    Billy Ist das auch der Fall bei Saudi Arabien?

    Billy Is this also the case with Saudi Arabia?

    Ptaah Ja.

    Ptaah Yes.

    Billy Die Erdölförderer pumpen ja Wasser unter die Ölvorkommen, um das Öl an die Oberfläche zu treiben. Da kann es doch mit der Zeit passieren, dass das Wasser letztlich über die Ölvorkommen hochsteigt und dann nur noch dieses Wasser gefördert wird.

    Billy Yes, the petroleum producers pump water under the petroleum deposits in order to drive the petroleum up to the surface. In the course of time there it can happen that the water rises up to the top of the petroleum reservoir and then, at the end, only this water is extracted.

    Das würde das Ende der Erdölförderung bedeuten.

    Das Ganze würde eine weltweite Katastrophe hervorrufen, denn die ganze Wirtschaft würde zusammenbrechen.

    This would mean the end of the petroleum production. The whole thing would evoke a worldwide catastrophe, because the whole economy would collapse.

    Das Öl würde immer teurer und für die privaten Verbraucher ebenso unerschwinglich werden wie auch für den ganzen Transportsektor, der von Benzin und Dieselöl sowie Kerosin abhängig ist.

    The petroleum would get still more expensive and just as prohibitively expensive for the private consumers and for the whole transport sector which is dependent on petrol and diesel oil as well as kerosene.

    Dadurch würde der Transport von Lebensmitteln aus fremden Ländern ebenso unterbunden wie auch der Transport sonstiger Wirtschaftsgüter aller Art.

    Through this the transport of food from foreign countries would be stopped the same way as also the transport of other economic goods of every type.

    Auch der Massentourismus würde zusammenbrechen, und die Menschen müssten wieder in den eigenen Ländern Urlaub machen, wenn sie es dann finanziell überhaupt noch vermögen.

    Also the mass tourism would collapse, and the people would go again in vacations in the own countries, if they are then still financially able at all to do it.

    Die Autos, Traktoren, Arbeitsmaschinen, Schiffe, Flugzeuge und Motorräder würden zu wertlosem Schrott, und die Menschen müssten wieder zu Fuss gehen oder auf das Fahrrad und auf Pferdefuhrwerke usw. zurückgreifen.

    The cars, tractors, machines tools, ships, aircraft and motorcycles would become valueless scrap metal and the people would have to go again on foot or on bicycle and on horse carts etc..

    Auch sehr viele Produkte, wie Plastik- und Kunststofferzeugnisse aller Art, würden verschwinden oder unerschwinglich werden. Und es müssten in den Ländern selbst wieder Nahrungsmittel angebaut werden, was aber infolge der Überbevölkerung nicht viel bringen würde und folglich allüberall Hungersnot entstünde.

    Also many products, like every kind of artifacts and articles made of plastic would disappear or get prohibitively expensive. And food itself would be cultivated again in the countries which, however, would not bring much because of the overpopulation and consequently famine would arise everywhere.

    Tatsächlich wird in einem solchen Fall – und der droht tatsächlich – eine Entglobalisierung stattfinden, wie auch eine ungeheure Arbeitslosigkeit entstünde, die allein in den Industriestaaten bis zu 30 Prozent umfassen könnte, während die Kriminalität und der Anarchismus unkontrollierbare Ausmasse annehmen würden.

    In fact a deglobalization will occur in such a case – and which in reality threatens – as well as also an enormous unemployment which in the industrialized states alone could include up to 30 percent, while the criminality and the anarchism would assume uncontrollable proportions.

    Wieder Nahrungsmittel in den eigenen Ländern anzubauen für eine solche Masse Überbevölkerung, wie diese gegeben ist in jenen einzelnen Ländern, die selbst wieder in grösstem Masse Landwirtschaft und Gartenbau betreiben müssten, ist so gut wie unmöglich, denn dazu reichen die Landressourcen ebenso nicht aus wie auch nicht die noch existierenden Bauern-, Gartenbau- und Plantagenbetriebe, denn bereits ist zuviel gutes Kulturland verschwunden, verbaut, verbetoniert und kaputtgemacht worden.

    To cultivate food again for themselves in the own countries, for such a mass of overpopulation as it is given, this is as good as impossible in those individual countries, which would have to go again themselves in mass for the agriculture and the horticulture, because the country resources as well as also the existing farmers the horticulture and the smallholders plantations do not suffice for it, because already too much good cultivated land has disappeared, obstructed, concreted over and was exhausted.

    Auch in bezug auf die Energie ist dann eine Katastrophe unausweichlich, denn sowohl Wohnhäuser und sonstige Gebäude können infolge des Ölmangels nicht mehr beheizt werden, wie auch Kraftwerke keine Energie mehr erzeugen können, wenn diese mit Öl betrieben werden.

    A catastrophe is then unavoidable also with respect to the energy because residential buildings and other buildings cannot be heated anymore because of the lack of petroleum as also power stations cannot generate energy anymore, if these are operated with petrol.

    Auch die Schmiermittel für die Motoren und Generatoren sowie für Maschinen aller Art warden fehlen und sehr viele Dinge zum Stillstand bringen. Auch in den Spitälern und in bezug auf Medikamente sowie medizinische Maschinen usw. würde eine unkontrollierbare Katastrophe entstehen, durch die sehr viele Menschen sterben würden.

    Also the lubricants for the motors and generators, as well as for machines of all kinds will fail and will bring many things to a standstill. And an uncontrollable disaster would arise through which many people also would die in the hospitals with respect to medicines, as well as to the medical equipment, and so forth.

    So sehe ich das Ganze, wenn nicht innerhalb kürzester Zeit andere Mittel der Energiegewinnung und andere Stoffe als Ersatz für Alltagsgegenstände und sonstige Güter gefunden werden, die das Erdöl ersetzen können.

    I see the whole like this, if within a shortest time other means of energy production and other materials which can replace petroleum as substitute for the everyday life articles and other goods.

    Dazu gehören aber auch die zwei Stoffe Teererde und Erdgas, die auch nicht ewigkeitsbeständig sind. Auch die Biobrennstoffe sind ein ungeheures Problem, das nur durch deren endgültige Aufhebung durch ein Verbot behoben werden kann.

    However, to it belong also two materials tar and natural gas, which are not eternally-constant either. Also the biofuels are an enormous problem which can be only solved through the definitive abolition through a prohibition of it.

