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Yearly Archives: 2018


All will perish under the cinders of avarice and greed. We have a very orange and a very fat President doing stupid things with trade wars, foolishly trying to save America from some sort of beast. Little does he know, it’s too late! America was lost a decade plus ago, under the auspices of Neo-con scum.

So here we are in the final salvo of a once great nation.

Stocks are getting fucking hammered and I am at the point of rage induced tears, having ignored the warning signs that were clear to me. I managed to sell of a few things and raise some cash; but I am mostly stupid and weak and down.

Notable fuckery can be found in the truckers — crashing to the tune of 5%. It’s over, truckFAGS.

My Bubble Basket of high priced stocks are down ~2.5%.

The hardest hist sectors are the ones people adore the most. Hence, all of my software stocks are heads on pikes.

There’s nothing more to be said. I am to endure this deleterious drawdown, long various high beta stocks in an active account that was seemingly designed by the devil himself.

Oh, and for extra enjoyment, the Dow was +163 at the time of this post.

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I am tightening my stops and will be selling my positions if they so much as look at me sideways. I have no loyalty to these filthy scum. I sold SFIX for a 7.7% loss — par for the course.

The past three weeks have been one gigantic circle jerk. I had that monster IQ triple sized position win and a sundry of small losses to offset it. More or less, I am trending sideways, which is fine — but I want MOAR.

The Russell is sharply lower today, bucking the overall trend.

Overall, we must remember, the trend is strong.

I have no desire to act unilaterally. Since my current positions aren’t working today, indicative of a cold hand, the proceeds will go to cash. I do not want to hedge — because there’s a strong chance the small caps surge tomorrow, when people least expect it. As long as I watch my positions and remain disciplined, I should be okay.

The only thing I have going on for me now is SRAX — which is both sad and skeletal at once.

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This is the Biggest Bullshit Record Highs Tape I’ve Ever Seen

I’m getting prison raped, man. I sold this god forsaken RARE for a RARE loss of 6.5%. The OSTK that I purchased this morning quickly and sharply fell like an anchor onto a choral reef, shattering my hopes and dreams for an instant 5% paper loss. I have various other ‘irons in the fire’, if you will, all knifing lower.

I also sold NOAH for a 4% win.

What an indelible tape to be raped by. Why don’t I make fun of the bears now, for being so stupid as to shorting this wonderful tape. What are we 50 Nasdaqs from the highs? Sure, that’s great.

Meanwhile, the Dow is tricking people, higher by 175, and the breadth in this raging bull of a market is at a milquetoast 50%. Even better, the only sectors worth its butter today is basic materials. Here I can prove it, faggots.

I know what you’re thinking: ‘Fly, relax and calm the fuck down. It’s not that bad out there. Be patient.’


This is how tops are formed, blowing off some asshole earnings release at record highs, slowly boiling the plebs whilst they chase blockchain stocks.

The silver lining in all this is strong tech, meaning there isn’t much distribution amongst large hedge funds. We’re likely seeing some rebalancing out of small cap into large. Bear in mind, my quant has been positioned in small cap for 4 consecutive months. For the day, the quant is +30bps.

How do you expect me to survive off those paltry returns? Why, if I only made 30bps for an entire year, I’d only be up 75% or so, hardly a livable return that I can be proud of.

Truth is, I should probably STFU and go do something non-productive, something to distract me from the everyday tumult and tribulations. Maybe I’ll go for a walk in the woods and throw apples at the bears. Or maybe I’ll go for a siesta, or do some gardening.

Whatever I end up doing, I’m inclined to wait for brighter prospects before writing off my positions. I have hope! I can do it! Yeah!


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Notable Moves: Copper, Bitcoins, Record Highs in Nasdaq — And a New Fly Buy

I was hearing a discussion on Bloomberg this morning about China and how the trade war is hurting them a lot more than us and how copper has fallen hard since the halcyon days of last year. As such, some people believe they will no longer attempt to deleverage their over-burdened balance sheet, since end user demand is now weakened. Ergo, they might apply their massive current reserves towards stimulus.

The obvious winner in new Chinese ghost cities are construction plays, and of course copper — which is seeing a dramatic rise today.

BTC is higher by 6%, pushing the total market cap for cryptos above $300 billion. Just to shed some light on what the number means, it was in excess of $800 billion in late 2017. In other words, we are now trading in a post-apocalyptic world for the alt-coin sector. Think about Nasdaq circa 2009 and how Bernanke bailed out the indices and helped put in a bottom. Now imagine Bitcoin and all of the other alt-coins, decimated, trying to gain steam. But there isn’t a good Dr. to help their plight, only nefarious money launderers and criminals, venture capitalists, and opportunists, who seek to manipulate the asset class for fast gains. This is going to be a very long road to hoe.

Nevertheless, in light of the feverish new highs in the Nasdaq and resurgence of Bitcoin, I took a shot at the favored blockchain play on the Nasdaq, and purchased OSTK. As always, stops will be in place — but I think this could gain some momentum, especially if the ICO sector can follow Bitcoin to the promise land — although, admittedly, I am skeptical.

Markets are weak, internally, with breadth under 50%, so be careful about buying into a reversal.

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Markets Are Gonna Explode to the Upside Today — Winshippery For All!

The President is out with another 1680s mercantile economy policy tweet this morning.

