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Tag Archives: $MODN

Immigrants Hustle Harder

Somewhere down the generational timeline a great many Americans lose sight of The Dream.  Instead they fall victim to the system and all the pitfalls associated with it.  Immigrants want to get inside our system and tear it to bits, eager to disrupt the status quo and take advantage of our open business climate and diverse workforce.  I want to invest in these people via there companies.

I own TSLA.  I see a leader.

Today I bought Model N (MODN).  This company is like a quant trader who can extract money consistently.  MODN takes a dry well, smacks it with a stick, and demands it to provide water.  The stone obliges.

Ask me to explain the company better, because I cannot.  Sitting in the driver’s seat for the company, thinking the big thoughts, is Zack Rinat, founder and CEO of Model N.  The man is a hustler and an Israelite.  He has recieved the blessing of Premier Obama. Plus smart folks in The PPT like MODN.

And you know me, I just like the chart.

Get out there and build something!

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