18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,474 Blog Posts

Eddie LampBERT (sp?) Sucks

I’m still laughing at the ‘research report’ circulated by Citron yesterday, dragging VJET through the sticks and mud. Who wrote that report, Kenny Powers? These people are children.

I see the stock is down another $2.50, which is fascinating. You retards are just surfing the tide. You’re not swimming, which is why you have weak hands. “The Fly” has hands of stone and granite. He punches Citron in the face, then steals their lemons.

Retail numbers sucked today–because Obama is the devil. The economy is good–exclusively for those making more than 250k per annum. Stocks go up because Ben Bernanke is crazy and makes them go higher.

GMCR is ripping this morning, making a laughing stock of David Einhorn’s short position. Between GMCR and CMG, he’s been exactly wrong on the direction of two momentum stocks and should probably refrain from doing so in the future.

I like solar, dry bulk and sapphire on silicon. I also think Eddie LampBERT (sp?) is a goddamn idiot and should step away from SHLD.

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Bringing You Up to Speed with The House of Fly

I have two services that clean my house, one is very efficient and detail oriented. The other is staffed by illegal Mexicans who work as fast as the wind, possess greedy eyes and fast fingers. Like clockwork, the efficient service is predictably unpredictable–despite charging me 100% more than the Mexican service. They cancel on me at least twice per month! This leaves me with the undesirable situation of bearing witness to things going unpolished for an entire week.

Moving on: two house plants of mine have perished, one being a tall palm tree. I don’t know the reasons for their death, but only know that they sucked at life and wish them an uneventful after life.

Mrs. Fly is giving me an exceptionally hard time with the purchase of my new vehicle. She should mind her place and get to cooking meatloaf more often.

The gym is taxing much of my free time, as my experiment with nutrition and very heavy weights continue. I am bulking now (3,000 calories per day) and have gained an astounding 9 pounds over the past 3 weeks. I’m stronger than ever and could probably punch a hole through your chest.

The dead palm tree is still in the house and has gnats. Nothing could be more annoying. Where is the cleaning lady?

My dog only eats home cooked meals, which makes life interesting. How would you like eating kibble all day long, you stupid bastards?

My eldest son is incredibly bright, but wastes his time loafing about the television playing games.

Last but not least, I’m back to reading books again, after watching every meaningful movie ever made (this took me two years). On my iPad, at the moment, is Scaramouche, by Rafael Sabatini.

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Tragic Tragedies

This market sucks for me. It might be good for you; but it sucks for me.

I hope the planet explodes, taking Seeking Alpha and the Bitcoiners first, swallowing them up in a fiery volcano– calcifying their stupid bodies in molten rock–before planet X crashes into the Arctic circle, enveloping the globe in water and flames.

I was down 0.5% for the day.


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My Gains Are Simply Tapering Away

I don’t get what the Fed is doing here, with these last minutes. Consensus is they will taper, finally, sometime in 2014. Well color me skeptical because I’ve heard this before. Nonetheless, I am getting jabbed to the face and ribs again. It’s like a never-ending sparring bout with Clubber Lang and I am Rocky–from the first fight.

Each and every day I lose money. The market is near new highs; but I’m not participating. Naturally, all of this could’ve been different had I not taken the loss on ALJ, at the exact lows. Refiners are marching higher, as predicted, without me.

The only thing I have going for me is time and a cushion. I am still up 37% for the year, which is pretty f’n good. But I am woefully underperforming over the past month and this tapering chatter isn’t going to help.

To be clear, I am down just 0.4% for the session, exacerbated  by the fact that I am leveraged at 130%. But I was up 2.7% this morning and all of this movement is making me impatient, Ringo.


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When Are You Going 3-D?

The 3-D printing space, along with solar, has been the hottest sector in the market. When VJET came public, for one reason or another, the sector took off and didn’t look back. This vexed the fairies who write bearish articles at Seeking Alpha, since they’ve been trying to take down DDD since $35. After DDD wiped them out and more, the negative articles halted (extra Nazi)–because they were all dead.

However, after that ONVO hit piece from the other day, followed by yet another one today, I believe the dead have risen and are walking amidst the cemetery, looking for old typewriters to pen more negative articles.

Over the last two days, these stocks have been annihilated.
Out of curiosity, when are you planning to step in? Surely there will be a tradable bounce somewhere. Like in any bull market, insecurities play an important role in allowing people into great stocks, every so often. There have been numerous corrections in YELP, over the past year, all of which have yielded terrific results.

As for the market: it looks decent. I was +2.7% this morning, now I am down. This is my life, tortured daily with a butter knife.

P.S. As for VJET, this might’ve contributed to the slight downside action in the name today.



God I hate these people.

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May you bless us with all of your gravy. Smear it all over the faces (no homo) of those who believe in you. Strike down the dogs from hell who continue to perpetrate lies with bolts of lightening and drumsticks to the sternum. Bless our stocks, with all of your divine grandeur–the same grandeur that you bestowed upon the gunpowder weilding pilgrims, giving them the strength to turn their indigenous enemies into mashed potatoes.

They know time is running out and betting against your feathery ways is all but an exercise in suicidal futility. The American people, fat in their beliefs and jowls, cannot resist but to own stocks heading into your birthday and shall succumb to your tryptophan spells.



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It’s Awfully Hot On The Sun

The hottest stocks are cooling off the fastest. We are witnessing routs in some of the best stocks, from the innovative world of 3-d to solar, the elevator is decidedly down. This of course is typical of my recent foray into high beta names, such as SOL. The difference between then and now is my disposition of sheer complacency.