    Und wenn nicht endlich radikal greifende Massnahmen für eine weltweite Geburtenkontrolle ergriffen werden, dann kann die grosse Katastrophe wirklich nicht aufgehalten werden. Geschieht all das Übel wirklich, dann ergibt sich auf der ganzen Erde ein Szenario, das gut und gerne als Weltuntergang bezeichnet werden kann oder als Dritter Weltenbrand.

    And, if radically measures for a worldwide birth control finally are not taken, then in fact the great disaster cannot be stopped. If all the evil happens in fact, a scenario turns out then on the whole earth, which can be gladly and well marked as the end of the world or as the Third World Fire.

    Fragt sich nun nur, ob die schlauen Köpfe unter den Forschern und Wissenschaftlern sowie die verantwortlichen Regierenden clever genug sind, schnellstens Möglichkeiten zu finden und Massnahmen zu ergreifen, um diese mit Sicherheit drohende Katastrophe zu verhindern.

    Now only ask yourself whether the clever heads among the researchers and the scientists as well as the responsible ruling ones are clever enough to find possibilities and to take measures as quickly as possible to prevent this threatening catastrophe with security?

    Das können sie aber nur tun, wenn sie endlich auf die Warnung hören und ihre Finger aus dem Mund nehmen, um wirksame und greifende Massnahmen in bezug auf eine weltumfassende Geburtenkontrolle sowie saubere und erdölunabhängige Möglichkeiten der Energiegewinnung für umfassend alle Zwecke zu schaffen und Nägel mit Köpfen zu machen.

    They can only do this, however, if they finally listen to the warning and by taking out their fingers from their mouths in order to create an effective and far reaching measures concerning a worldwide birth control as well as clean and petroleum-independent possibilities for the production of energy and hit the nail on the head.

    Auch dass die Menschen allgemein sich besinnen und das Richtige tun ist notwendig, um den kriminellen und sinnlosen Verschleiss der fossilen Ressourcen einzudämmen. Dazu gehört auch, dass Autos, Schiffe, Flugzeuge, Motorräder und Cars usw. nicht mehr für Spritzfahrten und Urlaubsreisen benutzt werden, wie auch, dass keine Sportarten- und Rennveranstaltungen usw. Mehr durchgeführt werden dürfen, bei denen fossile oder biohergestellte Treibstoffe Verwendung finden.

    It is also necessary that the people in general reflect and do the right thing in order to correct the criminal and senseless use of the fossil resources. It is also part of it that vehicles, ships, aircraft, motorcycles and cars etc. are not used anymore for spins and holydays trips and as well as also that no sports and race meetings etc, by which fossil and biofuel find application be allowed and increased and carried out anymore.

    Auch dass Fahrzeuge mit Brennstoffmotoren benutzt werden, um 100 oder 200 Meter weit in den nächsten Laden zum Einkaufen oder zum Arbeitsplatz zu fahren, ist kriminell und fördert die drohende Katastrophe, weshalb auch das verboten werden müsste.

    Also that vehicles with combustible engines are used in order to drive 100 or 200 metres far to the next shopping purchase or to go to the workplace is criminal and it supports the threatening disaster, for which also that must be forbidden.

    Autos sollten nur noch erlaubt sein für unumgängliche Transporte und sonstig wichtige Fahrten, wobei z.B. ein Fahrzeug mit Brennstoffmotor zum Einkauf und zum Hingelangen zum Arbeitsplatz nur noch erlaubt sein sollte, wenn der Weg über fünf Kilometer beträgt.

    Cars only should be allowed for absolutely necessary transportations and other important journeys, with which a vehicle with combustible engine only should be allowed to go for the shopping and for the reaching to the job; if the way to it is more than five kilometres.

    Behindertentransporte, Krankentransporte, wichtige Güter- und Warentransporte sowie Schultransporte für Kinder sollten dabei als Notwendigkeit in Betracht gezogen werden, jedoch nur mit speziell dafür vorgesehenen und gekennzeichneten Fahrzeugen.

    Transportations of handicapped person, transportations of sick people, important goods and cargo transports as well as school transports for children should be taken into consideration on that occasion as a necessity, vehicles which are, however, only especially provided and marked for it.

    Und was unausweichlich sein wird, wenn das Ganze tatsächlich eintrifft, ist die Tatsache, dass in Relation zur rapide steigenden Überbevölkerung die gesamten Probleme immer grösser und umfangreicher werden und nicht mehr zu bewältigen sind.

    And what will be unavoidable if the whole actually arrives is the fact that the whole of the problems becomes still greater and more extensive and not managed anymore in relation to the rapidly increasing overpopulation.

    So wird der Energiebedarf und der Bedarf an Fahrzeugen aller Art, an Wohnungen und Häusern, an Medikamenten und Gebrauchsartikeln für das tägliche Leben ebenso immer rapider ansteigen wie auch der Bedarf an Nahrungsmitteln. Und gerade in bezug auf diese wird wahnwitzigerweise ungeheurer und verantwortungsloser Raubbau betrieben durch jene, welche allerlei Haustiere halten, die mit besten Nahrungsmitteln gefüttert werden, die bestes Essen für die Menschen wären.

    So the demand for energy and the need for vehicles of every kind, for accommodations and houses, for medicines and for the basic consumer articles of daily use will rise just as increasingly more rapidly as also the demand for foods. And exactly in relation to these enormous and irresponsible destructive exploitation practised in a crazy manner by those which keep various kinds of domestic animals which are fed with the best foods which would be the best meal for the people.

    Das sowohl hinsichtlich erstklassigem Fleisch, das für Hunde- und Katzenfutter verwendet wird, wie aber auch bezüglich verschiedener Getreide, Gemüse, Früchte, Geflügel und Fischen und allerlei sonstigem Getier, das beste Nahrung für die Menschen wäre.

    This both with regard to first-class meat, which is used for dogs and cats food as well as also respecting to the different grains, vegetables, fruits, poultry and fish and all sorts of other animals which would be the best food for the human beings.

    So veraltet alles und wird völlig wertlos, was gegen die Übel getan wird, ehe es auch nur fertiggestellt ist; seien dies atomar oder durch Sonnenenergie, Wind- oder Wasserkraft oder durch Verbrennungsanlagen betriebene Energiekraftwerke, oder Medikamente für Krankheiten und Seuchen, die immer häufiger und gefährlicher als Epidemien und Pandemien in Erscheinung treten.

