18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,447 Blog Posts

I Don’t Short Dull Markets

Based upon the laws of mathematics, the market is going higher, at least in the interim. Members of the illustrious PPT have been alerted to oversold conditions in both TNA and SPY and know, full well, we are due for a bounce. Whether this bounce is caused by news or rumor is immaterial to me. What is important to note is nature of the market, tethered by certain rules, invisible to the common eye.

A great many of you think you know things because you look at trends lines or have done rigorous research into the shadow banking system. The truth is: you are amateurs. Try doing this for more than a decade, successfully, then get back to me, pal.

Instead of reading this shit, wasting time on the computer, you fuckers should be cold calling. Do it with a smile. I hear the smile can be picked up over the phone, whilst closing someone for 1,000 shares of FB.

EXK is down again; but silver is somewhat stable. This is what I expected, after seeing yesterday’s dump-out. I am down 6.8% from my initial basis. As planned, I will double down at -10%.

To be honest, I don’t want to put anymore money to work here, ahead of the EU summit. Those people suck. I will gladly accept some easy fought gains, with a light allocation, than have to sweat out some currency crisis, depending on the caprices of Queen Merkel.

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A Few Names Worth Your Attention

My heart says we go lower. But my calculator brain says, statistically, we are going to melt up to the tune of +4% over the next 5 days. Having said that, here is my short list of names that will participate in any melt-up.


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Yahoo Finance is the Shit-Heap of Finance

I am about 40% cash, following today’s sale of HDGE. It was a small profit, nothing to write home to mom about, but a profit nonetheless. Breaking with tradition, I intend to drink some wine tonight, in celebration of a job well done, with regards to the market. It’s important to celebrate success and to lament failure. Subconsciously, it will drive you towards competence (no Pavlov).

My ALK position is approaching 10% of assets and YELP is now upwards of 32%. The higher the stock goes, the greater the weighting. There was amateur hit piece on YELP, published on SeekingAlpha yesterday, which was distributed by Yahoo finance (shame on them). The owner of the site reached out to me on Twitter last night.

Have a look at the conversation.

I am not mad at the person who penned the YELP hit piece. We all have opinions, and for the most part, they should be shared for the sake of documenting intellectual theory. But, I believe widely visited sites and media outlets have a responsibility to vet out garbage; because bad information is often pawned off as “news” and misinterpreted by people who are too lazy to conduct their own research. As you can see, the owner of the website belittled Yahoo Finance, yet YF is by far the most dominant website in finance. It is a sign of piercing disrespect for Yahoo finance. Since they do not respect their brand enough to vet out “interns” and short selling con-artists, who use their site to manipulate stocks lower for the explicit purposes of profit, the “interns” and con-artists treat Yahoo as they deserve to be treated: like shit.

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Watching Without Blinking

Silver is getting clubbed around today, causing EXK to tank. I am very tempted to add to my position; but I made a promise to myself to stay away until it was -10% from my basis. These fucking silver miners are lunatic stocks, swinging around like naked gorillas on jungle vines. The art of buying and selling EXK is something I’ve perfected over the years, having successfully traded it more than a dozen times. I can tell you, emphatically, now is not the the moment to buy. We had a chance to run yesterday; but it was squandered.

Still, my best guess says this stock trades higher by Thursday of next week. On a dip into the $7’s, I’ll buy some more.

Facebook is the name of the game today. The stock is magnetically attracted to its ipo price of $38 and will get there, by hook or crook, or my name isn’t HORATIO CLAWHAMMER. Based upon the untenable laws of mathematics and science, dare I say, YELP is worth north of $30 based upon current FB valuations. Give it some time; it will get there.

Some of you like the Samsung Galaxy phone because you are shallow, materialistic, soul-less bastards. To be frank, I have no respect for people who switch from iPhone to Galaxy. What happened to your iTunes library? Did you actually buy an iPhone and never bother to build a catalog of music and movies? You people are traitors. To leave the Apple ecosystem (there is nothing better, why leave?) means you are without character, only interested in new, shiny toys, most likely to cheat on your wife/husband, backstab your friends too.

Having said that, the human species is riddled with people of your ilk, low-brow people, narcissists who partake in unchecked hedonism. Because of that fact, shares of NXPI and RFMD might do well; due to the fact that both companies make about $3 per Galaxy phone sold (parts makers you dumb fucks). I own NXPI and would like to own RFMD too, but not today.

If anything, I might add to my airline stock, ALK. It’s a win-win. All of those oil field workers in Alaska will need to fly back to the mainland to find work because oil is going to zero. When oil goes to zero, airlines will be the new software, boasting 95% margins.

Back to crafting documents for war.

