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Some Civilizations Are More Equal Than Others: Thousands Infected with HIV in Indian Hospitals

Indian doctors were just giving blood transfusions without running rudimentary screens to test the blood for HIV. Why were they doing this? Well, the technology was available to them. The short answer is, they simply didn’t care about the repercussions.

The highest number of patients who had been infected with HIV as a result of contaminated blood in hospitals, were from the northern state of Uttar Pradesh with 361 cases, Mr Kothari’s RTI (Right to Information) query revealed.

The western states of Gujarat with 292 cases and Maharashtra with 276 cases rank second and third respectively.

The Indian capital Delhi is at number four with 264 cases.

“This is the official data, provided by the government-run Naco. I believe the real numbers would be double or triple that,” Mr Kothari told the BBC.

This has all occurred over the past 17 months alone. God knows how many people the Indian government has killed with HIV, by denying facilities with the very available technology to screen for HIV.

According to the nonsense I am reading, just 3 hospitals have HIV testing facilities in India. Most government owned hospitals do not screen for HIV before giving transfusions. More than 2 million Indians are infected with HIV.

India’s economy is growing at a 7.9% clip, none of which includes the sale of equipment to test blood for life ending diseases.

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  1. bravo

    The more I read about India…sheesh….

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  2. frog

    India has some good education in engineering and technology. But it’s sure being crossed off people’s lists now, as a medical tourism destination. Cuba is much closer, anyway. Cuba is a whole ‘nuther world opened up, with beautiful beaches too.

    India has a large middle class, in absolute numbers but still has a high percentage of people who are in abject poverty, far worse than anything you see in the U.S. So it’s sort of like a mixture of a First World country and a Third World country just thrown together into a blender and mixed together.

    Fascinating place if you can handle the Third World aspects of it– some of which are disorienting and mind altering in amazing ways, and some of which are, dangerous. So now add to the dangerous aspects of the place, that you don’t want to ever get sick and end up in a hospital there.

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  3. bountyhunter1

    Could be good for GILD 🙂

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  4. The Maven

    The Caste System + unlimited usage of antibiotics = Disaster. Get ready because antibiotic resistance is on the rise worldwide because of these swine.

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