18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Dude, Bro, Dude, CA$H-mere

Gretzky House!

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CGXqRsqr6I 550 400]

Indeed Update:

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo77x4VeoQE 550 400]

Bro Update:

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yl6JCr_cSuU 550 400] If you enjoy the content at iBankCoin, please follow us on Twitter


  1. Buckeye bob

    I wonder how Lenny’s fantasy draft is going? All draftees get a free copy of Players Clube with a full tank a jet fuel.

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  2. DarrylStrawberry

    Good to see you again Lenny. Just like the old days.
    Just remember the completed license plates go to your left and don’t drop the soap in the showers.

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  3. TraderCaddy

    Somebody talk to my wife.
    I want to see the Texas State BBQ competition ( 2″ Ribeyes) on the Food Channel and she wants to watch Schindler’s List (seen it half a dozen times).

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  4. Goin'Fawr

    RE”Moreover, given the subsidiary nature of the Canadian economy, and the overhead costs covered therein by the American economy through which Canada has benefitted substantially over the boom period between 1983-2000, it strikes me (and other Americans) as unseemly to find you wagging your finger at us when that source of bounty is impaired.

    Without the willingness of the American people to subsidize the Canadian welfare state via defense coverage”

    1. One could easily argue that the ‘subsidiary nature’ of the Canadian economy(for the purpose of this argument we must ignore that extreme subsidy based philosophies can be attributed to US agriculture or, more egregiously its industrial military complex), at the expense of the Canadian taxpayer, has led to incredibly inexpensive raw materials being supplied to the US, whose manufacturers refine and ship back to Canadians for tidy profits. Case in point: the price of a barrel of oil right now will never be able to cover the costs of reclaiming the lands being destroyed in northern Alberta. Also, how arrogant of you to assume that your population of 350 million is the only market on the planet. It’s a big world out there, over 6 billion are left to ‘buy Canadian’.

    2.This whole idea that Canada has been ‘benefiting’ from the US’s gargantuan armed forces doesn’t hold a lot of water. Canada has made numerous contributions to the US military with advances in technology (see Avro, satellite tech, etc.) and manpower equivalent per capita to Canada’s smaller population. And considering all the hatred the US’s industrial military complex has been generating worldwide for the last hundred years, it could be argued that they are actually endangering Canadians by invading poorer nations for their natural resources or strategic geography. In fact, many unfortunate countries have seen before how not towing the US’s economic line can turn that nation’s military against them on a dime; from that perspective the might of the US could be considered a threat to Canadian sovereignty.
    End Of.

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    TC – time to upgrade to a TiVo or something. Did you know you can record and watch at the same time? 🙂

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  6. Cuervos Laugh

    Hey Goin’:

    I responded to Jake’s absurdisms here:


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  7. TraderCaddy

    TiVo? Really?
    Good to know.
    I always thought it was a ravioli making machine Billy Mays was hyping.
    I’ll look for it (although the Texas BBQ competition will be on the Food Channel about 200 times in the next couple of months).

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  8. DPeezy

    Dude, ca$hmere, bro!
    This is the fucking major leagues, bro. Don’t bring that minor league shit. We’re all .300 hitters here.
    Check out my fucking pool. Dude, Michael Phelps swims in this pool.

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  9. JakeGint

    ….at the expense of the Canadian taxpayer,

    What is “at the expense of the Canadian taxpayer, exactly?”

    Are your mineral rights publicly owned as well? More inefficiency, if so.

    …has led to incredibly inexpensive raw materials being supplied to the US, whose manufacturers refine and ship back to Canadians for tidy profits. Case in point: the price of a barrel of oil right now will never be able to cover the costs of reclaiming the lands being destroyed in northern Alberta.

    Who’s fault is that? Who is holding a gun to the Canadian economy’s head and forcing them to “rape their land” and sell it to the U.S.? Moreover, why haven’t you been able to build your own industrial base that can take advantage of your abundant natural resources? In a word — socialism. You need to read up on your Ricardian economics, and the notion of “comparative advantage.”