    So everything which is done against the evils becomes obsolete and completely worthless even before it is completed; be it through the nuclear or solar energy, be it through the power of wind or of the water or through the energy produced by the incineration power plants or through medications for the illnesses and epidemics, which more and more frequently and more dangerously appear as epidemics and pandemics.

    Aber auch das Trinkwasser wird durch die steigende Überbevölkerung immer zum grösseren Problem und letztlich zur Rarität, während Menschen als riesige Flüchtlingsströme aus ihren Heimatländern fliehen oder vertrieben werden und in die Industrieländer eindringen, wo sie sich ein besseres Leben erhoffen, jedoch dadurch immer mehr Flüchtlingstragödien und Katastrophen auslösen.

    But also the drinking water always becomes into the biggest problem through the rising overpopulation and in the end it becomes a rarity while the people flee from their native countries as gigantic streams of refugees or are expelled from it and penetrate in the industrialized countries, where they hope for a better life, causing through it, however, more and more refugee tragedies and catastrophes.

    Dabei werden auch Krankheiten, Seuchen und Parasiten verschleppt und in die Gastländer getragen, wie das auch durch Güter- und Warentransporte geschieht, folglich in den Auffangländern für Flüchtlinge dadurch neue Probleme und Katastrophen entstehen.

    Also, as a result, illnesses, epidemics and parasites are taken and are disseminated into the host countries, as this happens also with the transportation of goods and products, consequently originating new problems and catastrophes through it in the host-countries for the refugees.

    Und weiteres Übel bildet sich dadurch heran, dass immer mehr sexuelle Vermischungen verschiedener Völkerangehöriger stattfinden, was auf Dauer ebenfalls zu grossen Problemen und zu neuen Krankheiten und zwangsläufig auch zu Verhaltensänderungen usw. führt, und zwar je umfangreicher diese Vermischungen stattfinden.

    And further evil develops itself by the fact that more and more sexual intermixing of members of different people always take place, which also permanently leads to big problems and to new illnesses and inevitably leads also in fact to behavioral alterations etc. the more extensively these intermixings takes place.

    Aus dem Ganzen entsteht aber auch Hass infolge anderer Mentalitäten, Religionen und Kulturen, was zu bösen Ausschreitungen führt, die nicht mehr auf einfache und friedliche Art geregelt werden können

    However, from the whole of it arises hate because of other mentalities, religions and cultures, which leads to evil acts of violence which cannot be controlled anymore in a simple and peaceful way.

    Ptaah Du greifst hier Dinge auf, die tatsächlich Hand und Fuss haben, wie du zu sagen pflegst. Die von dir angesprochene Katastrophe hat sich bereits anzubahnen begonnen, auch wenn die Verantwortlichen der irdischen Regierungen und der Wirtschaft usw. das Ganze noch nicht sehen oder einfach nicht wahrhaben wollen, wie auch die Wissenschaftler und das allgemeine Volk nicht.

    Ptaah You understood the thing here, which actually has hands and feet, as you have the habit of saying. The catastrophe mentioned by you already has begun to develop itself, even if the leaders of the earthly governments and the economy etc. do not see yet the whole of it, or simply do not want to admit it, as well as the scientists and the general people do not also.

    Und du sagst damit die Wahrheit, dass diese weltweite Katastrophe tatsächlich droht und hereinbricht, wenn die Verantwortlichen der Regierungen und die Wissenschaftler sowie das allgemeine Volk nicht schnellstens das Notwendige unternehmen, um diesen bereits laufenden Prozess zu stoppen und das Richtige zu tun.

    And with it you say the truth that this global catastrophe actually threatens and closes in, if, as quickly as possible, the responsible ones of the governments and the scientist,s as well as the general people do not undertake the necessary action in order to stop this process already running and do the right thing.

    Billy Das habe ich mir auch so als grosse Wahrscheinlichkeit ausgerechnet, gemäss dem Gesetz der Kausalität resp. von Ursache und Wirkung hinsichtlich dessen, was sich seit geraumer Zeit und auch gegenwärtig auf der Erde ergibt, und was daraus zu erwarten ist. Es muss nur eins und eins zusammengezählt werden, dann ergibt sich das Resultat als unumstösslicher Tatsächlichkeitsfaktor von selbst.

    Billy I myself also calculated this as a great probability accordingly to the law of causality, respectively, in terms of cause and effect of what has been for some time and also is presently occurring on the Earth, and what it is to be expected. One must only sum up one plus one, then, by itself, the result emerges as an irrefutable factor of reality.

    Was mich aber noch interessiert: Schon deine Tochter Semjase hat einmal gesagt, dass Vulkanausbrüche sehr genau vorhergesagt werden könnten ohne Vorausschau, sondern allein dadurch, dass durch deren seismische Beobachtung und Abklärung ein Ausbruch zeitlich sehr genau vorherbestimmt werden könne

    But, what am I still interested in: Already your daughter Semjase has once said that volcanic eruptions could be predicted very precisely without forecast, but alone through the seismic monitoring and through the investigation of it, the time of an eruption can be predetermined very precisely.

    Was hat sie damit angesprochen?

    What has she approached with that?

    Ptaah Vulkanausbrüche können tatsächlich auf eine leichte Art und Weise vorhergesagt werden, zumindest hinsichtlich kurzer Fristen, was wohl die Bedeutung der Erklärung meiner Tochter war.

    Ptaah Volcanic eruptions can actually be predicted in an easy manner, at least in regards to short periods of time, which probably was the meaning of the explanation of my daughter.

    Billy Richtig, wir sprachen damals im Rahmen von Wochen, Tagen und Stunden.

    Billy Right, we spoke at that time in the context of weeks, days and hours.

