18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Stop Complaining About the Weather

Here in the northeast corridor of the United States, snow is part of our birthright. We don’t prance about the beach in the middle of winter with flip-flops, Hawaiian shorts, eating corn dogs. The snow makes us stronger, hardens us from the world around us. Over there in Florida and California, the people are weak, addled by drugs, pornography and lust. They are catamites.

If you’re lucky enough to have been born into one of the 13 original colonies in the northeast, stop complaining about the god damned weather. It happens every year, the snow that is. Another word out of you and I will see to it that you live out the rest of your days next to an active volcano in Hawaii, cavorting with savage tribes and sustaining on nothing more than spam and pineapple juice.

As for stocks, I’ll get to that a little later, if you don’t mind. I have my coffee and eggs in a basket (my favorite breakfast) next to me and would like to eat in peace. Thank you.

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  1. TJWP

    Well put, people used to die quite regularly to this kind of weather, less than 150 years ago, still do today depending on where they live, and these retards are bitching about the state of the roads/sidewalks.

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  2. halfbloodpope

    Just remember to keep your walked ways, mailed boxes, and fired hydrants clear for your civil service men and women.

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  3. prometheus

    Fly- your old favorite (from Fly On Wall Street days) MVIS just signed a licencing deal with Sony. Any comments on this one? Looks ripe.

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  4. jacked rabbit

    “…addled by drugs, pornography and lust.”

    I’m married, so I NEED these to be even functional.

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  5. zuul

    +1 to this article.

    Complaints are for boring people. I live in Boston. Give me more snow. I want more.

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  6. kdog

    Isn’t there more drinking and drug use in places where it gets cold and people can’t go outside. Hmm. Maybe we are lazy. No worries about extra clothes, etc. Besides we rather those folks stay up there and stop crowding this place down here…lol

    I visited that volcano and would love to live on the Big Island:-)

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  7. handyandy

    Nice weather here in SoCal today. You can keep your snow, and all that misery that goes with it. Now I am off to the beach after my boring stock ADUS has lifted my mood. Big yeah for community living and the nearly dead!!

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