    Also, how arrogant of you to assume that your population of 350 million is the only market on the planet. It’s a big world out there, over 6 billion are left to ‘buy Canadian’.

    Given that it’s a fact that th ebulk of your commodities are sold to us, I would say it is you who are being arrogant in making a claim that you could easily go elsewhere to sell them.

    The fact is, it would be more expensive to sell your commodities to anyone else, becuase of your geographical position. It’s only logical then, that we will remain your largest purchaser for as long as you remain a viable state.

    As for #2, I am very disturbed. Your ingratitude towards our defense of your country is typical of those who receive things for free — they are the people most likely to complain in the States as well.

    If you fear that we endanger your sovereignity, then I’d suggest you are a coward who has no sovereignity to protect. We were once allies because we shared a common western (Anglo-American) heritage, but it seems the Quebecois influence has brought manyh of you to the edge of the worst Jacobin French characteristics. I suggest you ally yourself with the Chinese for your protection in future.


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  10. j


    Please no brawling in IBC. You know how fly hates to argue.

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  11. Cuervos Laugh

    Actually, it’s only been in the last century that Canada and the States were allies.

    And let’s remember, many of the settlers of Canada after the American Rebellion were Loyalists. I’ve been to the city where Arnold was buried.

    Furthermore, where I currently reside (Nova Scotia) you’ll find where the Underground Railroad truly ended. Not in the Northern States as is commonly lied about in American history books, but in Nova Scotia, Canada where the oldest settlement of Free African-(North)-Americans exists.


    See, they had enough of the Stars and Stripes – they longed for the True North and followed Polaris to here. I keep a portrait of Harriet Tubman in my den as a reminder of that simple historical truth to this day.

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  12. The Real hmmmmm

    Lenny Dykstra is a patriot and strong supporter of Earth Day. This is where he crashed into a tree drunk as fuck going to John Kruk’s bachelor party circa the 90’s.


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  13. Damon

    I read the article..

    I watched the videos…

    I would take an educated guess that Dykstra is on lithium…

    That is what Larry Flynt takes daily…only he knows how to make money.

    Bottom line, some kind of drug is involved.

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  14. MOOBER

    The Real hmmmm – Those pics of PA look a lot like TN. I guess if you’re going to crash into a tree, those are pretty good looking trees.

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  15. Goin'Fawr

    Jake, I am almost speechless. I can hardly decide where to begin with your last incoherent, misinformed, and contradictory rant…but let’s try, shall we?

    “…Who’s fault is that?” I’ll start there.
    For the part of Canada? Canadians, you’re right. They are being ruled by more or less the same corporate polyarcy (or their minions) that controls the US, and most of the wealth on this planet, so they are just as guilty as anyone in the US of the ignorance that allows such an onerous system to propagate. Your mistake here is thinking I blame US citizens entirely for this sorry state of affairs. I do only insomuch as they have had ample opportunity to remove this greedy cancer, which has its roots in their country.

    If Canada was to suddenly adopt Norway’s philosophy and nationalize its oil industry, making use the US’s constant reneging of NAFTA responsibilities to justifiably opt out of that ridiculous contract (IE actually adopt socialism, not the weird stalinistic definition you apply to that word), it would indeed solve a lot of Canada’s sovereignty/economic/environmental issues. Or at least put Canadians in a better position to deal with them. So you see: socialism may be a solution, not the problem as you state. (This is of course assuming they could come up with some decent politicians not corporately owned to carry it through.)

    It is true it should be much cheaper to ship commodities to the nearest destination, but only if they can actually pay for it. So if Canadians had to go abroad to sell their ‘high in demand’ products/resources the price would naturally increase, and that cost they would pass onto the consumer. Did you say I needed a business class? Were you looking in a mirror at the time?

