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Some 2012 Predictions Over Late Night Hot Chocolate

I usually spend November taking a good look at where things appear to be going, before I get so sugared up on ginger snaps that I become partially comotose. Of course, now that I’m a tabbed blogger I’ll need to conserve those until the official release of the predictions.

However, I thought I’d provide you with a teaser from the 9th floor.

Here’s my early released prediction:

President Obama is going to win reelection and there is nothing you or Mitt Romney can do about it. And the Republicans are in for a brutal drubbing all around.

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APC Aftermath

There I was, resting in comfortably in my chair on the 9th floor, when the news flashed across my screen. Anadarko has agreed to pay $4 billion to BP for its share of all “liability” of the spill.

This puts to rest a saga, in my eyes. A grand and profitable trade I underwent last year when the well blew up in the Gulf of Mexico. I bought APC near the bottom, and sold it at the beginning of this year for more than $70 a share. The gain was under 100% gains inside of a year, which annualizes to a most gargantuan victory.

I have no idea why APC agreed to settle, but I’d be curious what the most exact terms of the deal are. I can’t imagine that APC wanted to settle unless BP offered them something else to sweeten the arrangement.

I have not withheld before now that I thought APC could fight to get off Scott-free.

BP must have been getting desperate, unless they were to be hit with a grotesque negligence lawsuit. It will be interesting to witness whether or not Anadarko comes out later with a “separate” agreement or contract or partnership… with some very favorable terms.

Both stocks are sprinting higher on the news.

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Punish The POTUS With Lower Prices

Really, in the thirty seconds or so that I skimmed over the excerpt of Obama’s speech (life is too precious to waste reading speeches made by Presidents), I did not spot anything of substance I haven’t heard before now.

Statistically speaking, by randomly glancing at paragraphs and taking them in, I should be able to tell how original the speech is relatively quickly, based on how many things I read that I haven’t heard before. It’s like a negative binomial distribution, where I’m looking at how many times I spot things coming out the man’s mouth which I haven’t heard yet before he fails out by reverting to his old habits.

So how’d those Bernoulli trials go?




“Pass this measure immediately…,” sure, what the hell, that sounds new-ish.


“…millionaires and billionaires…” FAIL!!!


Fuck this, at that point I just closed the page down and went back about my day. If this clown thinks that repackaging all the same shit we’ve been rejecting up until now amounts to a good faith effort, he can go fuck himself.

I can’t believe he was going to try and sidestep a GOP debate for this trash. I mean, I wasn’t interested before and I’m not interested now.

Even if there was one crystalline concept in all of that garbage… that he would wrap a good idea in a pile of shit tells me he can’t distinguish between “useful” and “useless.”

That includes his red meat for the Republicans, in the form of tax incentives. Fuck tax incentives, they haven’t exactly brought bounties of employment upon us before now. Either cut taxes outright, or leave them lay. It’s more onerous to business if we keep changing the tax code every four months, because they are expected to read it, interpret it, and adapt to it. Huge pain in the ass, if you’ve ever tried to read lawyer hocus pocus.

That’s what happens when you write law in a form of English that hasn’t been used in over 100 years.

If Obama had really wanted to shock the market, he should have said:

“…no change to tax code…”

“…no change to regulations…”

“…freezing implementation of new regulation…”

“…I’m firing all my friends and ideologues I put in charge of this Administration, because I realize now they’re extreme and incapable of governing this country…”

That amounts to a total restructuring; a government baptism by fire, starting with the laying off of the following:

Eric Holder
Mary Schapiro
Lisa Jackson
Janet Napolitano
Margaret Hamburg
His entire economic team
All his legal advisors

That would be a good place to start. He could also extend it to include anyone involved in Operation Fast and Furious; that is the most shameful thing I have ever heard of.

He will also immediately stop being seen with men like Jeff Immelt. That’s not a business connection, it’s a corruption charge in bloom.

And he can lay off his entire White House Press Corp and his re-election campaign managers too. The man is an obvious narcissist; he is far too infatuated with himself and the way he appears, so he needs to get rid of the mirrors he surrounds himself with.

He can rehire a smaller, lighter, less asinine press for the sole purpose of conveying information from the White House, and retain a management base to control his funds and operations. However, his current election managers have way too much sway over his actions; almost every move he makes reeks of political motives.

I want to see him without the crutches following him around, trying to make every little movement or gesture PC.

Because that’s ultimately his biggest problem. He’s surrounded himself with people who tell him he’s right. He’s surrounded himself with extremists whom he trusts. And so we get this constant stream of craziness because no one stops to say, “Hey, that won’t work,” or, “Maybe you should quick targeting citizens, because you sound bitter and are turning the country off.”

He needs to pop his own bubble, and he needs to do it on national television. Short of that, this administration is a lame duck for the rest of Obama’s presidency; totally ineffective at doing much of anything, including things the government should be getting done, like national security.

And that’s particularly frustrating, because we’re probably going to have him through 2016.

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An Open Letter To Warren Buffet

Dear Warren,

You’ve been out and about, loaning your integrity to this ridiculous joke of an administration for some time now.

I’ve had to listen to a community organizer with no real business experience tell me all about your outlook on life, society, taxes, duty, and investment; which is twice as irritating as hearing it coming from one of your little fan club idolizers. It is impossible to miss your silly, conveniently-fit-to-a-bumper-sticker quips.

Do you think the rest of us are this stupid? As if I didn’t know you’ve abandoned every tenant that made you great in exchange for publicity at the hands of the media. You’re an old man so concerned about his image after death that you’ve sold out your principles.

It is disgusting to watch.

And you are doing immense damage to those who would aspire to rise above you (and make no mistake, someone will come along better than you). In your quest to immortalize your legacy, you are busy hardening the path to anyone else.

Billionaires are not the only ones who pay capital gains taxes, you jackass.

But perhaps that’s your ultimate plan? You would rather stroke out this country and everything that makes it great than to see your name lost in a sea of future talent?

And another thing; do you think I don’t remember that you own NetJets, the jet rental company?

Why is it that the Obama administration is running around like idiots spouting about the evils of corporate jet owners, when the amount of money such a tax could possibly raise is dismissible?

There’s no good reason, from the point of government. But, I cannot help but observe that any tax on the private ownership of jets by corporations and individuals, if worded carefully, could resurrect one of the worst investments you’ve ever made.

And why wouldn’t you have bargained with Obama to use your good name in exchange for a terror campaign that would ultimately shore up one of your companies. After all, the real Warren Buffet does nothing for free.

Fuck off, you old codger, before you permanently destroy your credibility. Your legacy was built on making good decisions. But good decisions cannot be built out of your legacy alone. You are chaining yourself to a sinking ship.



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They’re Like A SeeSaw Stupid

Psssh, market don’t you know that bond prices and stock prices trade inverse to one another…

Teeter totter, teeter totter, titter tatter, teeter totter….

This is regression, people; that’s re-gresh-in. Sure, they may sashay, but in general, yields and the market trade together.

TOGETHER, sether, to-do-together.

They can’t a-nope no way hosay, I say, they can’t both trade down together. No never, not a way.

Nope a dope, a nope-a way, I say no way they can ever trade the same.

It’s like a teeter totter.

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