    Ptaah Wenn ich das Ganze so erklären muss, dass es auch einfache und in Geologie nicht gebildete Menschen verstehen, dann muss ich das in einfacher Weise tun: Zur Feststellung, wann ein Vulkan eruptiert resp. wann einer explodiert, ist die Technik der Seismographie (griech. seismós = Erschütterung, Anm. Billy) zur Anwendung zu bringen, durch die in den vulkaninneren Magmaflüssen – die wir auch als Magmakamine resp. Magmakanäle bezeichnen – mit Seismometern die magmische Seismizität resp. die seismischen Wellen der Magma gemessen werden müssen, die durch die Bewegung der Magma entstehen, wenn diese durch gewaltige erdinnere Kräfte stossweise in die Höhe gepresst wird

    Ptaah If I explain the whole subject in a way that also the simple people not educated in geology understand it, then I must do that in a simple manner: For determining when a volcano erupts, respectively when a volcano explodes must be brought the application of the technique of the seismography (from the Greek seismós, = tremor. Note by Billy) through which the magma sismicity, the magma seismic waves, in the volcano-internal streams of magma – which we describe also as magma chimneys respectively the magma channels, which is spasmodically pressed upwards by the enormous forces of the interior of the earth – must be measured with seismometers

    Anhand der auftretenden seismischen Wellenmuster kann sehr leicht eruiert werden, ob ein Vulkan in einem relative Ruhezustand ist oder ob es zu einem Ausbruch kommt.

    By means of the occurring seismic wave patterns it can be very easily established, whether a volcano is in one relative dormant state or whether it results in an eruption.

    Ist der Vulkan in einem relativen Ruhezustand, dann ergibt es ein ruhiges Seismogramm, das lange Zackenlinien aufweist, wobei die Zacken links- und rechtsläufig und kurz sind. Steigt aber die Aktivität in bezug auf das Hochgepresstwerden der Magma in den Kaminen, dann treten unregelmässig und nur in grösseren Abständen wuchtigere Ausschlagungen auf, die sich weit nach rechts und links – oder nach oben und unten – ausweiten.

    If the volcano is in a relatively dormant state, then it produces a quiet seismogram which has long jagged lines, where the points are briefly indented to the left and to the right. However, concerning the highly compressed magma in the chimneys the activity climbs, then it occur only in an irregular and massive larger intervals rash which widens itself far towards the right and to the left – or highly upwards and downwards.

    Das ist der Fall bei einem normalen relativen Ruhezustand eines Vulkans. Bahnt sich jedoch ein Vulkanausbruch an, dann wird die kurzgezackte Längslinie des Seismogramms immer kürzer, während die grossen Ausschlagungen durch die zunehmende Aktivität der Magmahochpressung sich immer mehr häufen.

    This is the case with a relatively normal dormant state of a volcano. However, if a volcanic eruption develops itself, then the briefly jagged longitudinal lines of the seismogram becomes increasingly more shorter; while the larger ones, through the increasing activity of the highly compressed magma, always increases more and more.

    Also werden die Grossausschlagungen immer häufiger und erfolgen in zunehmend kürzeren Abständen, was bedeutet, dass die Magma durch den urgewaltigen Druck von unten immer stärker und häufiger nach oben gepresst wird, wo sie sich dann durch offene Eruptionen entlädt und aus dem Vulkankrater geschleudert wird.

    Therefore the great amplitude of the seismic wave traces becomes increasingly more frequent and occur in increasingly shorter distances which indicates that the magma is frequently even more strongly compressed upwards by the elemental pressures from below, where it then discharge itself through eruptions and is flung out from the volcanic crater.

    Ist der Vulkankrater jedoch versiegelt resp. durch eine alte Lavaschicht verschlossen, oder stösst ein Magmakamin sich am Erdreich oder an einem Berg und kann nicht offen entweichen, dann entsteht ein derart unvorstellbar gewaltiger Druck, dass sich das Magma mit einer ungeheuren Explosion einen Weg ins Freie sucht. Geschieht dies, dann bricht der ganze Berg zusammen, wobei jedoch auch urgewaltige Schlammlawinen entstehen, die viele Meter hoch – bis zu 100 Kilometer und mehr – sich zu Tal und über das Land wälzen und dabei alles zerstören und alle Lebensformen töten, die ihr zum Opfer fallen.

    However, if the volcanic crater is sealed, respectively, is locked by an old layer of lava, or if a magma chimney pushes itself on the soil or on a mountain and cannot escape openly then such an incredibly huge pressure is built that the magma searches for a way outside with an immense explosion. If this happens, then the whole mountain collapses in which however also the elemental forces of mudslides arise, rolling itself up to 100 kilometers and more – over valleys and lands, in this case destroying everything and killing all forms of life which fall victims of it.

    Geschieht solches bei Vulkanen im Meer, dann entstehen viele Meter hohe Tsunamis, die mit bis zu 1000 Stundenkilometern durch das Meer rollen und dann viele Menschenleben fordern und ganze Landstriche sowie menschliche Errungenschaften zerstören, wenn sie auf Land treffen.

    If such happens to volcanoes near the sea , then it arises Tsunamis many metres high, which roll through the sea, with speeds up to 1000 kilometers per hour, claiming then many human lives and destroying whole areas as well as the human achievements when it hits onto the land.

    Doch zurück zur Seismographie: Wenn die Seismogramme richtig entschlüsselt und die immer kürzeren Abstände des Auftretens der Grossausschlagungen sowie das Kürzerwerden der kleinen Zackenlinieausschläge immer kürzer werden, dann kann daraus der Zeitpunkt errechnet werden, wann der Vulkan zum Ausbruch kommt.

    However, returning to the seismography: If the seismograms correctly decipher it and the appearance of the ever more brief amplitude of the seismic wave traces as well as the shorter jagged lines become ever briefer, then the instant when the volcano comes to the eruption can be calculated.

    Billy Mit deiner Erklärung kann ich das Ganze verstehen. Ist eigentlich recht simpel, wenn man weiss, was zu tun ist. Aber sieh hier, das ist das zusätzliche Wort, das ich dem ‹Kelch der Wahrheit› noch beifügen möchte:…

    Billy With your explanation I can understand the whole subject. It is actually quite simple if one knows what is to be done. But, look here, this is the additional word which I still would like to add to the ‘Kelch der Wahrheit’ (Goblet of Truth**)

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  18. Lady Guenevere

    I had a run in with Peter’s group. I talked to one man in California and another man in New York. The first guy was a young cocky kid and horribly rude and arrogant. Would not even talk to you until he found out how much money you were willing to turn over to their management. The second guy discussed options with me and those options were for me to send all my money to them and they would buy up Australian gold and then invest the rest of it in emerging markets stocks and bonds. When I tried to discuss these options and ask about other solutions I was summarily dismissed and rudely treated. I went to them after the crash in Sept as I thought perhaps I should send most of my money to someone who ‘ understood exactly what was happening and how to deal with it’ and keep a smaller amount for my own trading account.

