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Tag Archives: $BX $GS

Betting on the Betters

I started my position back up in Goldman Sachs, aka your favorite senator’s bank, and Blackstone Group this afternoon.  I can’t help it.  When I see S&P marching onward and upward I have to get longer.

You must look at this blog and think, damn this guy has ADD, a flip flopping democrat.  I sashay in and out of names making my broker very happy.  Then I think, look at this crazy market, up up up! Check check check! It has me trigger happy is all.  It works for me.  What works for your average millionaire is to give their money to Blackstone, and let them do all the sashaying.  You catch my drift?

Everyone wants to sashay into stocks, whist lounging on their silk sheets from RH.  Know that Raul3 never sleeps on silk sheets, as they are disgustingly slippery.  I like cotton, 10,000 thread count or more.  And I really don’t like sleeping.  Five hours max when globex is running.  Irregardless [sic] brokerage houses and i-banks are hot like housing and social.  Thus I’ll pay along, until I don’t.

The S&P is putting in a balanced session, much like my morning plan called for.  This does not mean we are done going down.  Nor does it mean we go higher, lower, or sideways.  It just means the market is behaving, comporting itself like a performance enhanced cyclist.  Closing north of 1510 is like a fresh spray of deer antler.  Let’s see if the bull robots have it in them.

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