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CNN Unnamed Official: Hackers Used Slavic Keyboard; Assange Says Bullshit, It Wasn’t Russia

The shillers at CNN keep shilling. Today they’re out with unnamed sources saying ‘digital footprints’ were left — such as cyrillic aka slavic keyboards used in the hack attacks. I am not shitting you.

Souce: CNN

One official told CNN the administration has traced the hack to the specific keyboards — which featured Cyrillic characters — that were used to construct the malware code, adding that the equipment leaves “digital fingerprints” and, in the case of the recent hacks, those prints point to the Russian government.

But, despite an initial public assessment by the US intelligence community in October that Russia was behind the intrusions, Trump and his staff continue to voice doubts.

“The idea that we’re jumping to conclusions before we have a final report is, frankly, irresponsible,” Trump’s incoming press secretary, Sean Spicer, told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota Monday.

No word on how the use of a Russian keyboard equates to Putin himself directing a hack attack on John Podesta’s email box. But CNN will continue to tell you that’s exactly what happened.

In other news, the actual person who leaked the actual emails says IT WASN’T RUSSIA, yet CNN doesn’t bother to type up a story about it.

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