Joined Nov 11, 2007
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Margin Call Liquidation in Au Helps China to Load the Boat Yet Again

“Back in December, as always happens every year for the past 3, a margin call driven liquidation wave pushed the price of the gold to multi-month lows, providing merely yet another lowball buying opportunity (for which let’s all thank John Paulson, again). One buyer who certainly would love to thank whichever marginal seller was liquidating their gold, is none other than China, which as was reported a few hours ago, imported an all time record 114.4 tons of gold in the month of December, or more than all the gold held by the Greek central bank (assuming it hasn’t been confiscated by ze Germans or the ECB, or deposited in G-Pap or Venizelos’ private HSBC safe in Geneva yet: a very aggressive assumption).

This means that for all of 2012, total China imports of gold have hit a staggering 834.5 tons, double the 431 tons in 2011, and that the PBOC’s determination, whose official holdings are still a laughable 1054 tons, when in reality they are likely 3-4 times greater, to convert to a commodity-backed currency the day it decides to become the world’s reserves currency, as we predicted back in 2011, is as steadfast as ever.Recall from the December 2009 edition of China Youth Daily, which we reported previously that State Council advisor Ji was saying “that a team of experts from Beijing and Shanghai have set up a “task force” last year to consider growing China’s gold reserves.,,,,”

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