    I am still looking to find that ‘ someone who gets it and understands what to do’. I thought I might find it here but alas most people here are just winging it as well.Fly takes one position or strategy one day and then a week later takes a completely different strategy. Like his ‘dont buy China its screwed to now buy China’ as well as other ideas he has gone back and forth on. Not to say I didnt pick up a few ideas here and there from Fly. Others just beat their mantra of bull or bear no matter what is going on… after 16 months of searching I havent found anyone that can handle what is happening.

    The more I learn the more I realize how many outside forces affect this market. The more time goes on the more the markets seem to me to be a big Vegas crap shoot, instead of a logical way to predict growth. The old models are broken and new ones have yet to be created. The smartest money managers in the US/world have destroyed their clients accounts.

    Peter is like one of those whistle blowers in a company. The company hates the fact the whistle blower is NOT loyal to the company and everyone outside of the company cheers him as a hero. Peter has NO LOYALTY to America -he doesnt care if it crashes and burns. His motive is to position himself globally and be the hero to everyone outside of the company/country…that fed, clothed and gave him the life and finances he now betrays.


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  19. Woodshedder

    Sierra, glad to see you around here again. Why don’t you put up a post or three in the PG? I would like to hear where you think we go from here.

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  20. Woodshedder

    I think Schiff’d needs to be added to the iBC dictionary.

    It would be a verb meaning a treasonous action.

    China Schiff’d the US when their diplomat stole the documents from the briefcase.

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  21. Prospectus


    No, you’re the idiot for running a grocery store in Zimbabwe in the first place.


    If you think that Schiff was the first to think of that, you are foolish. The Saudi’s and Chinese know these things already. If they took us down, they would have NO market for their oil or cheap trinkets. Game Theory 101. It’s like robbing your only customer who comes into your Zimbabwean grocery store to buy a 40 of Thunderbird.

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  22. Juice

    LG – I agree with your assessment of the Schifftt one.

    Regarding your assessment of money managers, like Da Flea, who change their opinions/market stance; nothing is written in stone, unless the ball has left the hand, and even then it may be a curve ball, screw ball, hanging slider, etc. Cause & effect must be reevaluated on a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly/etc basis. If not, dogmatic DEVILDOGs or pollyana Pollys are the outcome.

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  23. seen my moustache

    I believe Gitmo should stay open, just to house this fucker.

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  24. Atlas Vicious

    An argument could be made that Schiff, in his mind, is “anti fed reserv/central banks”, not “anti America”.

    I am not sure there is anything wrong with that portion of what he says.

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  25. Peter Shit Should get analy raped.
    Peter Shit Should get analy raped.

    This guy is a fucking traitor. I would like to remind him that 19 Saudi’s were behind the attacks on 9/11. In an effort to help sales of his shitty book, he goes and conspires with an enemy of the US? That shit is not cool.

    Just in case some of you want a quick homework assignment – look up Irwin Schiff. Pete’s dad. He forgot to pay taxes for 20 years and now is doing a stretch for it.

    Fuck this guy.

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  26. Woodshedder

    Words that have slant rhyme with Schiff-


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  27. Lady Guenevere


    I dont have a problem with much of what he said, but what bothers me is that he is telling the Saudis how to become the world’s financial powerhouse. He is giving them advise how to corner the gold market and then control all the global flow of money. It doesnt matter if the idea will work or not, that is not the point.

    To me that is TREASONIST! It’s one thing to admit your faults its quite another to help your enemy benefit from them and even harm your country. For that reason, I really have a strong dislike of Peter. The Saudis are not our friends.


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  28. SatanicChihuahua

    Schiff is about free market libertarianism. Too bad for him that ideology died in the 1800s. We’re not going back. That frustrates the shit out of him (and me).

    A tenet of free market libertarianism is defending freedom of speech. The person who shot the video did not invade Schiff’s privacy. It’s obvious the video was shot at a conference in a semi-public forum. Schiff should be defending the vloggers right to publish it. Requesting it be taken down is hypocritical to his beliefs.

    But I guess you cast principles aside when it interferes with business and possibly your own personal safety.

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  29. J


    Wft the is that crap first we run out of oil and then the volcanoes hit.

    Just who is that lunatic you’re posting.

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  30. mrkcbill

    Schiff is a broken record.

    He looks like a lizard on those talk shows, the big interrupter. Have to admit he’s still fun to listen to.

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  31. MOOBER

    I saved the video, so if it gets taken down I can repost it.

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  32. J


    Peter is doing business with the Saudis in the same way you’re doing business with them filling your car.

    He’s not being treasonous telling them the economy is in a shitty way in the same way the Dog is not being a treasonous dick posting that shit on the web… even though no one ever listens to the dog because he’s a dick.

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  33. MOOBER

    J – It’s a conversation between an alien and a German fellow who claims to be in communication with them. There is a whole series of messages over an extended period of time – decades if I am not mistaken.

    The alien’s name is “Lady G”

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  34. JakeGint

    Lady G — word is that Ptaaaaah! (click-click) is accepting new funds under management, but you’ll have to act quickly.

    And watch out for the mandibles. They won’t harm you, but they do tend to drip a particularly noisome alien saliva that’s hell on cashmere.


    Brucie — all kidding aside, does it ever strike you as odd that Ptaaaaah! and all his Klingon buds sound a whole hell of a lot like your typical German Green Party member?


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  35. J

    Thanks Moober.

    So it’s lady G and and alien with LG speaking in English and the alien hammering away in German. HUH?

    I notice that LG is telling the alien that a volcano is going to blow anytime while the alien is telling her to get into space machine to make love and drink some space juice that tastes like champers.

    Where’s the Dog in all this ans Juice obviously wants to the Dog to participate?

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  36. ZenProfit

    Does anyone really believe the Saudi’s didn’t already know what Schiff was telling them?

    These are not some dumb-shit camel-riding peasants, like Osama. They have the best (Western) minds that money can buy. They fly on their own gold-plated 747’s.

    Schiff’s audience is the dumb fucks in the U.S. who listen to him and give him their money. He doesn’t want to offend them.

    As for me, I only listen to The Fly.

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  37. Darius

    Do you really think the Saudi’s would bite the hand that feeds them?

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  38. JakeGint

    And let me tell you, it’s stories like THIS that really break my heart.


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  39. Behind Enemy Lines
    Behind Enemy Lines

    Lady G,

    Have you checked out Mike Morgan?


