18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Markets Don’t Like US Humiliation

We’re swimming lower now and we can only surmise the mood on Wall is dour after seeing a weekend of national humiliation play out on teevee.

The nightmare isn’t over yet, as we are still in the process of evacuating Kabul, shooting people along the way — dropping them from 1,000 ft above from cargo planes. Under normal circumstances in a normal country I’d be devastated by these events, feeling hurt due to national pride — but my country hates me so I hate them too. I know it isn’t a normal thing to say, but it’s true and I know there are millions out there who feel the same.

I empathize with the servicemen and I know a lot of them and I know it’s not their fault. But these wars…what more can I say other than these wars aren’t what the American people ever wanted and we certainly do not want more of them — especially since we have come to see their sole purpose is for grift and callous regard for life.

When this chapter in American failure ends, I will once again try to ignore politics best I can because it makes me sad and I hate spending my energy on things that are hopeless.

Early going I am -1%, heavily invested in old man stocks and hedged via SRTY. I am down because my pot stocks are getting smoked. I still like defensive stocks here.

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  1. irma vep

    Not a failure, just inevitable.

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  2. rigged game

    Wars are 20% of the USA economy, because we can’t produce anything except corn,
    soybeans, lousy movies and overpriced drugs. We have essentially ZERO technological and manufacturing capabilities, so we must farm out cell phone and TV manufacturing
    and put people to “work” shuffling needless medical insurance paperwork and typing
    up car titles and citing people for driving 5MPH over a speed limit (so they can go home
    and watch endless insurance TV commercials) and making 50 million dollar warplanes.

    AOC has it right. Just give the lower economic half of our country $40,000 a year to
    stay home and watch TV. The CEO’s don’t work, so why should they?

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    • tradercaddy

      We produce plenty of good stuff. We probably lead the world in You Tube influencers, Tick Tockers and Life Coaches.

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