    RE:”I am very disturbed. Your ingratitude towards our defense of your country…” Yes, Jake, you do seem somewhat disturbed, no doubt. In Canada you could see a psychiatrist for that, without private insurance. Your HMO doesn’t cover that? So sorry. And you’re right, Canadians should be grateful for the US protecting them from… which nation was it that attempted to invade them again, but was heroically sent packing by Uncle Sam? I forget. Or perhaps you mean ‘protecting them’ by incessantly stirring up hornet’s nests all over the globe? If so, I think I can safely speak for Canadians when I say, “Thanks, but we don’t really want to get stung that badly.”
    Speaking of gratitude, where is yours for all this cheap Canadian supplied raw material that has helped to make your nation so powerful?
    RE:”I suggest you ally yourself with the Chinese for your protection in future.”
    Well, if that isn’t the banana calling the raincoat yellow. Last time I checked the US is already pretty well allied with the Chinese themselves, or at least in their pockets, judging by the amount of US foreign debt that country owns. What’s that at now, $8,000/US citizen?
    Good luck with that…
    Absolutely the US and Canada have had a very symbiotic economic, and to a slightly lesser degree, political relationship for quite some time now. One’s collapse will certainly have a dramatic effect on the other, and if military might is the sole variable determining survival the US is by far more likely to prevail(moot). But if Canada is in a better situation to come out of the finacial morass of the past 6 months, that can be attributed only to Canadians having better fiscal policy, and wiser financial acumen, which is ultimately what is pissing you off so much. And as an arrogant jingoist like yourself Jake, I can see how you find that very difficult indeed to admit…

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  16. DPeezy

    Canadians should be grateful for the US protecting them from… which nation was it that attempted to invade them again, but was heroically sent packing by Uncle Sam? I forget. Or perhaps you mean ‘protecting them’ by incessantly stirring up hornet’s nests all over the globe? If so, I think I can safely speak for Canadians when I say, “Thanks, but we don’t really want to get stung that badly.

    You fight a good fight, GF, and for that I commend you. Couldn’t have said it better myself. Should we ever meet in real life, I owe you a few beers.

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  17. Cuervos Laugh

    While mentioning “national defense” which US travel agency again was it that was offering a plan for US citizens to travel as Canadians internationally?

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  18. Indie

    Jake you bigot fool.

    The french HELPED the american kick the Anglo ruler out of the USA. the English king loyalists moved north in Ontario then called upper canada. Historically the french canadians have always been close in heart and mind to the general american population. as a matter of fact most quebecois emigration went to the states, not the rest of canada. the french canadian (american..) heritage in the states is huge.

    Feed your mind. go read a history book.

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  19. The Fly

    After you ladies are done debating moot points, tell me, HOW DOES ANY OF THIS MAKE ME MONEY?

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  20. Cuervos Laugh

    Indie has a salient point.
    Ragin’s ancestors come from these shores Acadian=Cajun

    But let’s not get into a discussion about the differences between the Quebecois and the Acadians tonight…

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  21. JakeGint

    Actually, it’s only been in the last century that Canada and the States were allies.


    And, Harriet Tubman affinity aside, how many troops did you send to fight the South in the Civil War?

    Ohhhhhh that’s right! The Crown helped the slave-owning South in the Civil War!

    Please, spare me your unearned righteousness.


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  22. JakeGint

    Damon — I was thinking barbituates, but I agree.

    That, or a stroke.


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  23. indie

    i just need to add this as further proof to what i’m talking about.

    the first (1900) free trade agreement between the USA and Canada was done when this man http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laurier was in office. a french canadian. the reciprocity agreement (how free trade was called then) was widely opposed by the english canadian community. while it was widely accepted on the french side.

    the second (1980) free trade agreement was done again with a french canadian in office.

    Free trade = MORE MONEY!!


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  24. Cuervos Laugh

    Jake believes that the French Canadians hate the States just like the continental French.

    He doesn’t understand Trudeau, or Canada enough to make a viable go at an argument. It’s a sad saw to try to twist English vs French Canadians against each other when you’re not from, nor live here.

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  25. JakeGint


    Fuck off douchebag. Never make assumptions about what I’ve read or have not.

    Rather than spout off with stupidity, bring an argument with some sense to it, and more than the weak, leftist swish of “bigot.” It truly grows tiresome.

