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Tag Archives: $USU

Very Important Decisions Made Today

Much like the pile of Mexican food I consumed late last night, the USU shares I chased yesterday are providing small explosions in my person.  Position sizing is key and although discussed often, perhaps not often enough.  I only took a 1/3 size long in this name with no intention of making it larger.  That way, WHEN it comes back on my like this, I can at least maintain my composure and die with dignity.  This trade is likely a loser.  Moving on…

RVLT is a much larger position of mine and is down AS MUCH AND OFTEN TIMES MORE than USU.  But still, I don’t flinch.  I henceforth and hereafter am one with RVLT.  We’re a team, RVLT and me, consider me an RVLT employee, got it?  As long as they continue to focus their energies on Seesmart, I have zero complaints with the name.  I think it was a good deal between RVLT and Seesmart and we’re going to see real value from this company going forward.  I will go as far as putting 20 percent of my book into this name, if need be, allocating slowly during any meltdowns.  After buying more today, the position represents about 8 percent of my book.

I have CREE too, the leader.

I may have additional thoughts to offer you later on, but the market is very dynamic today and I’d like to return my attention to it.  Adieu good fellows of the interwebs.

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YGE is The Bruce Lee of Solar Stocks and Other Market Observations

The Yen walked down the stairs lockstep with the SPY rise, like mirrors of one another—starting around lunchtime, which pleases me.

Anytime I trade counter-trend, taking a high quality and back tested setup, and I extract money from the market, I feel like I’m getting away with a sophisticated robbery.  I did it to EXK last week and over the last few weeks I’ve done the same long the Japanese Yen.  Now I’m out and a heavy hand is walking the currency lower.  This gives today’s move a carry feel and suggest we need to keep the carry not in the forefront but more so the back burner of our mind as we progress.

Solar stocks are getting the back ally beat down like they were flashing too much swag in the hood, which they were.  However, YGE is Bruce Lee, water, and deflected the aggressive bear bludgeons with finesse. They put out positive guidance before the bell that had everyone a bit taken aback  because they suggested shipments growth was “significantly better” than expected.  So they’re not jawboning about their FUCKING LEADS, like FSLR, they’re talking shipped product.  They’re shipping that Hanna Montana like Rick Ross, from the Phantom.

RVLT is cooling off a bit post earnings and I’m sitting here wondering if I’m about to get AMBA’d aka ambushed by sellers.  So I’m holding back the additional capital I intend to commit to this name.  But rest assured, I intend to own many more shares of RVLT before the year is through.  CREE on the other hand continues to rise, wall of worrying the old men on the sideline.  In other LED news, RBCN spiked lower after reporting unimpressive revenues but the dip was bought.

My only action today was to take a small position in USU.  I’m playing hot potato with a nuke in this name, but I figure I hate solar so much I might as well diversify my energy holdings.

Here’s my book of energy-type stocks, largest to smallest:


Goldman caught a nasty fade into the bell, I’m not sure how I feel about it, obviously I would have preferred some follow through since it’s my largest holding.  We’re practically back to my cost basis and all I have to show for it is the lint in my pocket as no scales were taken.

For in the futures I took one scalp, to the short side, in the middle of that big afternoon move higher.  I earned a modest $62.50.

My swing book made almost a percent today.  At one point it was up nearly 2 percent.  Cash level is 25 percent.


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