18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,530 Blog Posts

Hector Lavoe-Periodico de Ayer

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypYXHoqck_w&feature=channel_page 450 300] If you enjoy the content at iBankCoin, please follow us on Twitter


  1. Crude Broker

    Fly, you bastard you. Playin’ this mumbo jumbo shit.

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  2. The Fly

    I played it for your office, knowing how much they appreciate this shit.


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  3. mustard seeds

    Excellent music choice…after not making much coin today, I hear Cancun is over run with military after one of the hired drug busters is found unmercifully tortured and shot.

    peridoica de la próxima semana

    Next week I have vacation in Cancun with my family. Kudlow will be crying as mustard seeds is found dead floating in a large margarita glass, caught in the crossfire from the militia and the cartels.

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  4. DSB

    That song was perfect.

    Are these people fucking crazy?


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  5. ManuelStop


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  6. Phil_from_Brazil


    If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you blogged for a living.

    How do you come up with so much random shit to keep us little folk glued to IBC all day, awaiting the next post?


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  7. go2mars

    Canadian Health Care. For the record.

    My 90 year old grandfather fell and broke his neck. They called a taxi for him at the hospital and sent him home. 2 days later they called back to bring him in for a halo and major surgery so he wouldn’t die. Very lucky to have survived. Oops, sorry. Here’s some skull bolts, etc. Good thing he’s tough as nails. Or used to be.

    My wife ripped so bad when my son was born that 7 months later she can still barely stand. She just now finally got an appointment to see a cunt specialist… On June 23rd 2009.

    I was in Houston and hurt my shoulder. $185 and 2 hours later, I had a doctor going through the results of an MRI with me. In Canada, you’d be lucky if this happened within 2 years. Seriously.

    and on and on. You get the idea.

    Whatever you wish for, DO NOT WISH FOR PUBLIC HEALTH CARE!!!

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  8. blues

    “Bad Bank” dropped from plan!


    So if this “NEW” plan from Geithner is nothing “NEW”? WTF is proping up the market now?!

    It seems there’s not going to be anythign new from his fucking plan! The only thing new is that he “WISH” private investor would come to the riscue… BUT THEN WHO IS FUCKING DUMB ENOUGHT TO BUY THESE WORTHLESS SHIT? Everyone is wait for otheer person to buy it up so they can own the “clean new” bank! So no one want to die first!

    I think this “private capital” idea would really be GREAT IF THEY DO IT CORRECTLY! They should set up a trading platform just like the current ones for the equity (such as stock market) and let all the SH** ASSET FROM THE BANK trade there. VERY TRASNPARENT! No behind the door crap. This way it would be the BEST (FAIR) PRICE DISCOVERY MECHNISM… BUT, if you think about that, suddenly ALL THOSE WORTHLESS SH** would be trading at a worthless level and BANK WOULD NO LONGER BE ABLE TO HAVE THOSE ASSET ON THE BOOK VALUE AT SOME RIDICULOUS VALUE BY SOME STUPID COMPUTER MODEL. SO BANK STILL GO BK! Their book would suddenly look like SH**!!

    No matter what, these fucking Bank are going to die, is just matter of time… die slowly or die fast…

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  9. Phil_from_Brazil

    One more Q, Señor Fly.

    I noticed your banner now reads, “I have seen the future and it has HIGHER stock prices in it”.

    In light of the changes you make to the site from time to time, should we expect to see that banner updated fairly often (from now on) to reflect your sense of medium-term directionality? Or is it just a banner you update in January of every year and then forget about?

    Let us know, Horacio Garra de Martelo!
    (that’s the Brazilian version of your other alias)

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  10. mrkcbill

    E=MC Vag / CAP makes a vid


    Go Jayhawks!

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  11. the prof

    anyone know why the futures are tanking? this action just saved my ass, or at least half of it.

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  12. Woodshedder

    Crude Broker? WTF? Where you been man? I swear its been a year since you’ve last sinned…

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  13. Woodshedder

    the prof, the easy answer is the futures are down because Fly went bullish.

    Just kidding. Seriously, the markets are overbought. A pullback here would be normal. The pros sell the news, after having bought the run up of the rumor. Then, they reload a few percent lower.

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  14. the prof

    Woodshedder, I know that we’re way overbought which is why I did not close out my shorts despite getting seriously hosed Friday, but the futures were driven down pretty harshly the last hour. There’s got to be some news, like the Repugs are going to block the stimulus?

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  15. Woodshedder

    Prof, the futures will likely rally through the night. Lately they’ve been trading down until about 1:00 a.m. where they begin to rally into the open.

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  16. the prof

    okay, thanks. I should have acted if that’s the case. I smell a rat tonight, though, like somebody just saw them take Geitner out in a straight jacket rolling his tongue. But what do I know?

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  17. Woodshedder

    Prof, I’m short. So I am biased. I think we selloff again, into the news release. Of course I have a stop in place a pre-defined risk, so it really doesn’t matter. I’ll either make money or not.

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