18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,474 Blog Posts

Introducing the Strategic Holdings Account

I have the quant account, which is allocated monthly using the Stocklabs machines. I have my trading account, which is basically me tactically positioning and day trading. And I have a Tesla focus account — which is a monthly allocation into TSLA. What I don’t have is a strategic account that houses some of my conviction ideas — so I am launching one today.

I had an old algo account worth $40k doing nothing so I figured I’d start this one with some of my best ideas. This will be easy to follow, since I intend to hold stocks for at least a week, possibly months. The account can go long or short — but will not day trade. This account will be designed and managed in a professional manner, with 5% allocations — perhaps maxing out at 10% per stock.

Part of my issue with my trading account is I sell stuff I like in order to book profits and raise cash. This is something I continuously do out of nervousness. But this account will have rules and the money is a lot smaller, so I can stick to my convictions a lot longer.

Let’s see how fucking Mr. Fancy Pants high returns, stock trade extraordinaire can do in a setting, such as this one.

NOTE: We are doing a very special trial offer for Stocklabs tomorrow. If interested, drop your email here.

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