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  40. mrkcbill

    Dukie’s have no thug factor to work with.

    They’d be 500 in the Big E

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  41. Yogi & Boo Boo

    mrkcbill – Thanks for the chuckle. It hits the mark.

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  42. El Scorcho

    Why is what Peter said considered anti-American? Because he spoke these words to some economic conference in Saudi?

    He’s been writing these thoughts for years in multiple books right here in the U.S. and then is on CNBC every other segment backing them up live.

    I’m pretty sure the Saudi’s (who are an ally of The U.S. btw) understand fiat currency and the ramifications of the current printing party going on).

    I think what is truly anti-American is allowing The Fed & Treasury to perpetrate the biggest heist on the American people in our country’s entire history.

    Peter does need to man-up and not demand removal of this video however. That screams “guilty” no matter the circumstance.

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  43. JakeGint

    KC — that’s carmedy gold, dude.

    I am lame, I guess, because I never heard of that guy, but I think I will look him up the next time he comes through town.


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  44. chgo

    Saying that Peter S committed treason is such a hypocrisy by all of you libertarian assholes. As much as I hate Peter’s guts and hope he is dead wrong, that does not make him an enemy of the state. He has an opinion. What’s next, shorting stocks is anti-american?

    And if you blanket think the Saudis are our enemies, you need to get a grip of reality.

    P.S. I am one of those libertarian assholes for the most part.

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  45. ZMoose12

    ZenProfit is exactly right. Off the camera, they were probably laughing their asses off wondering who this pompous man was who was restating a strategy they made back in 2006. To tell you the truth, I wouldn’t doubt it if they have something better. Peter may be a Benedict of our age, but to tell you the honest to God truth, who really cares what he says? He’s just another one of those “Good Ole Boy” stock brokers who comes home every night and sits in a corner and cries like the rest of them. The reason why he’s telling what the Saudis to do is because of what Lady Guenevere said: He has no clue what to tell anyone else!


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  46. watcher

    For Canuckistan versus Jake debate:


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  47. JakeGint

    Muzzammil Hassan is the founder and chief executive officer of Bridges TV, which he launched in 2004, amid hopes that it would help portray Muslims in a more positive light.



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  48. DMG

    For Newsweek vs. Reality debate:


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  49. JakeGint

    Canuckistanian watcher:

    Canada has what? Five banks? Do you think that makes their economy more dynamic or less over the long haul? And their health care system is cheap, but major league sucky, existing only this long because of its citizens’s leeching off of Big Brother’s expertise down south.

    Sure, their homeogenous population has three years more of life expectancy, but I think if you made allowances for population size and makeup, that number would shrink to nothing. Are they are any black Canadians, for example, outside of the professional football teams? (I’d say Expos, but they’re gone, no?).

    I do like their immigration policies, and applaud them for their innovation in that sector. Be assured, however, that those policies are born out of necessity, because like Europe, Canada faces a demographic disaster if it doesn’t begin importing people post haste. Like Europe, Canada taxes away it’s people’s incentives to breed. I think that point system for smart qualified immigrants is a winner, though.


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  50. Jake,

    Out of curiosity…
    What’s your beef with Canada?

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  51. JakeGint

    My kind of banker.

    Wonder if Chivas knows this guy?


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  52. JakeGint

    Anonymous —

    No beef with Canuckistan, per se. Just with the various Canuckistanians who come on here telling us what a worker’s paradise it is.

    I’m not a big fan of socialist policies (you may have guessed), and ever since Trudeaupian times, liberals have used Canada (as well as their original utopia, Europe) as some kind of exemplary icon for America to follow.

    Fact is, they are two wholly different countries, and what works — or more pointedly does not work — for Canada is not necessarily workable here. Canada wouldn’t be even our largest state, were it grafted onto the U.S., and a large state full of Minnesotans (as good an analogy as any) is not analagous to the whole of the U.S.


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  53. Juice

    There are investment themes in the contactee post.

    Short insurance cos & go long oil/ag, particularly oil at these prices. If you’re shorting oil here: 1. You are betting on economic doomsday, which may be correct. 2. Its 5-10 down & 50+ up for oil from here. Poor risk/reward, although for traders, short oil may work in the short run.

    They did call the september bank collapse. I don’t doubt that info on oil is accurate, same for seismic data collection as it relates to volcano eruption predicting.

    As far as the doomsday prophecy goes; imo, its a worst case scenario that could only happen if humanity were to make NO adjustments along the way.

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  54. The Fly


    Under those circumstances, oil will go up while no one has money to buy it. Rather odd.

    So, you can see oil skyrocket while COP files for bankruptcy

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  55. JakeGint


    Shit, son, I thought you was in the Poconos today, shussing past the AFSCME workahs.

    And we make shooah no wans PISSIN’ in the waaaahtah fount’ns yah kids’r drinking outta!


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  56. Market Fool

    Schiff is a complete douchebag. He’s got no credibility. OK, so he called some things that have in fact occurred. Anybody know what kind of returns he had last year?

    His main fund lost 65%.

    Yup, that’s fucking correct, 65 fucking percent.

    Just another losing clown with a big fucking mouth and zero credibility.

    Send the fucker to the romanian outback with a couple of fiddles.

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  57. Ozark Hillbilly

    Bob the Builder already referenced this, but I just wanted to concur. Michael Shedlock already did a takedown on Schiff. In short, Schiff’s investment returns have been pretty horrible. He got a lot wrong.


    And, he is an asshole.

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  58. SatanicChihuahua

    One last thought on Schiff demanding the video be taken down. The vlogger should tell him to pound sand under any circumstances, but if Schiff was compensated in any way for giving the speech, including expense reimbursement, then that makes Schiff’s demand to take the video down even more repugnant.

    His privacy wasn’t violated, he didn’t make the comments under duress, they weren’t coerced out of him, and at the very least he was almost certainly reimbursed for his expenses, and probably earned a speaking fee.

    Fuck Schiff’s strong arm tactics.

    I’m done.

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  59. The Fly


    I am at autobody shop, making sure the damage afflicted to my car is 100 percent covered.

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  60. I see your point Jake

    I live in Toronto and also hate the Liberals.