    Here’s a starter for your research — the French have not been our true allies since they killed Louis the XVI, ten years after Lafayette’s assistance. Read some history geared for more than passing the GED exam.

    Preferably, this century’s work.


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  26. Cuervos Laugh

    Jake –

    To hurt the American economy, the British promised freedom to any enslaved Black person who escaped from a rebel master. Black men, women, and children seized the opportunity to live in freedom behind the British lines.

    Actually it does matter – the British offered freedom in Nova Scotia to any slave that could get here.

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  27. dave

    I’m a die hard barfly with two dui-s to prove it. I have never see it as dead out there as tonight. Bars that would normally be packed are empty. This rally is completely disconnected from reality.

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  28. JakeGint

    He doesn’t understand Trudeau, or Canada enough to make a viable go at an argument.

    Ah, argumentum ad authoritum, now? Why not bring your weak shit about Trudeau instead of this pained regret?

    It’s a sad saw to try to twist English vs French Canadians against each other when you’re not from, nor live here.

    Dude, do you know any English Canadians? (kidding, I know you are one).

    I am only speaking from experience. Can you really claim– as a generalization, admittedly — that they don’t loathe one another?


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  29. ZMoose12

    After taking the time to read cuervos’ post (which was very interesting) and all of the comments that went along with it, I must let both of you (and all others that made great points in this debate) that you’re both correct. Canada hasn’t bailed out a bank yet, but they are also not comparative to the U.S. by any means and are a lot less in dire straights than we are. On that note, as cuervos points out, their economy is contracting like crazy (7.3% I believe was the statistic) and their unemployment is staggeringly increasing.

    Shake hands gentlemen, the deed is done and you are both great financial bloggers. I personally feel we should all be concentrating less on the foreigners around our country and more on what our congress is doing to fuck us up. Allow me to rehash some history in stating what Washington stated in his Farewell Address:

    “36. The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connexion as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop.”

    Although he goes on to state that during times of arduous hardships we must fulfill our duties in calling upon our allies, what are we to do when the U.K. has run their currency into the ground and is on the verge of financial collapse?

    Food for thought…

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  30. JakeGint

    After you ladies are done debating moot points, tell me, HOW DOES ANY OF THIS MAKE ME MONEY?

    Short Toronto Dominion Bank.

    You know there are shoes to fall yet in “careful land.”


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  31. Indie

    “I am only speaking from experience. Can you really claim– as a generalization, admittedly — that they don’t loathe one another?”

    absolutely not. canadians don’t hate or loathe. they disagree. even when they fist fight on an ice hockey rink. it’s only a slight disagreement.

    like right now, i could rework your dentistry canadian style: free of charge. but it’s only because we disagree. i don’t really hate you. seriously. i don’t.

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  32. DPeezy

    Long or short BNS (Bank of Nova Scotia). 🙂

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  33. JakeGint

    Actually it does matter – the British offered freedom in Nova Scotia to any slave that could get here.

    And yet, to serve their interests, the Brits and the Canadians aided and abetted the slaveholding South in a war that took the lives of 500,000 Northern troops, yet freed the slaves.

    Spare me your bullshit sanctimony.


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  34. RE:”Short Toronto Dominion Bank.” Ok now folks, ‘ad hominem’ arguments aside, that was just plain funny. Touché mon frere, touché.

    And ZMOOSE has it nailed: “It’s a big shit sandwich, and we are ALL gonna have to take a bite…”

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  35. Cuervos Laugh


    Bilingualisation of Canada – (a good thing whether you agree or not it sets a higher educational standard) because as Wikipedia shows him well In fact, Trudeau’s vision was to see Canada as a bilingual confederation in which all cultures would have a place. In this way, his conception broadened beyond simply the relationship of Quebec to Canada.

    Charter of Rights – Jake, I know you and I disagree on this one. This is one of the cornerstones of the ethical framework here.

    and of course the patriation of the Constitution in ’82.

    And of course, Señor Tropicana – avoid Jake’s TD call. Ed Clark has deftly avoided all the pitfalls of the last three years.