Nevertheless, Nasdaq futures are +70, Dow up more than 100. But the bigger news is the outrageous breakout in the cryptos. BTC is higher by 6.2%, ETH +2%. I suspect this is going to have a profound effect on blockchain related stocks at some point. Do yourselves a favor and get long some.

What we have here, ladies and gents, is a good olde fashioned melt up. Prepare for massive winship on a varietal of levels.

What stocks to buy? There are so many. But I’d stick to SAAS related stocks with a comfy intermingling of Chinese burritos. Should this crypto move prove to be cock-sure, get long some blockchain plays and make yourselves several gimlets, to enjoy the balance of your day both splendidly drunk and wealthy.

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This is what I wrote last night, when the futures were down and spirits were low.

Everything you see tonight is a lie. The NIKKEI down more than 1%, Nasdaq futures down 33 — all fibs. By the time you awaken from your slumber tomorrow morning, things will be green and beautiful again.

How did that age?

Now I’m up 1% for the day. Any questions?

I give you the mindset to win. The tools are available to you in Exodus. You have no excuse for this continued habit of mediocrity. I’ll let you in on another secret — barely anyone gets rich from trading. All real investors know this. You want to get rich? Have a plan and stick to it and aim for slightly better than the benchemark results year after year. Work your asses off at your 9-5 job, minimize expenses, and keep investing money.

Every 5-8 years, your account will double. Keep at it. After 20 years, you’ll be rich, or close to it. I promise you.

In spite of everything, markets went higher today. Apparently, the President is spreading rumors about GDP being +4.8%, both egregious and also incredibly BIG if true.

I closed the day out an extreme winner. You tried to stop me, but failed — once again.

Good day to you.

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Fly Buy: $FIVN

I bought FIVN — because nothing can stop me. Should you try to get in my way, I will break every bone in your manlet body.

Lest you forget who I am, you’d be wise to steer clear of me.

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Remember the Days Before Amazon Became Such a Dick?

I recall the market, circa 2005ish, was completely and absolutely ruled by retail stocks. The fate of hot growth companies like True Religion and Abercrombie and Fitch made the market. People would readily and proudly profess the US was a retail nation, citing the fact that 70% of our GDP was derived, more or less, from consumer spending.

Back in those days, Amazon was only doing $1-2 billion in sales per quarter, a very anemic number when considering they do upwards of $50 billion per quarter now.

The malls were brimming with people and the lines were always long. There was a certain energy you could feel when in a certain store, in a certain locale, and it made you buy the stock. I recall making a small fortune based off some decent experiences inside Sears back in the days. Now the place is a cemetery.

The kids these days will never know what it’s like to be a mall-fag — gallivanting to and fro in order to cash in coupons and beat the weekend crowd. Those parking lots were hard to navigate and spots near the doors were almost impossible to grab.

How about this for a sad stat.

Back in 2005, Macy’s did roughly 4x the revenues of Amazon, at around $5-6 billion per quarter. Today, Amazon does 10x the revenues of Macy’s, who unbelievably, still does $5 billion per quarter.

The mall will never be the same. Sad, believe me.

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Futures Flatten Out After Trump Issues All Caps Threat to Iran

I rarely if ever get writer’s block. When I sit down to write it just flows through me with ease. I can write for hours at times, a free train of thought mostly unbridled and free from restriction. But after I read the following tweet I had to sit here for a while and think about how to describe it. Should I simply state the obvious, this is a batshit tweet by our President who is supposed to be a ‘stable genius?’ Or, should I marvel at the fact the markets are pointing up, in spite of it?

Should I discuss the specter of war with Iran and what a blockage of the Straights of Hormuz would do to Brent?

I’d like to get back to not caring about what the President of the United States thinks on a minute by minute basis, if you wouldn’t mind. Truth is, it’s all very well and funny and I do appreciate the notion that half the country are having aneurysms over this Presidency — but even I have my limits and I’m feeling a bit fatigued.

All I really want to do is have good food and drinks, make a lot of coin in the stock market, and hang out near a large body of water, preferably with sand nearby. Is that too much to ask?

WTI is lifting on this “news” and I am the last person you should listen to when it comes to crude. However, I do believe markets will shoot higher today, so perhaps you should prepare for a spate of winship good fellow.

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Equities Soft, Cryptos Hard — Welcome to the Upside Down World

Everything you see tonight is a lie. The NIKKEI down more than 1%, Nasdaq futures down 33 — all fibs. By the time you awaken from your slumber tomorrow morning, things will be green and beautiful again. Why don’t you take the day off from work tomorrow and trade from the beach? It seems like a reasonable thing to do. I highly recommend Sunset Beach in Cape May — for road tripFAGS out there. It has to be my top 5 beach in the United Steaks.

The one advantage the east coast has over the west is our beaches. One could actually swim in them, sans a fucking wet suit. The Pacific Ocean is wonderful and fierce, but it’s cold as shit, just like the hearts and souls of all the vacuous people who live there. The east coast is steeped in tradition, dating back to the founding of this great nation. If you live on the west coast and not a derivative from a famous family bloodline, odds are your from poor DNA stock — a vagabond or a criminal who carried on via a chuck wagon out west in order to escape prison and/or to capture some fool’s gold. After failing, great grandpa settled down near the cold as shit ocean, married some unlucky woman, and spit out 10 kids. That’s California, more or less; prove me wrong.

Bitcoin is higher — but so what.

Come join us in Exodus. Tomorrow is gonna be fun, believe me.

Ciao and goodnight.

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