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If Hillary Clinton Was Diagnosed with Pneumonia on Friday, then Why Did She Take a Photo with a Little Girl Today?

Pneumonia is contagious for a minimum of 3 days after taking anti-biotics. Some virile strains of the virus are contagious for as long as two weeks. After today’s event where H. Clinton collapsed after a 9/11 ceremony, the Clinton team put out a statement–blaming the episode on pneumonia, which they claim was diagnosed on Friday.


Not being a dick here, but if I was diagnosed with pneumonia, I wouldn’t be having fundraisers, exposing my most loyal sycophants to a potentially life ending virus.  Note, the deplorables comments linked above was made at a fundraiser after she was allegedly diagnosed on Friday.

Secondly, I would never have permitted my moronic staff to have a little girl run out to meet me, following a fainting episode, which is without question a sign that the alleged pneumonia was showing strong symptoms and was 100% contagious. I am sure the future leader of the free world had a physician on staff to alert her to the dangers of her ailment, no?


So, parents out there, now having the benefit of hindsight, if you were the parents of this little girl, would you be pissed off that H. Clinton exposed your young one to her sickness or not?

By the way, contracting pneumonia is no laughing matter and isn’t something that should be held back from the public. It would’ve explained all of her odd ball behavior and I am certain the public would’ve empathized with her. The problem with her story is that it’s all a fucking lie.

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  1. stries

    I would be pissed if it was my daughter.

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  2. Mad_Scientist

    And its probably something worse than pneumonia too given how much they’ve lied about it up until now. They are probably still lying.

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