    Case in point, when traders could not explain to him the merit of the subprime securities they were holding to his approval he ordered them sold. This was at the height in early 2007.

    I’ve documented last spring his call to cut the credit on the oil rigs in the tar sands about two months prior to the oil drop as he was expecting a ‘dramatic drop’ in the value of their assets.

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  36. Cuervos Laugh

    I would challenge you to make that assertion at the Black Cultural Centre here in Halifax Jake.

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  37. Cuervos Laugh


    Bilingualisation of Canada – (a good thing whether you agree or not it sets a higher educational standard) because as Wikipedia shows him well In fact, Trudeau’s vision was to see Canada as a bilingual confederation in which all cultures would have a place. In this way, his conception broadened beyond simply the relationship of Quebec to Canada.

    Charter of Rights – Jake, I know you and I disagree on this one. This is one of the cornerstones of the ethical framework here.

    and of course the patriation of the Constitution in ‘82.

    And of course, Señor Tropicana – avoid Jake’s TD call. Ed Clark has deftly avoided all the pitfalls of the last three years.

    Case in point, when traders could not explain to him the merit of the subprime securities they were holding to his approval he ordered them sold. This was at the height in early 2007.

    I’ve documented last spring his call to cut the credit on the oil rigs in the tar sands about two months prior to the oil drop as he was expecting a ‘dramatic drop’ in the value of their assets.

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  38. The Fly


    That’s because you live in Mexico City, land of the new pandemic of 2009.

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  39. Cuervos Laugh

    Jake – my response re: Trudeau is in moderation hell…

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  40. The Fly

    Let’s call it like it is: The Brits only offered freedom for political reasons. Please.

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  41. JakeGint

    like right now, i could rework your dentistry canadian style: free of charge. but it’s only because we disagree.

    Yeah, I’m aflutter with apprehension…

    And as far as the English and the French “getting along,” you’ve never worked in Montreal, I guess?

    Or maybe I misinterpreted and “frogs” is a term of endearment?


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  42. dave

    And Lincoln’s dream was to have the former slaves shipped/repatriated to Liberia. If the war could have been postponeed 20 years, the cotton gin would have ended slavery without such a huge loss of life.

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  43. indie

    good poitn zmoose.

    I don’t really think the CAD banks are that special. like every other aspect of the CAD-USA economy, they are almost entirely integrated. that’s why the lumber disagreement is complete nonsense. abitibi-bowater is a canadian-american company on both side of the 49 parallel. getting taxed from selling to itself? like the auto industry. all the large canadian corporations do business on both sides. RY and TD have large business and revenues in the USA. i mean is RIM truly canadian? and i mean.. no need to mention the banking regulations. that is all but a fallacy. canadian financials aren’t “more” or “better” regulated then the states IMO.

    anyway, the big difference in my opinion is leverage. it used to be a big concern for canadian business. the lack of as much leverage as in the states put us in a weaker position where we could be easily bought out. or that we couldn’t compete. i guess now it’s the opposite. our weakness has become our strenght.

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  44. Cuervos Laugh

    Jake – try walking downtown Montreal with a Nordiques hat circa 2007…


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  45. The Fly

    Wow. We have us a nutcase history class here tonight. Facts jumbled, motives mauled and outright blasphemy with regards to the very notion that Canada is anything more than a source of cheap timber, on top of a fucking iceberg made from shit.

    If I had my way, I’d let the Russians “take” Canada, just or teach them a lesson or three.

    Then, I’d “take” it back and make a bundle in no bid military contracts aka “The American Way.”

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  46. JakeGint

    I would challenge you to make that assertion at the Black Cultural Centre here in Halifax Jake.

    Dude, I don’t know if this was intentionally humourous or not, but your attempts at proving the African-American bona fides of perhaps the most white-bread snowcap this side of Goin’s beloved Norway is crackin’ me up, ovah heah.


