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Must See: Maria Bartiromo Annihilates Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber

I haven’t see a beat down like this since I was a teenager in Brooklyn. This was a brutal takedown — full Mortal Kombat style fatality. Better yet, this was a babality.

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  1. vandamme

    There’s no alternative. Call it what you will but somehow, someway, the sick will be subsidized by the state and thus by the taxpayer. How you do this is just semantics.

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  2. metalleg

    Not only did he suffer a beat down, what makes it worse is that he didn’t even get a peek at Maria’s cleavage.

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  3. skulduggery

    Wow. Here’s Ben Shapiro kicking ass.

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  4. skulduggery

    How can there be men in physical proximity of Gruber who could resist punching him in his smarmy face?

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  5. heaterman

    The smug, smarter than you, condescending attitude blatantly displayed by Goober er …Gruber…is precisely why Trump won. They still don’t get that.

    Grab your pitchforks because that is the next step is The Donald can’t get it done.

    I hate to say it but I think the man will go down JFK style before he can pull the plug on the swamp.

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  6. cascadia

    Actually, Maria made quite the logical leap saying companies aren’t hiring because of Obamacare.
    It’s complete BS.

    Obamacare is expensive because GOP purposefully underfunded the program. A week ago the GOP had allocated 2.5 billion for the high risk pools.


    Hmmmm, you don’t think the GOP would make health care premiums go up a week before the election in order to deride the program, do you?!

    No, the GOP wouldn’t, couldn’t subject the working class and poor to huge premium increases just to win an election would they?


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    • jaycephus

      “Actually, Maria made quite the logical leap saying companies aren’t hiring because of Obamacare.
      It’s complete BS.”

      BS? Are they hiring? They’re hemorrhaging full-time jobs and hiring back part-time due to incentives from Obamacare. That’s in the jobs reports if you care to look. If we measured in job-hours instead of single (now-half-weight) jobs, we’d find that we’ve been flat on jobs-growth this whole time.

      You can’t blame this BS on the GOP, son. I want both my doctor and my health-care back. And you know what else I want back…? My entire multi-thousand dollar raise for the year when this BS first kicked off. I haven’t even gotten hit with the current wave of premium increases, which will be 1200% of the inflation rate in my state, if you believe real inflation is that low.

      The fact is, it makes more sense for young single people to opt out of Obamacare entirely and pay for medical care with cash, if they need it. And there goes the money they need to keep everyone’s premiums down. Too bad you can’t figure out simple economics, but then an architect of Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber, had you nailed. ” Obamacare only passed due to the “stupidity” of the American voter…”

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