In many ways, I’ve become a Kamikaze pilot, aiming my zero down into some ships. It’s an exercize in futility, but it helps me sleep better at night. You must understand: after giving up 30% gains for two consecutive years and to see the same patterns present themselves now, I have no choice but to go completely mad.

November isn’t supposed to be a great month for stocks, just decent. One can make the argument that we’ve already had a decent run, so now it’s time to ‘taper off.’ In the logs of history, people only see the great indices marching higher. Little do they know, underneath the surface is displacement, disruption and carnage.

Some of my biggest draw-downs occured during the great dot com days, from 1998 to 2000. When it was all said and done, I made a King’s ransom. But, along the way, I was tossed into one lit fireplace after the next.

We are in the middle of a terrific bull run, spearheaded by cheap money and innovation. This is the “along the way” part that is loathsome. Make sure you can handle the downs, so that you can capitalize on the ups down the road.

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The Wondrous Life of a Seeking Alphaite

ONVO is swooning lower this afternoon, following a 100,000 word essay as to why it is overvalued, published on Seeking Alpha. This gent, a Robert Pearson, went through great lengths to establish an argument for lower prices. As a matter of fact, he’s been trying to do so for months, all the while ONVO has spiraled higher–despite his worst intentions.

As I read this article, which was done with great care and detail, I pondered to myself “what sort of man spends this much time writing an article like this on a free site?” Aren’t any of you curious? He plainly states to be short ONVO and has been since July, so maybe he’s in desperate straights, bloodied up from the run up. Nevertheless, it’s a good life to lead indeed, a privileged one at the auxiliary offices of Seeking Alpha, knowing that a singular article can strike the fear of God into unsuspecting shareholders.

Just last week SA published a scathing review of TTS, sending its shares down to $12. Now they are above $17.

Now if you were the editor of Seeking Alpha and possessed the power to feature this article, designate it “editors pick”, knowing it would maul the shares, you wouldn’t tip anyone else off before it was published, would you? Calm down, I am not making accusations. I am merely having fun. It would be a hoot if we could peer into the online trading accounts of such editors, just to see if they’re making as big a killing as their readers.

As for Mr. Pearson, I hope he averaged up on his ONVO short before submitting the article to Seeking Alpha. Hell, we know he did, since he clearly states being short the stock in his article. What a wondrous, fail-proof, world–this Seeking Alpha, where dreams are made and others are shattered.

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Watch Out For Divergences

Lots of potholes in the market to be aware of, especially in the high growth tech space.

YELP was absolutely pummeled yesterday, yet looks fine today. I’ve been looking to get into CRTO for about a week and like the fact that’s it’s coming in a little today. Truth be told, The Turkey Gods are upon you. You may not know it and you may choose to live a life of lies, ignorance, and shame, but they are.

Investors cannot help but to buy stocks ahead of the great day of stuffing and cranned berried sauce. It’s in America’s best interest, bestowed to us by Sara Hale, to enjoy Thanksgiving and give praise to the bloodshed and carnage we set upon the hapless Indians occupying our future lands.

There are over 3,000 stocks in the market worthy of your attention. For the moment, I’ve chosen a handful.

I like RBCN, BALT, NSTG, SOL, BRCM and GIMO. Anyone who opposes my right to decadence via a relentless and ravenous appetite for low brow securities shall endure the pangs of my wrath.

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I eagerly await the earnings of SOL.

Huge beat by TSL, standard practice in the solar space–by the way.

Trina Solar shares soar 12% following beat on earnings; raised FY13 shipment guidance

Trina Solar (TSL $18.20 +2.01) reported thrid quarter earnings of $0.14 per share, which is higher than expected, while revenues rose 84.0% year/year to $548.4 million which is higher than expected. Total shipments were 774.6 MW, compared to 646.6 MW in the second quarter of 2013 and 380.3 MW in the third quarter of 2012 (Q3 guidance was for shipments of $750-780 MW).

The sequential increase in shipments was primarily due to robust demand from China, driven by a series of incentives introduced by the Chinese government to stimulate domestic solar demand. In addition, the substantial increase in sales in Japan driven by strong demand and company efforts in that market also contributed to the increase in total revenue. Gross margin was 15.2%, compared to 11.6% in the second quarter of 2013.

“While average selling prices and polysilicon costs continue to stabilize in the third quarter, consolidation in the solar industry will also continue as it aligns more closely with supply. As a result of our ongoing efforts in improving our operational efficiency and controlling manufacturing costs, we achieved a further reduction in non-silicon costs, which contributed to notable quarter-on-quarter margin improvement” In the third quarter of 2013, the Company continued its efforts to reduce manufacturing costs, achieving a reduction of low single digit in percentage terms from a quarter ago. The sequential decrease in non-silicon manufacturing costs were primarily due to improved supply chain cost control, increased utilization of the Company’s in-house manufacturing capacities, as well as increases in the Company’s module efficiencies and improvements in its manufacturing processes.

Guidance: During the fourth quarter of 2013, the Company expects to ship between 760 MW to 790 MW of PV modules. The Company believes its overall gross margin for the fourth quarter, taking into account wafer and cell quantities outsourced from third party suppliers to meet demand in excess of its internal capacity and other needs will be in the mid-teens in percentage terms. For the full year 2013, the Company revises its previous PV module shipment guidance of between 2.3 GW and 2.4 GW to 2.58 GW and 2.62 GW.

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