Stock advice in actual English.
Joined Sep 2, 2009
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Punish The POTUS With Lower Prices

Really, in the thirty seconds or so that I skimmed over the excerpt of Obama’s speech (life is too precious to waste reading speeches made by Presidents), I did not spot anything of substance I haven’t heard before now.

Statistically speaking, by randomly glancing at paragraphs and taking them in, I should be able to tell how original the speech is relatively quickly, based on how many things I read that I haven’t heard before. It’s like a negative binomial distribution, where I’m looking at how many times I spot things coming out the man’s mouth which I haven’t heard yet before he fails out by reverting to his old habits.

So how’d those Bernoulli trials go?




“Pass this measure immediately…,” sure, what the hell, that sounds new-ish.


“…millionaires and billionaires…” FAIL!!!


Fuck this, at that point I just closed the page down and went back about my day. If this clown thinks that repackaging all the same shit we’ve been rejecting up until now amounts to a good faith effort, he can go fuck himself.

I can’t believe he was going to try and sidestep a GOP debate for this trash. I mean, I wasn’t interested before and I’m not interested now.

Even if there was one crystalline concept in all of that garbage… that he would wrap a good idea in a pile of shit tells me he can’t distinguish between “useful” and “useless.”

That includes his red meat for the Republicans, in the form of tax incentives. Fuck tax incentives, they haven’t exactly brought bounties of employment upon us before now. Either cut taxes outright, or leave them lay. It’s more onerous to business if we keep changing the tax code every four months, because they are expected to read it, interpret it, and adapt to it. Huge pain in the ass, if you’ve ever tried to read lawyer hocus pocus.

That’s what happens when you write law in a form of English that hasn’t been used in over 100 years.

If Obama had really wanted to shock the market, he should have said:

“…no change to tax code…”

“…no change to regulations…”

“…freezing implementation of new regulation…”

“…I’m firing all my friends and ideologues I put in charge of this Administration, because I realize now they’re extreme and incapable of governing this country…”

That amounts to a total restructuring; a government baptism by fire, starting with the laying off of the following:

Eric Holder
Mary Schapiro
Lisa Jackson
Janet Napolitano
Margaret Hamburg
His entire economic team
All his legal advisors

That would be a good place to start. He could also extend it to include anyone involved in Operation Fast and Furious; that is the most shameful thing I have ever heard of.

He will also immediately stop being seen with men like Jeff Immelt. That’s not a business connection, it’s a corruption charge in bloom.

And he can lay off his entire White House Press Corp and his re-election campaign managers too. The man is an obvious narcissist; he is far too infatuated with himself and the way he appears, so he needs to get rid of the mirrors he surrounds himself with.

He can rehire a smaller, lighter, less asinine press for the sole purpose of conveying information from the White House, and retain a management base to control his funds and operations. However, his current election managers have way too much sway over his actions; almost every move he makes reeks of political motives.

I want to see him without the crutches following him around, trying to make every little movement or gesture PC.

Because that’s ultimately his biggest problem. He’s surrounded himself with people who tell him he’s right. He’s surrounded himself with extremists whom he trusts. And so we get this constant stream of craziness because no one stops to say, “Hey, that won’t work,” or, “Maybe you should quick targeting citizens, because you sound bitter and are turning the country off.”

He needs to pop his own bubble, and he needs to do it on national television. Short of that, this administration is a lame duck for the rest of Obama’s presidency; totally ineffective at doing much of anything, including things the government should be getting done, like national security.

And that’s particularly frustrating, because we’re probably going to have him through 2016.

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  1. freeman in bonita

    It would be difficult for him to fire Cantor.
    Thanks for bumming me out. I don’t think the west can survive another four years of fascism in the USA.
    This is scary part of his campaign speech from last night.
    “But there has always been another thread running throughout our history – a belief that we are all connected; and that there are some things we can only do together, as a nation.”
    Welcome to the borg…

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  2. Old Salt

    Rhetoric aside the question is how much is new money that adds to the demand for labour and what is the size of that relative to the contraction of lending? I think the answer is not a lot but would like to see the numbers.

