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Taking it Easy, Trading Slow

No collapse today. Here is the breadth breakdown in the market, via Stocklabs. Too strong in big caps to see any tangible drop in markets today. I sold my TZA and reshuffled again, down about 35bps for the day.

My daughter is graduating HS tomorrow, so I will be out of pocket. I cannot believe where the years went and I know it’s cliche to say that but fuck. I sometimes wish I could make them all (my 3 kids) little again — keep them about 8 years old forever. Life was better then — but that’s just me being selfish. Going forward, as my kids grow older, I will try my best to empower them and help them into adulthood; but as you know, life has a way of being the ultimate teacher, so sometimes the best help is to leave them alone. My entire life has been about raising my family and trying to give them a better life, better than what I had, and to raise happy children who could thrive in the world. This is a lot harder than it sounds due to all of the variables. Sometimes when you bottle them up and keep them in a bubble, it works the opposite of what you intended, so there has to be a balance. Either way, I am both sad and excited to see her graduate, as it marks an end of an era and beginning of a new one where she will be traveling far away to college to pursue her dreams.

As for the market, trading slow as molasses dripping off a summer table in the middle of a corn field in July.

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  1. jacked rabbit

    Nothing like challenging your kids early to do things where they might fail so they learn to pick themselves up if they do. It’s a lot easier to teach them that when their first fail is forgetting an assignment as opposed to if their first fail is wrapping their car around a telephone pole…

    Enjoy graduation.

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  2. duuude

    Raised three sons. Those were truly the magical years, gifted the chance to see life anew thru their eyes.

    Now us their time…lol and behold…Grandchildren !

    On the teaching part, as you know the important part is watching them get back up after falling…with their knowledge that family is always there for each other…no matter the cost.

    Then we die

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  3. metalleg

    Congratulations on your daughter’s graduation. As difficult as it may be to see her all grown up, you haven’t gotten to the hardest part.

    As she is going away to college, as my three kids did, you have yet to experience the enormous pain of leaving her at school after getting her settled in. It seems like yesterday when I drove away from my oldest daughter on the Penn State campus. It didn’t get any easier with my next two. They, on the other hand, were more than happy to see me go…lol.

    Remember this post. As bad as you think it will be, it’s going to be much worse. Bring tissues…lots of them.

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  4. soupbone

    To me thats a big graduation event, more important than a University one. Enjoy.

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