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Morgan Stanley: The American Dream is Dying

Morgan Stanely is out with a report, highlighting income inequality in developed nations. The frenched fried eat scoundrels of Portugal took the 1st place trophy, followed by a series of southern european knaves. Juat behind Spain was the good old US of A, fucking people hard since Reagan left office.


“Past generations of middle-class families, emerging from the post-WWII period, could aspire to improving living standards, with a reasonably sized house, a good education for their children” and dependable pensions, Morgan Stanley economists said in their report Tuesday. “In contrast, middle-class aspirations are now running up against the wall of job and retirement insecurity.”

At least the stock market is within an ear shot of all time highs, no?

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  1. Marc David

    I remember when my son was in high school and said that he believed his generation would be the first not to have it better than previous. In essence he was correct. What’s the solution?

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    • UncleBuccs

      Borrow The Fly’s time machine and go back to 1992. Vote for Perot. https://youtu.be/Rkgx1C_S6ls

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      • kdog

        Ah, old Ross Perot. The primary reason Bush lost out on a second term.

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      • UncleBuccs

        Ross was part of the story, but by the time for elections had arrived, Bush was pretty unpopular. Ross was a disruption to the normal workings of the two party system scheme, but Bush did plenty to set things up for that Clinton win… My political science professor said at the time that anyone voting for Perot was throwing their vote away. I voted Perot anyway because I thought Bush sucked that much, and didn’t care for Clinton at all. They were both on the same from the beginning, anyway. http://i.imgur.com/bkIDXMx.jpg

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  2. nocturne

    Adapt … or die.

    Get rich … or die tryin’

    Ok I’m done.

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  3. clarkevii

    The most unequal countries economically are also the most financial illiterate. Check out the Standard and Poors findings on financial literacy. https://media.mhfi.com/documents/FinLit_EU_One_Pager.pdf

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