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The Cheat Sheet for Your Coin

“In the history of capitalism, this is the hardest time ever to invest. People are going broke, losing their jobs, and fear more than greed rules the news and tries to rule thoughts.

In short: people are scared. And I do think the uncertainty is going to rise quickly so I wanted to put this note together.

In 2001 and 2002 I lost all my money through bad investing. The same thing happened to me on a couple of occasions after that.

So why should anyone listen to me about investing? You shouldn’t. You shouldn’t listen to anyone at all about investing. This is your hard-earned money. Don’t blow it by listening to an idiot like me.

Here’s my experience (and perhaps I’ve learned the hard way about what NOT to do and a little bit about what TO do.):

I’ve run a hedge fund that was successful. I ran a fund of hedge funds, which means I’ve probably analyzed the track records and strategies of about 1000 different hedge funds.

I’ve been a venture capitalist and a successful angel investor (I was a HORRIBLE venture capitalist though – but I put that under the category of “does not work well with others”).

I can’t raise money anymore. Nor do I want to play that game. I don’t BS about my losses and everyone else does.

So I’m not in that business anymore. It’s too much work to run a fund anyway.

In the past 15 years I’ve tried every investing strategy out there. I honestly can’t think of a strategy I haven’t experimented with.

I’ve also wrote software to trade the markets automatically and I did very well with that.

And I’ve written several books on my experiences investing, with topics ranging from automatic investing to Warren Buffett, to hedge funds, to long-term investing (my worse-selling book, “The Forever Portfolio”, which has sold 399 copies since it came out in December 2008, including one copy for the entire last quarter).

Incidentally, why publish a book called “The Forever Portfolio” during the worst financial crisis in history. I begged my publisher (Penguin) to postpone but they couldn’t. “It’s in the schedule” was their magic incantation. Publishers largely suck. The good news is: they will never make back the advance.

That said, all of the picks in that book have done excellently since then but the one thing I am proud of is that I made a crossword puzzle for the book. I don’t know of any other investing book with a crossword puzzle in it.

So, Ok! Let’s get started. Don’t follow any of my advice. This is advice that I do and follow and it works for me.


Only if you are also willing to take all of your money, rip it into tiny pieces, make cupcakes with one piece of money inside each cupcake and then eat all of the cupcakes.

Then you will get sick, and eat all of your money, but it will taste thrilling along the way. Which is what daytrading is.


No. I personally know of two. Maybe three. And they work 24 hours a day at it and have been doing it for a decade or more. So unless you want to put in that amount of time and be willing to lose a lot first then you shouldn’t do it.

One more thing: when you daytrade and lose money it’s not like a job.

When you go into a job you NEVER lose money. If you show up for two weeks, you get paid. Even if you have been warned repeatedly about sexual harassment you still get paid. You might get fired but they won’t take your money.

The stock market TAKES your money on bad days. Sometimes it takes a lot of your money. We’re not used to the brutality of that and it can destroy a person psychologically, which makes one (me) trade even worse.


Three types of people:

1) People who hold stocks FOREVER. Think: Warren Buffett (has never sold a share of Berkshire Hathaway since 1967) or Bill Gates (he sells shares but for 20 years basically held onto his MSFT stock).

2) People who hold stocks for a millionth of a second (see Michael Lewis’s book “Flash Boys” which I highly recommend.) This is borderline illegal and I don’t recommend it.

3) People who cheat.

I’ve seen it for 20 years. I’ve seen every scam. I can write a history of scams in the past 20 years.

Without describing them, here’s the history: Reg S, Calendar trading, Mutual fund timing, Death spirals, Front running, Pump and Dump, manipulating illiquid stocks, Ponzi schemes, and inside information. Inside information has always existed and always will exist.

One time I wanted to raise money for one of my funds. I went to visit my neighbor’s boss. The boss had been returning a solid 12% per year for 20 years.

Everyone wanted to know how he did it. “Get some info while you are there,” a friend of mine in the business said when he heard I was visiting my neighbor’s boss.

The boss said to me, “I’m sorry, James. We like you and if you want to work here, then that would be great. But we have no idea what you would be doing with the money. And here at Bernard Madoff Securities, reputation is everything”.