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  47. Goin'Fawr

    Oh, come on now Jake, you can’t tell me that those living on the east coast of the US don’t make fun of those living on the west coast every once in awhile…
    Western Canadians have a litany of jokes mocking the intelligence of those living in Newfoundland/Labrador too, it doesn’t mean they hate them.

    Here’s a joke from Newfoundland, goin’ the other way,b’y.

    Three contractors are bidding to fix a broken fence in
    Calgary. One from Manitoba, one from Saskatchewan,
    and a third from Alberta . They all go with a City
    official to examine the fence.

    The Manitoba contractor takes out a tape measure and does some
    measuring, then
    works some figures with a pencil.
    ‘Well’, he says, ‘I figure the job will run about $900: $400 for
    materials, $400 for my crew and $100 profit for me.’

    The Saskatchewan contractor also does some measuring and
    figuring, then says, ‘I can do this job for ! ! $700: $300 for
    materials, $300 for my crew and $100 profit for me.’

    The Alberta contractor doesn’t measure or figure, but
    leans over to the City Hall official and whispers, ‘$2,700. ‘

    The official, incredulous, whispers back, ‘You didn’t even
    measure like the other guys! How did you come up
    with such a high figure?’

    The Alberta contractor whispers back, ‘$1000 for me,
    $1000 for you, and we hire that guy from Saskatchewan to fix the

    ‘Done!’ replies the government official.

    And that my friends, is how it all works in Alberta !!!

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  48. j


    fuck off and get you real identity moniker. I’m the real j and that wasn’t me posting just above.

    Fly, ban that fucking impostor for having the temerity to even pretend it’s me.


    Spoke too soon. it was obviously Jake there for a moment leaving out the rest of his name.

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  49. indie

    Yes i’ve worked in montreal. and yes there are tensions. but when was the last time you have seen a french and anglo being burnt at a cross here? montreal is a french city yet everyone speaks both languages. what’s really the problem here? who cares.

    I mean we had a 5 guy operation kidnapping 2 guys in the 70s and the whole country went topsy-turvy for a week. but that’s not systemic institutionalized hatred. canadians have their disagreements and we’re trying to live with them. not solve.. that’ll never happen cause well, there’s no “real” problem to begin with. it’s just power struggles between groups of interest. like everywhere else. politics.


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  50. Goin'Fawr

    RE:”Dude, I don’t know if this was intentionally humourous or not, but your attempts at proving the African-American bona fides of perhaps the most white-bread snowcap this side of Goin’s beloved Norway is crackin’ me up, ovah heah.”

    Hehe ‘Oh Snap’!

    But hey, it’s undeniably a working example of how to run a successful welfare/capitalist state…

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  51. Cuervos Laugh

    Jake –


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  52. Indie

    it’s saturday night and i feel the love tonite.

    feeling it…

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  53. Goldie

    WTF is going on here tonight? Too much mental masturbation for me…

    Anyhoo I just went through my weekly chart scans and probably 90% of them are right under significant resistance or already heading lower. I was going to make a list but there are so many you could throw a dart at the business section of your local rag and short it. One sticks out to me right now…ISRG. It looks like it could shave 50 points quickly.

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  54. JakeGint

    Spoke too soon. it was obviously Jake there for a moment leaving out the rest of his name

    Yeah, this laptop is literally on the top of my lap as I watch Disturbia, and sometimes the post just “goes” when I’m trying to fill in my name (which for some reason I have to do every time while on Fly’s blog, but on none of the others).


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  55. 308

    what the hell is wrong with all of you?

    Fuck this nonsense… somebody post something worthfuckingwhile or I’m gonna report this site to whatever You Ruined My Saturday Night Authorities I can find and go after you all for the return of my wasted beer money..

    go read this or something:

    Fly, what the fuck happened to those great stories you were writing about? Help us out here will you…

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  56. JakeGint

    what’s really the problem here? who cares.

    Seriously? I think it’s probably the Quebecois’ adherence to the French rahter than British styles of trade unionism.

    If I had to guess.


