18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Payroll Numbers Come in Hot; Brace Yourselves For Abomination

Bearish, bearish, bearish.

No one gives a shit that MCD, TGT, WMT and some car washes added 215k jobs in March, when Fed’s Mester is practically slobbering over herself on teevee now, clamoring to hike rates.

I’ll make this simple for you to understand. Even some of you Bernie supporters will get it.

This rally was wholly predicated around the Fed easing up on rate hike increases. The strong data will give them the excuse they need to hike, or continue to menace us with threats of hikes.

Earnings season is here. They will not be good.

The rally will begin to unwind now.

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  1. blahblahblah

    i gave up coffee again. the plus / minus of that beverage is truly negative overall.

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  2. jacked rabbit

    I will pay CNBC a hefty sum to have fifteen ticker scrolls stacked across its screen so none of their “hobo talent” enters the Rabbit house. Their daily Lord of the Flies rendition (aka Squawk Box) has forced the Rabbit estate to take drastic action, investing in a dark drape placed neatly over the top 87.4% of the TV screen with mute on it, just showing the precious tickers.

    The Mrs has resorted to calling the men in white jackets for my protection, and the Junior Rabbit now calls me Kernan just to ridicule me.

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  3. infinitezuul

    This rally won’t end until it is accepted as real and appropriate.

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  4. tradingnymph

    This Truly is the Kyle Bass Moment (not to be confused with Lance Bass). NFP comes in great and the Yen is still being bought up. Kuroda/Abe can’t stop the Monster Yellen attacking their Country. Last night was the first night of Bazooka Draghi’s Bond Buying…Red across the board. In the famous words of Jaws Movie “we are going to need a bigger boat”.

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  5. blahblahblah


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