So I didn’t raise money from Bernie Madoff although he wanted me to work there.

Later, the same friend who wanted me to get “info” and “figure out how he does it” said to me: “we knew all along he was a crook.”

Which is another thing common in Wall Street. Everybody knows everything in retrospect and nobody ever admits they were wrong.

Show me a Wall Street pundit who says “I was wrong” and I’ll show you…I don’t know…something graphic and horrible and impossible [fill in blank].

D) So how can one make money in the market?

I told you about: #1. Pick some stocks and hold them forever.

E) What stocks should I hold?…..”

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Former Regulators Say Never Mind High Frequency Trade Rigging and Pay Closer Attention to Dark Markets

“Fears that high-speed traders have been rigging the U.S. stock market went mainstream last week thanks to allegations in a book by financial author Michael Lewis, but there may be a more serious threat to investors: the increasing amount of trading that happens outside of exchanges.

Some former regulators and academics say so much trading is now happening away from exchanges that publicly quoted prices for stocks on exchanges may no longer properly reflect where the market is. And this problem could cost investors far more money than any shenanigans related to high frequency trading.

When the average investor, or even a big portfolio manager, tries to buy or sell shares now, the trade is often matched up with another order by a dealer in a so-called “dark pool,” or another alternative to exchanges.

Those whose trade never makes it to an exchange can benefit as the broker avoids paying an exchange trading fee, taking cost out of the process. Investors with large orders can also more easily disguise what they are doing, reducing the danger that others will hear what they are doing and take advantage of them.

But the rise of “off-exchange trading” is terrible for the broader market because it reduces price transparency a lot, critics of the system say. The problem is these venues price their transactions off of the published prices on the exchanges – and if those prices lack integrity then “dark pool” pricing will itself be skewed.

Around 40 percent of all U.S. stock trades, including almost all orders from “mom and pop” investors, now happen “off exchange,” up from around 16 percent six years ago.

This trend is “a real concern,” John Ramsay, former head of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Trading and Markets division, said on the sidelines of a conference in February. “We have academic data now that suggests that, yes, in fact there is a point beyond which the level of dark trading for particular securities can really erode market quality.”

Given the $21.4 trillion worth of U.S. stocks that were traded in 2012, even a small mispricing can move the needle by tens of billions of dollars.

Lewis’ new book, “Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt,” says that high speed traders bilk that kind of money from investors every year. He focuses on how high-frequency trading firms use ultra- fast telecom links, microwave towers and special access to exchanges to gain an edge over other traders.

The U.S. Justice Department is investigating high-speed trading for possible insider trading, Attorney General Eric Holder told lawmakers on Friday. Other regulators and the FBI have also confirmed they are looking into potential wrongdoing by high-frequency stock traders.

But whether or not high-speed trading is sinister, revenues for these firms have been declining for years: in 2013, they were about $1 billion, after peaking at around $5 billion in 2009, according to estimates by Rosenblatt Securities. If, as Lewis says, these traders are doing nothing more than ripping off the rest of the market, it’s a shrinking problem.

Meanwhile, as the revenue from high frequency trading has waned, trading outside of public exchanges has been on the rise, threatening to roll back decades of progress towards more transparent markets.


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Eastern Ukraine Protestors Stand Up for Legitimacy and Secession


Less than a month after the Crimean referendum which pulled the region away from Ukraine and ceded it to Russia, another east Ukraine regional city, Donetsk, has just declared its independence from Kiev following the previously reported mini coup yesterday in which pro-Russia activists seized the government building in the city, as well as the other two regional capitals. Specifically, as RT reports, today at 12:20 local time, a session of the people’s Council of Donbass (Donetsk region) took place in the main hall of the Regional Council and without the police (whose allegiance to Kiev also appears to be non-existent) intervening, unanimously voted on a declaration to form a new independent state: the People’s Republic of Donetsk.

Sure enough, promptly thereafter the Council of the new republic issued an address to Russian President Vladimir Putin, asking for deployment of a temporary peacekeeping force to the region. Just like Crimea.

