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NOAA Calls For the Most Active Hurricane Season Since Sandy

It’s that time of year again folks. The Deacon of Death, aka hurricanes, are coming. A little fun fact for all of you Fly fans out there. Many years ago, when I lived in Staten Island, I once voluntarily evacuated my house after learning of a serious hurricane heading my way. That hurricane went on to destroy many parts of upstate New York and nearly killed Chronkite, iBC’s former news blogger. I drove all the way to central PA and lived in a hotel for a night. The fucking storm was so intense, even out there, the goddamned trees were falling down.

Fun times.

Now, in the area I live now, just out of Princeton, I get to enjoy the specter of power outages coupled with the basement flooding. As such, I have four sub pumps and a back up portable generator in case of emergency. I’ve been seen cranking up that loud bastard during deluges, connecting home appliances to large, spaghetti wire like power cords, while pouring gasoline into the fucker to keep it going.

That being said, present conditions dictate this year’s hurricane season is going to be a doozy. Where is Dr. Cane, ibc’s former weather blogger, when we need him?

The NOAA reports a 70% chance of 12 to 17 named storms, of which five to eight are expected to become hurricanes, including two to four major hurricanes.

This is an increase from the NOAA’s May outlook, which called for 10 to 16 named storms, of which four to eight were expected to become hurricanes, including one to four major hurricanes.

While a difference of one predicted major hurricane may not seem significant, as Hurricane Sandy proved, one major storm can take a catastrophic toll on life and property.

Obvious plays for the cane season include natural gas, oil and reconstruction companies. Also, generators will be all the rage. You might as well buy some GNRC as a hedge now.

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  1. tradercaddy

    Like the way they hedge their bets.
    That’s because they’re never close and I go back to the 1960’s in Miami.
    Just always be prepared (I had replaced income insurance for my S. Miami office when Andrew took the building out) no matter what the idiot forecasts state.
    Between Dr. Gray (Colo. State U.) , the NOAA, etc. it looks like they just keep pimping for more Fed. $$.
    As far as Dr. Cane goes, he being a Harvard guy, is probably with a consulting firm giving advice to funds trading in commodities.

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  2. zola

    Humm living near Princeton, eh? Isn’t it a bit difficult to nearly share cellar space (n.e.2 “safe space”) with the former Helicopter Messiah? Just asking. As for details, the upper right corner says “Howdy” on this, my first post, suggesting lingering contamination of culture from the Far West of the USofA. Very confusing.

    And as for hurricanes, for your divertissement,, this animation shows various parts of the planet that are pummeled by storms at any time day or night.



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  3. t.c.

    I love the Fly stories. Hurricane forecasters predict the worst season ever pretty much every year though.

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  4. handyandy

    What women and Hurricanes have in common?

    They are both Wet and Windy when they come, and when they leave, they take your house.

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