18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,468 Blog Posts

“So Awesome and Amazing”

The above quote is one of Mrs. Fly’s favorite sayings. Very apropos, if you ask me.

So, let’s get over to Fly accounting 101.

Here are some of my positions:

BORN -2.8%
EXK +1.48%
NGD +1.9%
AGU +0.3%
MOS +0.8%
FORM +1.55%
ATPG +3.7%
VCLK +2.7%
TEVA 1.1%

So, I tell you ham and eggers that I am up a mere 1% today and you fucking doubt me? Are you fucking kidding me? Do yourself a favor and never come back to this site. There are many, many other asinine sites out there, that will teach you charts and farts. You will learn from some middle management piker how to get rich. All of you fuckers out there who doubt my authenticity can go fuck a tail pipe, while getting stabbed in the head by deranged Ukrainians.

I have nothing at all to prove to you. And, more importantly, I have nothing to gain by “earning your approval.” Unlike my counterparts, I couldn’t care less if you read iBC or didn’t. As a matter of fact, I rather you read the drivel coming out of twitter, than tarnish my fucking shrine here. Let’s keep things in perspective: this is not about you. It never has been, nor will it ever. What I do here on a daily basis cannot be matched or duplicated by anyone.

Do you think your hedge fund is outperforming?

Fuck you, I can do better.

I do not crave attention from the media or want some sort of commercial mass appeal. People who need attention want it because they lack something. I LACK NOTHING AND WILL NOT TOLERATE YOUR DISOBEDIENCE.

Having said that, I love the rest of you and hope you enjoy the remainder of your day.

NOTE: Here is some romantic music for you and yours.

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcEdIo-I0Dw 616 500]

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Another 1% Please

As I embark upon 8% YTD gains, I find myself somewhat satisfied with the current order of things. The money is rolling in and my enemies have been forced underground, to live like rats. For what it’s worth, all of my predictions have come true, thus far, and my battle ax is still very sharp.

The inflation story is still front and center. However, there are other avenues to make money. I like internet advertising, via VCLK. I like Chinese whiskey, via BORN. And, I even like the semis, via FORM and MCHP.

The downside to runaway markets is the lack of drama. There is nothing to sound alarms over or get riled up about, since everything is absolutely, positively perfect. Feel free to get inebriated, then buy stocks. Act like a complete jackass. Don’t worry. You’re making money and no one can stop you. Get yourself a good attorney and accountant and burn the fucking city down. Arson is only a crime if they can prove it. Start a fucking revolution.


No problemo. Get some friends together and start a facebook page to overthrow the government. Who gives a shit? I am sure you can find many reasons to boot him out of office. Plus, it gives you something to do.

As for me: I’ll be eating $200 hamburgers and $500 boxes of chocolates today, while guzzling my favorite champagnes. BEHOLD: The New Gilded Era is Upon Us! Are you rich enough to participate or will you be spitting in my soup?

Chillax (second most annoying form of goodbye, next to ciao).

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaXIOanHlGc 616 500]

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I Love and Hate Stocks

I love everything about them, even the egregious losses. I once lost $5 million on an errant VXX trade gone awry and loved every moment of it. Conversely, I once made over $5 million in a joyous FTK investment and hated each and every second of it. Stocks is what keeps me up at night and what sends my blood pressure through the roof. On the other hand, it allows me to live as I please and do what I want.

Hashing over some research, it appears GMCR is close to a deal with SBUX, for their Keurig device. That will be fucking huge. Wait for that one. And, apparently, Wall Street is gearing up for another leg higher, based on valuation. You don’t need to look far; just buy the winners.

I need to run along now, as Mrs. Fly and I have a Valentines Day breakfast date. Do not find it odd that gold is up while the dollar is up. Gold is no longer a dollar play, but a global currency.

Top picks: EXK, NGD, MOS, AGU

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I’ve been reading a lot of bullshit about the record spread between WTI and Brent crude. Even though the spread widened significantly during the Egyptian revolution, some fucktards think WTI should be shit upon and no longer taken seriously. I want some of you big hat wearing, Texas motherfuckers, to opine on this matter, as it may have massive implications for investing in oil stocks. Basically, some are blaming the emergence of new tar sands crude coming on line in Alberta, Canada, for flooding the storage tanks in Oklahoma via homo-pipeline. In other words, Brent is a better representation of global crude demand, while WTI is just American stockpiles. I have a hard time believing this theory, mainly because WTI has always been the defacto standard for global demand.

In case you were wondering why iBankCoin was down earlier, the answer is simple: we were doing field tests for our new internet laser beams. I’ve developed new offensive weapons that instantly track who is reading iBC and makes it possible to annihilate said hard drives upon a press of a singular button. In layman’s terms, watch your fucking mustache.

As an aside, I fired three clients last week for annoying me. I really do not like clients: inherently, they are stupid ingrates. I haven’t accepted a new client, aside from this big oil exec last year, for several years. I get offers on a daily basis but regularly tell people “fuck off, I have my own money.” Back in the old days, I’d clamor for the opportunity to accept a million here or a milli there. However, back then is not now and right now I don’t give a shit.

I am sure you are reading this scripture and hoping for some stock ideas. Well, you will be gravely disappointed, as I am not in the mood to help out small plebs. In this day and age, “The Fly” is into decadent/obscure shit, like eating alligators or dinosaur eggs. I don’t have time for this internet shit.

Having said that, you fuckers have less than one week to join the 3rd Annual iBC March Madness contest. It’s open to The PPT members only, due to the cash prize of $1,000 being allotted to the lucky fucking winner. Thus far, we have about 100+ sign ups. I anticipate about 400-500 sign ups by week’s end.

