18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
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Futures Plunge, as Markets Begin to Price in a Trump Presidency

Like him or not, a D. Trump presidency is the antithesis of the Wall Street Journal led demand for open borders, and upsets the central apple cart that has scorned and beaten middle America into submission.  A Trump presidency upsets the globalist’s vision for the world, where one government presides over an underclass of slaves, producing cheap goods for fellow wards of the state.

Following the most newsworthy events of the Presidential campaign in months, seeing H. Clinton collapse at a 9/11 event,  exposing a young girl to pneumonia, then comical rumors of her body double emerged online, not to mention her calling 50% of Trump’s supporters ‘deplorable’, the market is beginning to price in a potential end to the status quo.

With Trump in office, Yellen and her band of fuckheads are out of there. U.S. trade deals will be canceled and rewritten. Taxes will be levied upon asshole companies shipping factories abroad, who then attempt to import cheaply made goods back into the country. It will be transformative, not to mention THE WALL.


Dow futs are off by 150.

DAX futs are off by 2.1%

WTI is off by 1.6%

Gold is catching a bid, now down by just 0.2%

Bonds are rallying and the Hang Seng is off by 2.75%

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  1. wolfdaddy

    Wow that’s a lot of Hillary news when you sum it up. First time she’s led Donald in the headlines! Keep up the great posts

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  2. roundwego

    rate for high risk is rocketing. Default fear is hitting with hanjin blowup. What can be made up in thin air can disolve quicky. Reality time, Trump is setting the alarm and wants fat lazy american to get back to real work to increase real productivity. Intelectuals will get a hair cut.

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  3. roundwego

    asia liquidity drying up fast. and you thought asia sell off from the beginning of the year was over?

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  4. roundwego

    man check out that vix hourly. its a beauty.

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  5. Caffeinated

    If Trump or an independent doesn’t win, we are witnessing what four years of Hillary Jong-un could be like.

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  6. it is showtime

    They’re not going to allow it. I’ve trumpeted that repeatedly. Not about to let what was forged the last 8 and beyond years reversed. Look how desperate they are to maintain the narrative this decrepit fake cheater ‘needs’ to be elected despite the trail of coverup necessary to maintain it. There will be false flags and black swans if power status quo can’t be directly held

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  7. snoozemr

    much ado about nothing. buying opportunity leading to the debates where Madam Sec’y of State will be healthy and will be eviscerating the Fat Narcissistic Bigoted Pig. But play the 6 weeks as you will. God luck.

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    • ironbird

      Dude. You have blue balls in a bowl. Then again probably a girl. The arrogance is stifling. So you win the asshole award. You people.

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  8. ironbird

    snoozdyke is confused. Obviously. lol Making fun of these asshats is too easy.

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  9. juice

    A Trump Presidency is not in the bag. Watch for Uncle Joe Biden to be trotted out to save the day or perhaps Commandant Obama will be installed for the interim until the Dems could field a suitable criminal for Hillary.

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