And so another city pulls away from Ukraine and gives Russia the go ahead to create a toehold in East Ukraine, just according to Putin’s plan.

RT has the details:

The Council proclaimed itself the only legitimate body in the region until the regions in southeast Ukraine conduct a general referendum, set to take place no later than May 11.

The Council in Donetsk issued an address to Russian President Vladimir Putin, asking for deployment of a temporary peacekeeping force to the region.

“Without support it will be hard for us to stand against the junta in Kiev,” said the address…..”

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Market Cap to GDP: The Old Man Buffett Valuation Indicator

“From time to time I’m asked why I don’t include Market Cap to GDP among the long-term valuation indicators I routinely follow. The metric gained popularity in recent years thanks to Warren Buffett’s remark in a 2001 Fortune Magazine interview that “it is probably the best single measure of where valuations stand at any given moment.”

My friend and guest contributor Chris Turner offered some analysis along those lines last year using the S&P 500 as the surrogate for the market (When Warren Buffett Talks … People Listen). For a broader measure of Market Cap, VectorGrader.comuses line 36 in the Federal Reserve’s B.102 balance sheet (Market Value of Equities Outstanding) as the numerator. Since both GDP and the Fed’s data are quarterly, the folks at VectorGrader.com do some interpolation and extrapolation to produce monthly estimates. Their latest chart is available to the general public here.

The four valuation indicators I track in my monthly valuation overview offer a long-term perspective of well over a century. The raw data for the “Buffett indicator” only goes back as far as the middle of the 20th century. Quarterly GDP dates from 1947, and the Fed’s B.102 Balance sheet has quarterly updates beginning in Q4 1951. With an acknowledgement of this abbreviated timeframe, let’s take a look at the plain vanilla quarterly ratio with no effort to interpolate monthly data or extrapolate since the end of the most recent quarterly numbers.



That strange numerator in the chart title, MVEONWMVBSNNCB, is the FRED designation for Line 36 in the B.102 balance sheet (Market Value of Equities Outstanding), available on the Federal Reserve website. Here is a link to a FRED version of the chart…..”

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$GS Posts a List of the Most Undervalued Stocks

“David Kostin, Goldman Sachs‘ chief U.S. equity strategist, says the S&P 500 will climb just 3% this year.

However, within the market he sees no shortage of stocks and sectors expected to outperform.

In his new U.S. Monthly Chartbook, Kostin provides a list of stocks with the most upside potential today.

According to Goldman’s analysts, the 40 stocks on this list offer 21% to 41% upside relative to their recent prices.

The current list has a mix of energy, tech, and retail firms….”

Full list of companies 

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MSM Slammed for Belief Based Opinions on Global Warming

If you think this is not happening here then your smoking to much crack. Throw your tv away and seek out alternative media.

“A UK parliamentary committee has released a damning report, criticizing the state-run British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) for its unbalanced and false coverage of climate change.

The report by the parliamentary Science and Technology Committee found that the BBC had used unqualified experts instead of scientists to give their views on the issue.

In addition, the committee said the BBC’s use of climate lobbyists has blurred the lines between scientific facts and belief-based opinions.

Committee chair Andrew Miller said it was “disappointing that the BBC does not ensure all of its programs and presenters reflect the actual state of science in its output,” adding, BBC’s news teams, including Radio 4’s Today program “continue to make mistakes in their coverage of climate science by giving opinions and scientific fact the same weight.”

The parliamentary panel also criticized British newspapers, including The Daily Telegraph  and The Daily Mail  for their coverage on global warning. ….”

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Obamao Asks Congress to Shell Out Cash for the U.N. and Their “Peacekeeping Militia”

“At a time of soaring U.S. budget deficits, brutal economic hardship for tens of millions of Americans, and unprecedented levels of federal spending, the Obama administration is asking Congress to drastically increase U.S. funding for the scandal-plagued United Nations and its oftentimes ruthless so-called international “peacekeeping” troops. However, rather than rewarding the widely criticized “dictators’ club” with more borrowed or confiscated funds, critics say U.S. lawmakers should cut off all funding to the UN — and eventually withdraw from the sovereignty-subverting outfit altogether.