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  57. Goin'Fawr

    ISRG is looking awfully ripe for the pickin’ Goldie…They aren’t about to invent a new device for ticklin’ colons or anything like that are they? You know, something they would sell to Norwegians because those socialists will pay anything for a new piece of medical equipment, and I don’t want to shit any of my shorts.

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  58. The Fly

    I am not your Grandpa. “The Fly” tells stories when he is good and ready. I have thousands that would excite and delight. However, at this moment, NO STORY FOR YOU.


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  59. Goin'Fawr

    Cuervos: Read ‘FXC that’. Am floored.
    Jake:” And yes, Canada is America’s number on trading partner, for which it strikes me the Canadians should be eternally grateful”, as should the US you haughty bitch. You should be ashamed of your egotistical ethnocentric self. Reciprocation is inherent in a symbiotic relationship, not smug unwarranted self-righteousness. To all the rest of you Americans who think that Canada and Canadians are your ‘God Given Right’ to denigrate, abuse, expolit and bully (teasing is allowed): Manifest Destiny only went west, and the Monroe Doctrine only covers your south, so fuck you.

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  60. JakeGint

    Fuck Canada, it’s the Russian bitches you do NOT want to mess with.


    Goin– you are being stupid. Read the article I appended to that number one trading partner thing — you guys NEED us — we provide more of your economy than your own internal consumption. Our exports in entirety only make up about 12% of our GDP.

    Our exports to you are perhaps 2%.

    Now c’mon, get with it. You need to understand proportion. The U.S. is your daddy, and your socialist beacon — Norway– is an even smaller, even more homogenous state than yours, existing wholly on a depleting asset.

    You do not want that model, believe me.

    On the other stuff, I don’t know what to say. If you feel bullied, it’s quite possible you have an inferiority complex.

    My best to you.


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  61. Goin'Fawr

    OOO, my last post had some virulence to it. Less drinking, more typing for me, or vice versa. By ‘expolit’, I think I was going for: y’know.
    Jake: appy polly logies to thee and thine for the expletive moniker, the rest I meant.

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  62. Goin'Fawr

    RE:”You do not want that model, believe me.” That model would work even more nicely with a country that has lots of assets per capita, especially when not all of them are being depleted. A country like Canada. So I don’t believe you. You want to talk depleting assets? Look no further than your own screen door. The US is not making many new friends globally lately, so they desperately need access to Canadian oil, wood, WATER (soon), natty (eventually), and a litany of other raw materials. IE They NEED Canada.
    Don’t worry, the secular humanistic tendencies of Canadians will always help them to feel enough pity to assist their spoiled, greedy, dangerously armed self-centered neighbour.
    As for ‘the other stuff’, yah:wrong! Natural Resources per capita taken into account (IE actual tangible wealth, not paper promises) I think we all know which land feels the need to have the biggest set of rifles to assuage their ‘shortcomings’.

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  63. Cuervos:

    Canada? Please stop trying to put lipstick on a pig.

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  64. omfgitsjd

    End game.

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  65. Woodshedder

    Dykstra is Canadian.

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  66. JakeGint

    Fly — don’t tase me bro, but I cannot post (or ever re-save) my PAAS blog-post that I’ve had in the can since last night.

    Are you or any of my fellow bloggists having similar problems?


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  67. JakeGint

    Just an NFL aside — looks like this draft empirically proves that Al Davis has gone completely senile.

    Someone call social services.


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  68. DPeezy

    Al Davis is the biggest joke in the NFL. Many of my friends cry themselves to sleep every time they think about him still ‘leading’ the Raiders.

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  69. Casey Ryback

    “They’re shutting Detroit down” – the country music video with Micky Rourke and some serious over acting.


    Lame, and makes me embarrassed to say I live in Detroit. Rednecks.

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  70. Lenny Dykstra

    This is my thread, you Fucks. WTF is this stuff? I live in the greatest house in the world and you live in shacks. Are you tired a lot? Try my herbal supplement to your diet and you too can be hyper active like me, Lenny Dykstra.

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  71. lazy man

    They really should be shutting down the amateur hack plastic surgeon responsible for Mickey Rourke’s bad facelift.

