18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
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Markets Blowing Off America’s Humiliation — Rates Decline

The underlying theme is both inflationary and deflationary. We have rates sinking lower and at the same time a heightening of prices. Biden just announced the largest increase in food stamps ever, +25%. That’s a staggering about to give to the poor — people who are more or less useless as much as they’re worthless. In America, however, we reward mediocrity. For example, our Sec of Defense, Lloyd J. Austin III, was the lad who presided over the rise of ISIS in the Middle East. Instead of punishing him, he got promoted.

This is who our government is and who a solid faction of this country is — programmed after decades of cultural cancer — imbibed to become drug addicts, anti-family, anti-God, anti-self hedonists. Quite literally Satan, if such a person exists.

Heading into this week, we stare down the barrel of an inferior army, trapped in an airport, beholden to their good graces after 20 years of bombing them into caves. We must be bribing the fuck out of them, or perhaps they view the victory as complete and would rather not risk damage to their cities.

Bottom line: Markets do not seem to give a fuck, as usual. I, however, am doing poorly and blame it on my inability to sell these fucking pot stocks — -2% heading into final hours of trade.

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