In its fiscal year 2015 budget request, which seeks almost $4 trillion in spending overall, the Obama administration is asking Congress to approve a massive 33-percent hike in U.S. taxpayer handouts to the UN and other international organizations. In addition, the White House is pushing “contributions” to so-called global “peacekeeping” schemes that are a full 43 percent larger than last year, sparking outrage from critics.

Most of the proposed increase in UN military funding, the administration says, will go to deploying even more UN troops to prop up the dubious regimes ruling war-torn African nations such as Mali, South Sudan, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and more. The self-styled global military already has about 100,000 UN troops and “police” deployed across 15 “missions,” along with more than 15,000 civilians. Apparently, though, the UN and Obama want more…..”

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Documentary: Building the Machine

Cheers on your weekend!

[youtube://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjxBClx01jc 450 300]


[youtube://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5jRewnxSBY 450 300]

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Paulsen of Wells Capital Management: History Does Not Usually Repeat, We May See a 1987 Crash Again

“Jim Paulsen of Wells Capital Management, who apparently sees the future in numbers, said in a client note that on May 27, the current bull market will be 1,311 trading days old, USA Today reported.

That is an important date because it was 1,311 trading days after the start of the 1982 bull market that the S&P 500 endured its biggest one-day point crash in history, on Oct. 19, 1987.

“Normally these kinds of things are just market oddities. But investors are taking this one seriously since there are such strong similarities with the 1982 bull market and the one the market is currently in,” USA Today said.

In fact, stock market charts that begin with the 2009 start of the current bull market, when overlaid with the corresponding charts that began in 1982 and ended with the 1987 crash, look eerily similar.

Paulsen noted the current bull market has staged a 175 percent rally from the low — which is also where the 1982 bull market was at this point in its run.

However, he is not out to scare his clients, and concludes a 10 percent correction is probably the more likely scenario ahead.

“Don’t worry much, however, about another major style 1987 collapse. History doesn’t usually fully repeat,” Paulsen wrote in his note to clients.

In a less colorful piece, USA Today noted the price-earnings ratios of the top 10 biggest stocks in the S&P 500 today are nowhere close to the peaks that the 10 most highly valued stocks hit in 2000, another recent market blow-off year when the dot-com stocks imploded….”

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Equity Inflows Begin to Trickle Back Into Emerging Markets

“Emerging market bond and equity funds both experienced inflows for the first time this year in the week ending April 2, a further sign that optimism is growing toward developing world assets.

Investors plowed $2.44 billion into emerging market equity funds in this latest week, the highest amount since October 2013, Barclays said, citing data from fund-tracker EPFR Global.

Meanwhile in emerging market bond funds, investors poured $1.06 billion in, compared with outflows of $1.11 billion in the previous week.

“The price action and the mood may have turned on emerging markets,” said Koon Chow and Durukal Gun, analysts at Barclays.

“But given the long period of outflows and emerging market growth having yet to rebound, we may need a couple more weeks of positive flow numbers to confirm this,” they cautioned.

After a tumultuous start to the year…”

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According to Cramer These Stocks are Too Cheap

“The most treacherous part of the year is about to begin, says Jim Cramer, “Earnings season.”

It’s a time when headlines can move stocks higher or lower only to have those gains or losses canceled out hours later when companies hold their conference calls.

And it’s also a time when Cramer looks for those knee-jerk reactions from Wall Street to generate sudden discounts. If you identify a solid company, with a strong balance sheet, reliable management and other bullish fundamentals, Cramer suggests buying shares on any unexpected pullback.

However, if you don’t want to wait for earnings season to generate an opportunity in which you can buy the stock of a good company at a discount, Cramer thinks there are at least two companies that are currently cheaper than they should be.

Adam Jeffery | CNBC


“Consider PVH,” said Cramer…..”

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Judge Rules $JPM Shareholders ‘Can Sue’ Over London Whale

“A US judge has ruled shareholders can can sue JPMorgan Chase for securities fraud over the activities of the “London whale” trader.

The US bank lost $6.2 billion  (£3.7 billion) as a result of the scandal linked to trades made by Bruno Iksil from the London-based chief investment office.