UPDATE: I sold out of HDGE, bought more ALK and YELP

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Without QE3, We Are Nothing

As a country, we have no sense of self-worth. The same can be said about every single market in the world, especially the Chinese. For a country that is supposed to be on the verge of super-power status, supplanting us as supreme economic power, the fucking Chinese markets suck dick. Perhaps the amateurs and interns at SeekingAlpha can educate us on this situation through scathing articles, to be featured on Yahoo finance.

Truth be told, I literally wish both Yahoo finance and SeekingAlpha nothing but the very worst. Both of those stupid websites represent everything that is wrong with the internet: the old, weak and irrelevant. There is a reason why Yahoo’s stock is in the shitter and their former subsidiary, Alibaba, shits on them in a very public manner. Yahoo is a fat, disgusting organization, built from sloth.

The Federal Reserve’s “twist” is not enough to buoy stocks prices. It is a sterile program that adds zero dollars to the money supply. I cannot figure out why Bernanke would do such a thing, unless he knows something we don’t. For example: maybe Ben knows Europe is going to crumble, like blue cheese, and is saving his ‘big guns’ for a later date? If the EU breaks up, this market is going to need all the QE it can get its filthy hands on: qe3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10.

With futures flat and Europe weak, I am not enthused to buy equities today. Should EXK drop 10% from current prices, I will double down. Other than that, I am waiting for momentum to take hold of this tape and give me direction.


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Financial advice is permanently barred on my blog. For those of you interested in sharing your largess pool of investor knowledge, I invite you to pen a few bloggeries at our Blogger Network aka ‘slave camp.’ It’s also worth mentioning, the board of directors at iBC will be firing aka ‘curating’ some of you fuckheads, who continuously soil the good name of iBankCoin through poorly written/thought out blogs of shit.

A lot of the stuff being posted is pure, 100%, uncut, shit. When you blog at iBC, you represent me. When you represent me, you better get your fucking syntax and grammar game right! Damn it. Split infinitives are permissible, but to an extent. I will not tolerate poorly written HORSESHIT on iBC anymore. I’d rather gouge my own fucking eyes out with chopsticks than have to cringe while reading sub-par work on my own fucking site.

The annual iBC dinner has been arranged this evening for a meeting in early August. The locale, time and purpose of such an event is NONE OF YOUR CONCERN, so don’t bother to ask.

Remember, members of the Blogger-Fucking-Network: I am watching you with steam bellowing from my head.

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Coasting into the Fire

The market got fucked today; but I closed flat. I know you trollops like to see me suffer. But “The Fly” nailed this market and now there’s nothing for you to do but pay homage, fuck off, and shoot yourselves in the faces with howitzers.

I’m not buying this close, because it’s being built for suckers. Should we reflate tomorrow, I am certain EXK will surge higher. But the europeans aren’t doing anything. For the love of moving 150 boxes of personal items into a truck, they don’t even buy their own bonds. There is NOTHING redeeming about this tape. Therefore, as it stands now, I have no interest in buying dips.

I can make this very simple for you new-jacks: stay away from equities when TLT is going higher. There is a scarcity of dollars, as evidenced by the price action in TLT and UUP. Until the Fed takes an interest in reflation, trade gingerly (no homo).


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Figure it Out: Corn or Oil?

Talk about misdirection. Corn is up 5% today, buoying shares of ag stocks like CF and POT. On the other side of the paradigm, oil is getting crrrrushed, leaving the spirits of longs broken, into small pieces, fucked entirely in their depleted brokerage accounts. The oil men from Texas are glad to sell out now, since oil is on its way, the fuck, lower. Inside of the deflationary vortex, oil isn’t worth shit. As a matter of fact, judging by the shares of prominent drillers, like PDC and KEG, oil is going to zero.

But people need to eat; therefore, corn is going, the fuck, higher.

Excuse me?

It’s not the simple. I don’t buy it.

Generally speaking, Jim “bow tie” Rogers has been wrong for more than a decade. Also, for the record, Le Fly will NOT be purchasing farm land any time soon. Fuck that shit.

Pay attention to what I am about to tell you: the market is going to bounce soon. But market participants are so jaded, the rally will be sold. I bought EXK because I am prepared to double down at lower prices. Plus, silver and gold are running, rather impressively, into the teeth of disaster.

“The Fly” is made from sturdier things, from face to foot. I will have an opportunity to buy the blood soon; because that’s what I was built to do.

A great man once said “The blood I drop is more medicinal than dangerous.”


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Fly Buy: EXK (Silver is Bouncing)

One of my favorite plays is to get long precious metals into the teeth of a sell off, then flip it when reflation hits. Well, The PPT was flagging OS on EXK this morning, so I stepped in. Also, it’s worth noting, ZSL was flagged OB on Friday, one of my favorite signals in the historical algorithms.

Overbought stats for ZSL

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