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    • Mr. Cain Thaler

      It’s a non issue. After that horrendous, monotonous, repetitious speech, Obama’s jobs bill (whatever the hell it actually is) is dead on arrival.

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  3. AJBaker

    As a business owner, I will pocket any money POTUS gives me. The only thing that will stimulate hiring is increased demand for product that can not be met by current staffing.
    Customers are scared. Food inflation is real, they see it every time they shop. Consequently their wallets are closed tighter then Hilary Clinton’s Vag-gi-gi

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  4. drummerboy

    please,anything but another 4 more years please.this guy walks around like a fucking pimp ass hip hop star. the usage of the word “rock star” is way too much credit. i’m glad i feel asleep after the first 15 minutes,didnt miss squat

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  5. The Equalizer

    Holy shit, Cain, don’t hold back, tell us how you really feel!

    That was an epic rant, and the most depressing thing is that I agree with every word. The Obama administration has made the same mistake the Bush II administration made: it sincerely believes its own bullshit.

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  6. Mike Kerr

    Excellent post, thanks for taking the time to write it.

    Obama continues to show he is clueless. After taking office, no fireside speach. He states of the union, just regurgitated spin.

    I was hopefully he was some smart guy, what a mistake on my part. He is clueless. Any penny spent on public anything will not help the jobless rate. He wants the easy way out till he gets re-elected. Small biz is not the answer always talked about. Big biz is the answer, when they build big factories and export products, small biz thrives. It is so simple.

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  7. RoboGal

    Punish The POTUS With Lower Prices

    This is some really sick thinking that any politician cares about YOUR portfolio.

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    • Mr. Cain Thaler

      Oh but he does care. Why else do you think the Federal Government is such a big player?

      Politicians who don’t pay attention to the market regularly get punished.

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  8. Hawaiifive0


    That was really good!

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  9. checklist

    tax incentives won’t bring employment NOW, although over the long run they are a good idea…

    its very, very simple, and any of you who ever owned and understood a real world business will get this:

    you own a business, lets say a few restaurants/bars/grills. what drives your hiring? your income? you make more money so you hire more people? no, you make more money you save more, buy more stocks, speculate on the direction of oil prices, or buy some more CDs or VZ bonds. I think MGM bonds are a good buy for bond guys right here, right now.

    But anyway, tax breaks for “the rich” won’t create more jobs, more demand at businesses will, period. delete the post or panic or wet yourself or whatever anybody needs tod o, but the FACT of the matter is what I wrote above is truth incarnate. If I suddenly made $500k instead of $200k off my farm, do I harm 10 farm workers? no. If I can suddently charge $5 for a beer at my bars instead of $3 do I hire more people? no. If I pay 15% instead of 45% taxes, do I suddenly hire more people? no.

    why would i hire more people? because i needed to, because business volume picked up. why would business volume pick up? improved employment.

    most efficient way to create demand now is infrastructure stimulus, because we have so many laid of construction workers. fix bridges, schools, on a TOTAL scale, and just fire the bazooka that the world needs at this crisis…

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    • Mike Kerr

      The construction workers that will be on the infrastructure projects will be union. These guys have been making plenty of money the six months of the year that they have been employed, and took unemployment for the six months they were laid off. The truly out of work person (accountant, non union carpenter, etc) will not be back to work. Private industry must employ people and produce products. The outcome of this will be taxes paid, part of which can go for infratstruture updates. The cycle will not change unless we go all out producing private sector positions that export goods. Anything less is showing total lack of knowledge of the root of the problem. WE MUST EXPORT TO GET OUT OF THE PREDICTAMENT.

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  10. bottom_feeder

    Amen brother. I’m now going to put on a massive drunk and pray I get lucky tonight.

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