District Judge George Daniels in Manhattan said shareholders could pursue claims that chief executive Jamie Dimon and former chief financial officer Douglas Braunstein hid increased risks the office had been taking early in 2012, according to Reuters.

But he dismissed an action brought against bank’s directors and another brought by employees over losses made by investing in the bank’s stock in their pensions….”

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Syria’s U.N. Representative, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, Says Another False Flag is Being Planned

“New York, (SANA) Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari said that terrorist groups are planning to launch attacks using chemical weapons in Jobar area to accuse Syrian government of it , as indicated in a phone call between terrorists monitored by the authorities.

Al-Jaafari told Russia Today TV channel in a phone call on Tuesday he sent two identical letters on March 25th to the UN Secretary-General and President of the Security Council drawing their attention to two vital issues.

He said  the first issue is that Syrian authorities monitored a landline phone call between two terrorists in Jobar area in Damascus’ suburb, during which one of them said a third terrorist referred to as Abu Nader is secretly distributing gas masks to protect from toxic gas among his cohorts.

Al-Jaafari said the Syrian authorities also intercepted another call between two terrorists, one of them referred to as Abu Jihad who said there will be a use of toxic gas in Jobar area, asking the terrorist members working with him to prepare gas masks.

He added the purpose of this talk is to use toxic gas once again to accuse the government of the attack, just like what happened last year in Ghouta area in Damascus Countryside and in Aleppo before it.

Syria’s Permanent Representative said more critical piece of information is that terrorist organization known as Jabhat al-Nusra broadcast a video on their YouTube channel on March 23rd showing preparations for carrying out a bombing in Sukkar site in Adra area in Damascus Countryside, where Jabhat al-Nusra and Al Qaeda terrorists are running amok.

He noted that the video showed a BMP armored vehicle loaded with 7,000 kilograms of TNT and C4 and driven by a terrorist called Shamel al-Ansari, in addition to another car loaded with explosives driven by a Jordanian terrorist called “Abu Stef al-Urduni, with the purpose of the two vehicles is to detonate them in Sukkar site, which contains chemicals.

There’s nothing called international community, unfortunately, al-Jaafari said “we directed two letters to the Security Council to have the countries that keep talking about the threats of chemical weapons to pressure the countries sponsoring and funding these terrorist groups – specifically Turkish, Saudi, and Qatari governments – to prevent such terrorist acts by pressuring these gangs and terrorist gangs” adding that now this matter is in the hands of the Security Council…..”

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Economist Sees the S&P Fallling 30% After Reaching 1900

“The S&P 500 is just 9 points off a trigger point that will see it tumble 30 percent, veteran trader and economist Steen Jakobsen told CNBC on Thursday.

The index, which tracks the U.S.’s 500 biggest companies, touched a new high on Wednesday, and closed at 1,890.90 points, up 2.3 percent on the year. It has grown steadily since mid-2011, when it touched a low of 1,011.52.

Jakobsen, the chief economist and chief investment officer at Saxo Bank, warned the index was just points away from the key 1,900 level, which could herald a 30 percent correction. This would see the S&P tumble to 1,330.


Getty Images

The S&P plummeted nearly 50 percent between May and November 2008 in the wake of the financial crisis, falling to a session low of 741.02 in November. However, it has enjoyed a long bull run since then.

The economist said that the index was overdue for a correction.

“Equities are the only asset class that have not been impacted by this crisis — we had commodities and then we had fixed income. So for the crisis to play out fully, we need to go into equities. That will happen on lack of earnings, the lack of growth coming into the sector,” Jakobsen told CNBC.

He said that typically equity markets corrected 10 percent once a year, and corrected 25-30 percent every five years.

“So statistically we are overdue (for a fall-off),” he said…..”

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No Recovery in Sight as Jobless Numbers Jump and the Trade Gap Widens

“The number of Americans filing new claims for unemployment benefits rose more than expected last week, but the underlying trend continued to point to some strength in the labor market.

Initial claims for state unemployment benefits increased 16,000 to a seasonally adjusted 326,000, the Labor Department said on Thursday. Claims for the week ended March 22 were revised to show 1,000 fewer applications received than previously reported.

