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Markets Are Gonna Explode to the Upside Today — Winshippery For All!

The President is out with another 1680s mercantile economy policy tweet this morning.

Nevertheless, Nasdaq futures are +70, Dow up more than 100. But the bigger news is the outrageous breakout in the cryptos. BTC is higher by 6.2%, ETH +2%. I suspect this is going to have a profound effect on blockchain related stocks at some point. Do yourselves a favor and get long some.

What we have here, ladies and gents, is a good olde fashioned melt up. Prepare for massive winship on a varietal of levels.

What stocks to buy? There are so many. But I’d stick to SAAS related stocks with a comfy intermingling of Chinese burritos. Should this crypto move prove to be cock-sure, get long some blockchain plays and make yourselves several gimlets, to enjoy the balance of your day both splendidly drunk and wealthy.

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