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BEHOLD: The March Madness Contest

As always, RC is hosting the annual March Madness contest. This year’s winner wins $1,000 from the hand of Le Fly. If I were you, I’d submit my pick now since a pick cannot be duplicated and there is bound to be 100’s of contestants. Naturally, I will most likely win said contest, rendering your efforts pointless and worthless. Nevertheless, it’s worth a shot.

NOTE: contest available to PPT members only.

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Bears Clown Raped in Pleasant Afternoon Trading

If I haven’t hammered home the message yet, into your stupid/thick skulls, you are a lost cause and have no right reading this Godly site.

Year to date gains stretched above 7% for the first time in 2011 and my balls still swing low. Enjoy your weekend and quit drinking such low end wine.

NOTE: Bulls salsa danced all over bear faces today.

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKizjBJ3nOQ 616 500]

NOTE: I added to my NGD position.

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A Golden Opportunity

Due to typical and classic Egyptian bullshit, the dollar is enjoying artificial strength, allowing precious metal stocks to sell off. Understand this is a one off event, not so much different than hurricanes or Warren Buffet interviews. I’d use the weakness in gold/silver names as an opportunity to build up positions. After all, once a new dictator is ushered into Egypt, the Federal Reserve will continue the path of least resistance, via QUANTITATIVE EASING aka “revolution starters.”

I am up a little more than 1% today, thanks to strength in mu largest positions MOS/AGU and ATPG. Should BORN get going then I can really start making some money here.

In summary, stocks are going higher and the basic thesis hasn’t changed: weaker dollar=higher commodity related stocks.

Top picks: EXK, NGD, MOS, AGU

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Good Morning and Indeud

I just finished eating a splendid breakfast and find myself, surprisingly, in a good mood, bio-polar style. If you haven’t figured it out by now, “The Fly” is obsessed with making large quantities of money and harbors extreme disdain for those who are not successful.

When it comes to money, there are two types of people who say “money isn’t everything.” The first type is the destitute poor guy with little prospects, outside of hitting the lottery, of making it big. The second type is the guy who is already rich. In case you didn’t know, money is the root behind all evil and happiness.

Early going, I am feeling rather optimistic about today’s trade. Ahead of merger Monday and more Egyptian bullshit, I sense money managers will pile into gold/silver/oil stocks. I sense these things because they are my friends and they have money to burn.

Top picks: EXK, NGD

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The U.S is Leadership

As the media stoke the flames of revolution in the land of mummies and slaves, the Obama administration purposely disseminates false information with regards to the resignation of Mubarak. It’s fascinating to watch a country of 85 million people crumble because 1% of the population take to the streets. Considering the fact that Egyptian unemployment is near 40%, it’s no surprise to see those fucking tea drinkers camping out all night, as they have nothing better to do. What’s doubly interesting is the ideologues opining on this movement as if it was the American revolution redux. When I said “freedom must be forged with the blood of honorable citizens,” I meant it.

The Egyptian movement is the modern version of a coup, a lazy man’s approach to self governing. Who do you think will take over the Egyptian government and why are you wearing rose colored glasses? Call me callous: I don’t give a shit. The middle east, save Israel, isn’t ready for democracy. Their brains are stuck in the dark ages, around the year 1500, or some shit. The end result will lead to higher gold/oil prices.

Looking over my index’s in The PPT (GARP, Social Networking, Commodity, Raw Commodity, 4g, Risk Appetite and Foreign), they’re all trading at new highs, save Foreign and Risk Appetite. With my year to date gains a tad under 6%, there is NO REASON AT ALL to believe the market is top heavy here. It’s still going up, despite bad earnings misses and fierce corrections in high beta names. If you notice, the money shufflers don’t give a shit about “leadership,” because the entire nation of the United States is leadership. There is a reason why U.S. markets are outperforming: we got POMO juice motherfucker.

Ben Bernanke has a strong pimp hand and the swagger of 10,000 Mubaraks. Stocks like CSCO, AKAM, CRM or FFIV can correct and other stocks will take their place as leadership. This market doesn’t need leaders, just POMO.

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Cowards Gone Wild

Is this the best you burlap wearing, suitcase holding, bearshitters can do? Shit, I am making money today, in spite of the pinless hand grenade action in CSCO and AKAM.

As an aside, I’ve been preoccupied with other things. I’ve been collecting a lot of wine these days and I’ve been playing a shitload of chess. A regular chessnwine I am. Poke fun all you want; but I am certain that I can beat 99.9% of you in a game of chess, as I have an IBM supercomputer brain. Generally speaking, I’ve been going out a lot, venturing off to broadway plays and dining at the finest restaurants NYC has to offer.

Gentlemen and fucktards of the internet, I have a problem. I have money to burn and nothing to spend it on. In this new economy, work is not required. You can take naps, play video games and make a jackass out of yourself, drunk in public, as long as you own equities. The stock market has replaced the jobs market, in a sense. For the love of surprise cataclysms, the market is fixed to go higher, small pleb. Why do you fight it?

Ugly people, like Jim Chanos (short F from $1, idiot style), are betting against stocks because chicks don’t like them. No one likes an ugly person. Let’s be real. Jim probably talks to himself, while smoking Pall Mall cigarettes, inside of his car, with the windows up. You can’t take Jim serious, ever, for he is too ugly.

In other news, it appears Mubarak is preparing to unveil more “Egyptian bullshit,” by “stepping down.” Ha! He’s putting his man in to replace him. Like I said before, there is no such thing as a “bloodless revolution.” If the Egyptians want freedom, they need to earn it, forged in blood. The seeds of liberty can only blossom with the blood of honorable citizens.

Into the bell, I like NGD, VCLK, MOS and AGU, for the motherfucking win.

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8iFIrR8ZvI 616 500]

UPDATE: I bought 2,000 MCHP, new position.

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