Economists polled by Reuters had forecast first-time applications for jobless benefits rising to 317,000 in the week ended March 29.

The four-week moving average for new claims, considered a better measure of underlying labor market conditions as it irons out week-to-week volatility, nudged up 250 to 319,500. This indicates a firmer bias in the labor market.

A Labor Department analyst said no states were estimated and there were no special factors influencing the state level data.

The government made revisions to the model it uses to smooth the claims data for seasonal fluctuations. It also revised claims data going back to 2009.

Despite last week’s increase, claims have been generally stable in March, which should support expectations of an acceleration in job growth during the month.

The government’s closely watched employment report on Friday is expected to show nonfarm payrolls increased by 200,000 jobs last month after rising 175,000 in February, according to a Reuters survey of economists. The unemployment rate is seen falling one-tenth of a percentage point to 6.6 percent.

A report on Wednesday showed private employers stepped up hiring in March for a second straight month.

The labor market suffered a setback in December and January when unseasonably cold weather gripped large parts of the country. With temperatures rising, a pick-up is in the cards, which should help to unleash pent-up demand and put the economy on a stronger growth trajectory.

The claims report showed the number of people still receiving benefits after an initial week of aid rose 22,000 to 2.84 million in the week ended March 22.

Trade gap widens sharply, exports tumble…”

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Malaysian Government Admits Altering MH370 Pilot Transcript, Hiding Evidence and Misleading the Public in Massive Cover-up

“As the facts about MH370 slowly emerge, it is increasingly apparent that the Malaysian government has been — and continues to be — involved in an elaborate cover-up that falsified and hid evidence the public deserves to know about the fate of Flight 370 passengers.

The government openly admitted this, in fact. “A Malaysian team have told relatives of Chinese passengers on board the missing Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH370 that there was sealed evidence that cannot be made public, as they came under fire from the angry relatives at a briefing on Wednesday,” reported the Straights Times.(1)

The Times also reports:

“We demand you retract announcement that MH370 ended in south Indian Ocean and continue search-and-rescue operations,” one relative said at the briefing.

Why would a government seal evidence concerning the fate of MH370? It would only do so if it didn’t want the public to see that evidence, of course. This is typically done under circumstances of national security or military secrets. We all have to wonder: what evidence is there concerning MH370 that the Malaysian government would not want to be made public? And why?

Pilot transcript altered, mischaracterized for weeks

We also know that the Malaysian government altered the pilot transcript, misleading the public for weeks about the sign-off words uttered by either the pilot or the copilot. The government’s claim that the pilot said, “all right goodnight” turned out to be false. This strange-sounding sign-off was apparently floated by the Malaysia government to support its contention that the pilot was suicidal and departing from customary communications protocols.

But now, we’ve learned the pilots actually said, “Good night, Malaysian three seven zero.”(3)

It is, of course, impossible to misconstrue “Good night, Malaysian three seven zero” as “all right goodnight.” This means the Malaysian government deliberately altered the pilot transcript and fed disinfo to the public. This charade continued for weeks until public pressure finally forced the government to release the real transcript, as follows:

Families of MH370 victims not fooled by deceptive Malaysian government

The families of MH370 passengers are, of course, outraged at the increasingly apparent deceptions being pushed by the Malaysian government. As the Straights Times reports:

Some family representatives targeted Malaysian envoy Iskandar Sarudin, asking him: “You expect us to accept a report you cannot defend?”

“No comment,” said Mr Iskandar.

He again declined to comment when asked “how do you expect us to feel friendly towardsMalaysia?”

Upset by the response from the Malaysia team, a relative said: “You have once again left us speechless!”

The Malaysian government is now engaged in a stonewalling exercise to deliberately prevent the public from learning the truth.

Governments routinely deceive the People and withhold crucial evidence…”

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It Takes an Act of God to Set Criminals Free in Chile, Not So In America

Chilean earthquake sets criminals free

“Obama Administration Releases 68,000 Illegal Immigrant Criminals

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials released 67,879 illegal immigrants with criminal convictions in 2013 and made no move to deport them. ICE is part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

This information was made available on March 31 by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), a Washington, D.C.-based think tank that collected the information from ICE’s “Weekly Departures and Detention Report” for the end of fiscal year 2013. The CIS obtained a copy of the report through a lawsuit.

