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Ninety Percent of Economists Agree: A Rate Hike is Coming

I know this is a long shit, being that the Fed is trying really hard to telegraph this move. But what if they don’t hike rates in December? The dollar is an 8 month high, commodities in the tank, stocks in the penalty box, and treasuries on pause.

“About 90 percent of economists expect the Fed to raise interest rates next month and based on Fed fund futures, investors have pretty much priced in the move, which is why we firmly believed that last week’s correction was technical and not fundamental,” wrote Kathy Lien, managing director of FX strategy for BK Asset Management.

Futures prices showed investors see nearly a 75 percent chance the Fed will hike rates next month, according to CME Group’s FedWatch.

Very simply: if the Fed surprised the markets by NOT hiking rates, it would produce the biggest Santa Claus rally you’ve ever seen. Treasuries would crater, stocks and commodites jump and the dollar would retreat. It would be the best pagan X-Mas ever.

A fly can dream, no?

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  1. J Adabese (your pen pal)
    J Adabese (your pen pal)

    I’m so tired of the FOMC I could, for the first time, punch an old lady in the face. Now we have a world travel alert. God what I wouldn’t give for the good ole days of Ebola.

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    • it is showtime

      bears said the rate game even if gallingly lengthy would never reach effectiveness now youre stuck with it. oh and, techtimes.com/articles/109416/20151123/ebola-re-emerges-in-liberia-153-people-under-surveillance.htm

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  2. vampyr

    With the stocks that I own, I’m not sure that it would make a difference. You see, I’m different from you.

    I figure that I’m in a hole out of which to passively dig will take at least 18 months to 2 years. I’ve been here before. It’s dark and familiar.

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  3. vandamme

    No, the dollar craters only when they DO hike. Look st history – dollar falls when Fed raises.

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  4. formergeek

    Hasn’t that been the script for like 3 years?

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  5. formergeek

    Lol are you bragging in your first sentance? Gotta watch those typos…

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