18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,533 Blog Posts

Q3 Is In the Books — Prepare for EXTREME Winship Barreling into Year End

Listen to me, it’s impossible for me to lose. And even when I lose, it’s more of a joke than anything else. I had an incredible quarter and a grand summer. I’ve been many things on this blog, comedian, artist, writer, malcontent, asshole, political hack, spammer, salesman etc. I am none of those things now. I am a blunt fucking instrument of profit, to be used expressly for the purposes of crushing everything in my path. Maybe the last part was a bit superfluous in its violent expression, but you get my drift.

What’s important to note is the data and also the trends.

Industry winners for q3

There’s no need for me to tell you about the losers. No one cares and you shouldn’t be focusing on ill performers during a bull market.

I want you to take a free trial for Exodus, only email is required. It is a priceless tool, both the data and for the people and community; I guarantee it’ll make you a better trader and investor. For swing traders, The Pelican Room is where the action is, with comments streaming 24 hours per day. For longer term investors, the Exodus Quant rebalances on a monthly basis and is geared to chase alpha, rooted in fundamental analysis. Don’t worry about not getting it. I have a comprehensive email process that is designed to teach you how to use the tools, seamlessly. If that doesn’t work, we’ll hop on a demo and straighten you the fuck out.

Gotta run — things to do, dumb bells to lift.

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  1. discoordinated

    It was a quarter 3 where Charles Poliquin died. So sad. Our Olympic teams and our world is a little poorer.

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  2. heckler

    Too Bad The Hon. Brett M. Kavanaugh was drinking beer and not Bob Marley pot lemonade that’s all I can say after the last couple of weeks:


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  3. moosh

    Apparently, someone could say they built their own time machine…entered it to an unknown time, year, and location and gave them all Bob Marley pot lemonade, thus explaining all of the forgetfulness that makes no sense in itself.

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    • heckler

      C’mon moosh you’d guzzle a pot lemonade at a midsummer’s festival show. I thought you puffed down? I feel like you’re secretly against the green?

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      • moosh

        I just hit a bowl. I’m long GWPH & CBDS (forever), SPRWF, MJ, CLSH etc. It’s all good.

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        • moosh

          Re bought XON and trading IGC today.

          Thinking there may be a bonus mosquito play in XON?

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          • heckler

            LOL – the weed store by my house is packed all damn day from sun up to sun down. Demand will only go up from here. Bless the poor souls that don’t understand yet. I’ve gotten crazy and started fucking with penny stocks – so far to my great delight. HIPH was my first massive winner then I put it in PURA which just BTFO big time today! I’m also really big on ACBFF. Check them out worth a look. Thanks for SPRWF chart looks interesting.

            My friends who understand weed and shit – and its not like they get fucked up everyday – we all know “pot lemonade” for lack of a better term is gonna be fucking massive.

            Puff puff pass my friend and be cool. I’d much rather put my money into the green than fucking FB the worst thing to happen to culture in a generation.

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  4. moosh

    Aurora is great. Never mustered to get in yet

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  5. heckler

    I think Aurora makes Tilray their bitch

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