CIS released it findings in a document written by former State Department foreign service officer Jessica Vaughan titled, “Catch and Release: Interior Immigration enforcement in 2013.”

The ICE document showed that its agents encountered 193,357 illegal immigrants with criminal convictions last year, but issued charging documents for only 125,478. As noted above, 67,879 charged and/or convicted criminals were released.

“ICE released 68,000 criminal aliens in 2013, or 35 percent of the criminal aliens encountered by officers. The vast majority of these releases occurred because of the Obama administration’s prosecutorial discretion policies,” Vaughan wrote in a memo that drew from the ICE document. She noted that ICE classifies illegal immigrants as criminal if they have been convicted of a crime, excluding traffic offenses.

Vaughan noted further: “The Obama administration’s deliberate obstruction of immigration enforcement, in which tens of thousands of criminal aliens are released instead of removed, is threatening the well-being of American communities.”

Fox News reported that Immigration and Customs Enforcement accused CIS of distorting the numbers, claiming that some of the convictions might represent minor offenses. The agency also took credit for deporting a total of 216,000 “convicted criminals” in 2013.

“ICE is focused on the removal of criminal aliens,” Fox quoted an ICE spokeswoman. “The percentage of criminals removed continues to rise. Nearly 60 percent of ICE’s total removals had been previously convicted of a criminal offense, and that number rises to 82 percent for individuals removed from the interior of the U.S. The removal of criminal individuals is and will remain ICE’s highest priority.”

Fox also reported that earlier this month, a DHS spokesman said the internal review of immigration enforcement is a process that is “ongoing” and will be done “expeditiously.”

“Since taking office, [Jeh Johnson] the secretary [of Homeland Security] has made clear that he shares the president’s commitment of enforcing our immigration laws effectively and sensibly, in line with our values,” the spokesman said. “As part of that effort he has been taking a hard look at these tough issues, meeting with a range of stakeholders and employees and already has been assessing if there are areas where we can further align our enforcement policies with our goal of sound law enforcement practice that prioritizes public safety.”

The CIS report said factors such as “family relationships, political considerations, or attention from advocacy groups” are likely helping to “trump criminal convictions as a factor leading to deportation.”

So much for President Obama’s claim last June that “today, deportation of criminals is at its highest level ever” because “we focused our enforcement efforts on criminals who are here illegally and who are endangering our communities.”

CIS has charged that the Obama administration has manipulated statistics by changing how it counts the number of deportations in order to hide the decline. Jessica Vaughan said that Homeland Security plays a statistical shell game of “removals” vs. “returns” and that if you actually “count the number of people sent out of the country, it’s not even close to a record. It’s the lowest since the 1970s.”

The number of returns in 2012 was 229,968, down from 1.6 million returns in 2000, the last full year of the Clinton administration.

Homeland Security defines a “return” — which is how deportations were previously measured — as “the confirmed movement of an inadmissible or deportable alien out of the United States not based on an order of removal.”

Senator Jeff Session (R-Ala.) issued a statement on March 31 in response to the release of the statistics that read, in part:

The preponderance of the evidence demonstrates that immigration enforcement in America has collapsed. Even those with criminal convictions are being released. DHS is a department in crisis. Secretary Johnson must reject the President’s demands to weaken enforcement further and tell him that his duty, and his officers’ duty, is to enforce the law—not break it….

American citizens have a legal and moral right to the protections our immigration laws afford—at the border, the interior and the workplace. The Administration has stripped these protections and adopted a government policy that encourages new arrivals to enter illegally or overstay visas by advertising immunity from future enforcement….

While Senator Sessions hit the nail on the head regarding the Obama administration’s lax immigration enforcement, there was a certain partisanship in his comments: “Unfortunately, Congressional Democrats continue to empower this lawlessness. Republicans must work to end it.”

Democrats have unquestionably led the charge on weakening enforcement of our immigration laws….”

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