18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Paypal is to be Spun Off

I do a lot of business with Paypal, through iBankCoin premium services. As many of you know, they completely suck and I wish them a poor ending to their story. I am glad that Ebay is spinning them off, as I am long Ebay. Without Ebay, paypal will suffer, for they suck and smarter innovators, like Stripe, are going to eat their lunch. Here at iBankCoin, we always marvel at the absurd incompetence of Paypal, with their low end tech support and ridiculously dated interface. It’s as if they didn’t give a fuck.

Futures are higher this morning and Europe is up.

Prepare to make some money.

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  1. Uglyflint

    Signed up with these jag weeds years ago. It was like being stuck in quick sand or something. Hated it. Made one payment and never went back.

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  2. lol

    Google should just transition from just offering Google wallet to a Google Bank and payment processor and eat Paypal’s lunch.

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  3. oldmantrader

    as someone who owns a decent size ebay business they both suck and may a special place in hell be reserved for the CEO of ebay John Donahue who know nothing of customer service

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  4. smartestone

    then that woudl mean paypal would trade under a different ticker?

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  5. smartestone

    the market is gonna slide again today..thankfully I hedged massively 2 weeks go with 18 emerging market puts , treasuries and small cap shorts

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  6. Greg

    I closed my Pay Pal account when they asked for a social security number. This moved me in the direction of no longer doing business with those who require Pay Pay for the transaction.

    A high end hotel chain will risk a 50K hotel room to me if I arrive looking presentable with credit card and drivers license. Yet Pay Pal wants a social security number to risk 29 dollars? There is something else going on there, and I decline to play.

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