    “Fact is, they are two wholly different countries, and what works — or more pointedly does not work — for Canada is not necessarily workable here”

    True statement, This goes with every country in the world…

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  61. Keyser Soze


    If you think the Kuwait oil minister knows a thing or two about where the price of oil is going, you might want to read the last paragraph:


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  62. Juice

    KS .. per that article, the oil ministers don’t say anything regarding an infinite supply of oil or how much remains in their oil fields

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  63. Yogi & Boo Boo

    Jake – Nice post on the Florida banker.

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  64. Jed

    Jake…I think you are one smaaaht fucker. I enjoy reading your posts. Keep up the good work.

    As for mrkcbill…I think he wears lace underwear.

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  65. mrkcbill

    Jed has WNBA season tickets

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  66. Lady Guenevere


    Peter and his group don’t care about making profits ‘ this year or next’ for their clients. This was the argument I was having with his managers. They wanted me to pour a lot of money into gold and at the time gold was way down. He gave me a list of some of the countries and stocks/ bonds that they were going to put my money in and I went and investigated them and they were way down.

    I told the money manager I didnt like these ideas because they were all losing money and I didnt want to lose anymore money. This is when they got really arrogant and indignant and started treating you like you are some dumb shit and shouldn’t question their authority or advise. After some discussion he just flat out told me, they did not care if the portfolio lost money this year or next year or for several years, they were planning for the ‘ crash and total ruin of America’.

    Their whole focus is based on an armageddon philosophy which they say could be 5-10 years away. He told me that when the actual collapse of America occurs that is when Peter and all of his clients will be heros and the ones who rule America because they will have invested in gold which he says will be over 2000.00 an ounce and also invested in markets that apparently they think will be more stable than our own- Brazil was on that list.

    The whole concept bothered me, I didnt want to lose money for the next 5-10 years on the possibility that their exact scenario would take place. Also their office staff are really flaky and would get all the emails, phone calls and any mail or faxes screwed up all the time.

    Peter is a lot like that ‘ channeled guy’ in Germany. NEVER ever…get involved with channeled information. I have written and lectured about channeling and its dangers and just where this information is coming from. Channeled information is coming from the astral planes which are corrupt and nothing more than the emotional feelings and thoughts of humanity. Its flawed information. Just like Peter, and any religion or ‘alien transmission’ it comes from FLAWED creatures, living in a flawed matrix based on fear. Peter is like those Baptist/Pentecostal preachers that harp and harp on ONE message of doom…and if you do not do exactly as they say you will not survive. Kinda reminds me of DevilDog.



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  67. jig


    when are you going to start trading your dollars for yuan?

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  68. nobodyspecial

    He’s a fucking Financial Terrorist.

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  69. When the Fed starts buying treasuries, we’re fucked and so is schiff!!

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  70. Anton Cigur

    I’m not sure which circle of hell you earn for coaching the Saudis on how to break the dollar, but I hope Schiff finds out soon. And he does it with such glee. As if Schiff and his family are going to be big winners in a new Islamic World Order.


    Jake – I really thought about going to Duke. Beautiful school and all, but on the campus tour they actually used the words “Harvard of the South.” Like three times. Made me cringe and laugh at the same time.

    Sports Illustrated did a story on their b-ball team years ago in which the pathetic student body is quoted as taunting an opposing team with, “State school! State school!” ‘Cause the “Harvard of the South” kids knew they was of a higher class an’ all. “Cause they Daddies could afford to send them to the “Harvard of the South.”

    Peter Schiff once gave a lecture there on how to break the Confederate dollar.

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  71. Lady Guenevere

    California lawmakers fail to pass budget 02/16 12:03 AM

    LOS ANGELES, Feb 15 (Reuters) – California lawmakers narrowly failed to pass a $40 billion budget on Sunday, casting doubt on Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ability to prevent the nation’s most populous state from sinking into the abyss.
    Bleary-eyed senators in the state capital of Sacramento adjourned for the day after all-night horse-trading failed to generate the one Republican vote needed to ensure passage of the bitter mix of tax hikes and spending cuts.
    California, the world’s eighth-biggest economy, is constitutionally barred from running a budget deficit, and has begun forcing state employees to take unpaid leave.
    State spending on infrastructure work has also largely wound down, adding to the drag on the broader U.S. economy, which appears to be facing a long and deep recession.
    Budget negotiations will resume on Monday, said senate leader Darrell Steinberg, after taking pity on lawmakers who had been confined to their offices by party leaders.
    In a surprise development, the budget plan collapsed about 5 a.m. on Sunday after one of Schwarzenegger’s fellow Republicans withdrew his support.
    The bill includes $14.4 billion in new taxes and $15.1 billion in spending cuts in a bid to close a $42 billion budget deficit the state’s government faces over the next 17 months.
    Residents of the “Golden State” face a 1 cent sales tax rise, steeper income and gasoline taxes and higher vehicle licensing fees. Some aspects face voter approval in May.
    Republicans seeking re-election have faced pressure from constituents averse to tax increases, while Democrats are under similar pressure from voters to maintain spending on schools and healthcare.
    California’s treasurer has started delaying tax refunds and other payments because of the cash crunch.
    The Republicans make up a minority of both the senate and the assembly, but the Democrats need some support from across the aisle in order to muster the necessary two-thirds majority.
    Legislative leaders thought they had a tentative deal in place following several weeks of talks, but failed to gain the necessary 27 votes in the senate. Passage in the assembly is seen as less of a problem.
    The budget, which extends through June 30, 2010, also has a reserve fund of $1.3 billion as well as a borrowing plan of $11.4 billion. If California receives at least $9.1 billion in new federal funds, the spending cuts would be trimmed to $14.4 billion.
    The financial crisis gripping the government has grown so dire that earlier this month Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services cut its rating on California’s general obligation debt, which is backed by the state’s general fund, to “A” with a stable outlook from “A+.”
    That left California, the biggest issuer of public debt, with the lowest rated GO bonds of any U.S. state.
    It also adds to its borrowing costs, which may be considerable given the ambition of many state officials for boosting public works through routine forays in the municipal debt market for funds to bolster the state’s finances. (Reporting by Deena Beasley and Dean Goodman, editing by Anthony Boadle and Martin Golan)
    Research in Motion (RIMM:$48.51,00$-1.91,00-3.79%) , the maker of the iconic BlackBerry mobile e-mail device, said it’s recruiting 3,000 new workers to keep up with demand, AFP reported.


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  72. Alvari40

    Looks like he got caught up in himself and didn’t realize WTF he was saying until he came down from his high and objectively viewed the vid. We all know that capitalism is a blood sport, he made a mistake in playing this sport and for that he should pay the consequences – public execution!

