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SocGen Puts Out a Piece on Bernanke, Inflation, and Gold


SocGen’s Dylan Grice is out wth a fresh dose of catnip for goldbugs, tinfoil hat wearers, and anti-Feders.

His latest note is titled: When To Sell Gold.

But before he gets to the answer draws a royal flush of anti-Fed memes.

For example, he makes this famous comparison.

Though developed market governments are insolvent by any reasonable definition, it’s far from inevitable that this insolvency will precipitate an extreme inflationary event … it’s just that it might … And although I’ve wondered aloud if Ben Bernanke is in fact the reincarnation of Rudolf von Havenstein – the tragic president of the German Reichsbank who presided over the Weimar Hyperinflation (speculative evidence presented below) – I don’t think he actually is … it’s just that he, and other central bankers, might be closer than they think …

We’re really not sure whether Grice purposely mislabled the pictures of the two central bankers or not.




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