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  72. DMG

    Lazy – Nancy Pelosi would take offense to your last post

    as she and Mickey share the same surgeon

    who happens to work wonders.

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  73. lazy man


    Hah! Looks about right.

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  74. Jakes Mom

    New York City is the new Mexico! ROFL.

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  75. Maelstrom

    All you ever really didn t want to know about Canada..If we had any sense 100 years ago we would have taken Canada during the Klondike gold rush on some bullshit excuse that all wars are started over and then pushed through Mexico..like a Mongol Horde driving the population into Panama and keeping them there and to further the cause of an Anglo Saxon nation shipped every ex slave to their Motherland..We would have been a much stronger cohesive nation that the shitty hodge podge “Great Melting Pot” bullshit we are today..to many agendas..BTW..I love all people ha

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  76. ZMoose12

    True that Maelstrom, you’ve got that shit nailed. Now look what we have to put up with, another threat of a flu pandemic.

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  77. gappingandyapping

    Just look at this fucked up loss that Lenny Dykstra supposedly took: http://deadspin.com/5224796/the-myth-of-lenny-dykstra-completely-unravels

    This fucking strategy is fucking idiot at best. Its better to just make a direction bet on the SPY options versus trading what Lenny is doing. Total fucking retard.

    Bro just fucking look, I really am 92-1! Never mind that the 1 was a loss for more than the 92 combined. My PnL is killer dude. Do I have a 12 inch cock or what.

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  78. gappingandyapping

    UPDATE: A conversation with Lenny Dykstra: http://www.delcotimes.com/articles/2009/04/26/opinion/doc49f3c69c3de3b608704749.txt

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  79. stockguy22

    lenny sounds like he is on some seious painkillers

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  80. Lenny

    This is where the big man sits!


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  81. TraderCaddy

    Today sucked.
    Anybody have a day like this recently.
    My daughter is getting married in a few weeks so I have to clean this place up because of the relatives (a fourth who are nuts and another fourth who I can’t stand).
    I am walking around picking up loose branches (on 3 acres of woods) and a black bear comes out and scares the crap out of me. As I am figuring out what to do my wife who was picking up some bagels calls me on the cell to say she has a flat. At least the cell scared the bear and he left.
    Well, the car needed four new tires anyway ($500).
    Then I went to put the air on for the first time of the year and the air handler in the other part of the house is blowing out warm air (dollar amount to be determined).
    I go to vacuum the pool and a pebble gets caught in the bearings and now it needs a $95.00 repair.
    Then I notice water dripping off the gutters and knowing it hasn’t rained in a week I go up on the roof and see giant puddles from a leaking solar panel (dollar amount to be determined).
    The only good thing was that as I was climbing the ladder to check it out my wife (she is footing the ladder) yells don’t move you have a roofing nail about to go through your foot on the next step.

    That about sums it up.

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  82. JakeGint

    Silver doesn’t just ward off werewolves, it’s also a neat antidote for swine-flu.


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  83. mrkcbill

    TC…sounds like the luckiest day of your life..that bear could of scrambled your eggs…its all the way we look at things.
    You’re just pissed the inlaws are coming, you couldn’t play golf and watch Leave It To Beaver.

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  84. JakeGint

    At least you didnt’t have to try the “play dead” defense, right TC? Count your blessings..


    Fly — have you seen the new Dos Equis commercials (playing during the Draft right now), featuring “The Most Intersting Man in the World?”

    Looks like a Fly invented character if I ever saw one.


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  85. JakeGint

    Incredibly important Op-Ed published in the Washington Post today.

    President Obama needs to take heed, as this issue will surely define his Presidency, and our country’s defense, for years to come.


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  86. TraderCadddy

    Futures getting a nice hit early.
    Related to swine flu?
    Mrkcbill- Yes and if the Mother-In-Law has any complaints I will go to my home office,shut the door, and watch the goings on with the Beav in Mayfield.

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  87. gappingandyapping

    Jake I agree, I thought the same about the commercials.

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