    Hey, on a lighter note, money is piling in to High Yield Corp Bonds, may be worth looking at JNK over the next few weeks.

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  73. hey hey hey

    Lady G wrote:
    “The whole concept bothered me, I didnt want to lose money for the next 5-10 years on the possibility that their exact scenario would take place. Also their office staff are really flaky and would get all the emails, phone calls and any mail or faxes screwed up all the time.”

    you are starting to post some things/comments worth reading again. Please stay in this direction from now on and let the other stuff go (by that i mean all the ‘Tomorrow will bring confusion mixed with multiple chances for change and we must reach higher in our wisdom and allow ourselves to be free of the fear if we are to truly exceed’ or whatever the hell I usually have to skip through).

    welcome back.

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  74. JakeGint

    I live in Toronto and also hate the Liberals.

    You are among the minority up there, I fear. I’ve done three deals up in Canada, and the place is amazing in the dichotomies you see in the business environment. You get a mix of some of the most Wild West crazy capitalists together with near France-like grudging unionism and disdain for “filthy profits.”

    I love their mining sector. True crazy capitalism. They’re are still some RAF pilots left… you just have to look around a bit more closely.


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  75. JakeGint

    I am at autobody shop, making sure the damage afflicted to my car is 100 percent covered.

    Make shooah theya no “AFCSME” bumpah stickahs on the lead mech’s cah.


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    I see dead bulls, cows, sheeples and goldbugs.

    Everything else is just bullshit.

    We break through S&P 800 tomorrow, back test it Wednesday and then head to new lows.

    Have a great day!

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  77. Anton —

    That whole “Harvard of the South” thing is a lack of self esteem in itself. Why do you feel the need to compare yourself to Harvard? Everyone knows that Princeton is a better undergrad instituion anyway (Wall Street knows, at least).

    I used to like the old University of Michigan tee shirts “Harvard the U of M of the East”

    A little bit more assertive.

    (And the best university in the South is the University of Virginia, btw, founded by Thomas Jefferson not some rich farmer.)


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  78. Ozark Hillbilly

    Lady G,

    I’m glad to see that I am not the only one familiar with the astral plane.

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  79. Mr.Green

    Maybe i should start stocking up on Faz tomorrow.

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  80. Bernie Madoff

    Jed has man tits. The big floppy ones.

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  81. The Fly

    Back from autobody. They gave me a fucking rental, Dodge minivan. What a piece of scrap metal.

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  82. MOOBER

    Vanderbilt alums refer to the school as Harvard of the South too.

    Having been to both Vanderbilt and Hahvahd, they are both overrated. Vanderbilt biz school sucks ballz (law/education/medical are very good). I cannot speak more poorly of their biz school. Grossly overpriced, old school, load you up with busy work crap. B grade faculty at best, save Germain Boer and Luke Froeb. Luke was the man.

    Hahvahd has mastered the case method, which, for me, opened my eyes to a new way of approaching probs and solutions. I have an unorthodox learning style and it fit me well. No magic wand, however. You have to wring the life out of it. The brand gets you cred, but only to open the door.

    Best value in my education? Tie: School of Hard Knocks and Colorado State.

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  83. MOOBER

    Fly – was it your car or your wife’s that was damaged? I hope no injuries.

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  84. Joe

    I understand the rage for peter but Zen a Zmoose have it right. What peter said is what he’s been saying like a broken record for years now and to assume that the rest of the world doesn’t “get it” what’s going on is just naive.

    “Does anyone really believe the Saudi’s didn’t already know what Schiff was telling them?

    These are not some dumb-shit camel-riding peasants, like Osama. They have the best (Western) minds that money can buy. They fly on their own gold-plated 747’s.”

    Now on a different subject posted for the benefit of the republicans since this point is completely lost on them:


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  85. Joe

    Why are all these hedge fund managers so “long” the market. Deesn’t it make more sense to sacrifice the first 10-20% gains and be on a solid footing than risk loosing another 20-30% after having had a horrible 08. Aren’t this bunch the smartest MM out there? WTF

    Does self interest, ego and watermark have anything to do with it? Can’t justify 2% anual expense if they holding cash so they risk a lot more of the clients money in order to justify these fees?


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  86. ZenProfit

    Mr. Fly:

    They gave me a fucking rental, Dodge minivan. What a piece of scrap metal.

    My Subaru dealer lends me new Subaru’s during repairs.

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  87. Anton Cigur


    U of M is a big Nat’l Merit Scholar sponsor, too. Good school, from what I hear.

    I think Duke’s sad self description had more to do with trying to stake some bullshit claim to having roots in American aristocracy than academic excellence.
    Never met anyone who went there who could lay claim to either. But the guys I met on the baseball team at that time seemed first rate (almost all on some kind of scholarship or tuition waiver).

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  88. The Fly


    The Lexus dealership does not fix exterior, idiot. They only do internal stuff.

    Hence, the car is in repair at a collision shop.


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  89. The Fly

    Someone put a fucking burqa on

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  90. jo

    Peter Schiff answer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfC8nqyktUs

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  91. Aris

    schiff needs a new shtick.

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  92. thesnowjob

    Disintegration means food, water and oil SKYROCKET in price while cars, ipods, fuckme boots, and teen realtors become embarrassing.

    It’s hilarious and typically American to be yelling at Peter Schiff. YOU ARE PISSED AT THE WRONG GUY.

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  93. JimPunkrockford

    LordGaino re: gold

    gold is retarded. i’m sorry if you have a big long gold bet on. you might be right, hell i have some kruggerands rattling around here somewhere. but face it, gold is fiat. it only has value because you believe it has value. there are things far more scarce that have very little value. the gold story is a load of crap.

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  94. Robert Dobb

    Peter is a broker, another word for an over priced salesman, Plus he flogs gold coins on his web site, and thru his firm.

    Check his wikipedia entry… His father is in prison for tax evasion.

    “Irwin Schiff is serving a 13-plus year sentence for tax crimes (with his status shown as “in transit” between prison facilities as of August 26, 2008). His projected release date is 7 October 2016.[1] Irwin Schiff is also the father of stockbroker Peter Schiff, who is credited as a co-author of Irwin Schiff’s 1985 book, “The Great Income Tax Hoax: Why You Can Immediately Stop Paying This Illegally Enforced Tax”.

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