18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Buy the Dips; Fade the Rips

Coming from a former stock junky, trust me when I say selling rips is easier said than done. Everyone is waiting for the dot com bubble redux. I don’t give a shit who you are or what type of investor you’re pretending to be. Everyone misses the dot com days and we’re all just glumly waiting around for the golden days to return.

Memories of runaway markets have crushed more portfolios than the actual dot com crash. Truth is, this market sucks. It has sucked on enormous elephant dung for the better part of two years.

Stop waiting for glory and accept fate.

As many of you know, I’ve taken a brand new approach to this market, albeit something I’ve been working on and developing with the Exodus algorithms since 2008.

I endeavor to rule over the market, not the other way around. I found my life in trading was becoming arduous and burdensome. I was controlled by news and events, afraid of fuckery, largess, which seemed to be happening on a regular basis. All that has changed and I’m keenly focused on building out the software suite to even greater lengths and capabilities, while sticking with mean reversion positioning, using the very best oversold signals on the market today, hands down.

The net result, thus far, aside from ditching the entire drawdown and making a small sum this year, is a vast improvement in the quality of my life.

Markets look soft early going. Trading or not, buying momo, after extended runs, has been a suckers bet. Don’t rest on sentiment and fading glory days as the rationale behind your trades.

Fade the rips. They’re bullshit.

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  1. tmoe

    Fade The Rips — great name for a Death Metal band

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  2. anjing bau

    is a vast improvement in the quality of my life….. I am glad to hear that. Life is too short not to make the most of it and to really enjoy it!

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  3. edgar

    FAZolene can help with the rippage.

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  4. mr. nakata

    Fly, you think FCX is still a good buy here or better to wait for a dip while other start fading the rip?

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  5. kdog

    I agree with you but it makes me wonder if I have just become an old man now 🙂

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    • frog

      You don’t have much choice in whether you become an old man or not– only in whether you become a stressed out old man, going to your grave before your time– or whether you decrease the stress in your life and make yourself more relaxed and happier as you age.

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      • kdog

        You are right. That stress will destroy you if you don’t make changes in your life.

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  6. blahblahblah

    jesus christ Mitt go away

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  7. tokyojoewasmyfriend

    Great advice.

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