18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,463 Blog Posts

I Know it Looks Bad

That’s because it is bad. With TLT and FXY sprinting higher, “The Fly” is in no rush to allocate all of his money into stocks. It’s not that I won’t do it: I just won’t do it right now.

On the bright side, natural gas is going higher. Does that mean anything to you? Anyone? No?

Ah, the market is getting lit up. I suspect it will get a little worse, before it gets better. So, like they say in France, when things get dicey: “I am getting the fuck out of here and going for a walk.”

More on this later.

UPDATE: On my way out, like a rat nibbling on a piece of sweet corn, I bought 5,000 CIEN @ $13.33.

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Get Your Fucking Space Helmets Ready

Chinese GDP came in at 11%. I do not get excited about Chinese GDP trickery, since it is a planned economy. Eventually, those fuckers are going to pay for their great many sins, by way of dust bowl affliction, sweeping across their lands. However, for now, the facade is intact. If people think china is dumb enough to plan under an 11% growth model, then we got lots of steel to sell them.

I am a huge believer in poetic justice and the stars aligning at certain points in time to fuck people when they least expect it. We are not due for a sell off yet. Trust me, for I speak to the stock Gods and own a fucking space rocket.

The market will get ape raped, just prior to the debut of Wall Street 2. The stock Gods, as well as the shadows near my favorite urinal, tell me that shit. Might I add, my IQ is higher than yours, by at least 30 points.

Should we trade down tomorrow, I will deploy all of my cash towards longs, if only for a short while. Nevertheless, I am that convinced we have more upside left in this bitch.

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Drama Queens

Quit being so fucking dramatic. Most of you people make me sick to the bottom of my stomach. If given the chance, I’d vomit on all of you, exorcist style.

There is nothing to make out of today. Quit getting all Sir Francis Bacon on me and fuck off. The market will do EXACTLY what I want it to, specifically for the purposes of supporting my unbridled spending habits. If you don’t believe me, come spend a night out on the town with me and Mrs. Fly.

For the day, I was up again, pushing my YTD gains upwards of 45%.

Top picks: NVDA, CIEN

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QjvgWgHKCY 616 500]

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Bear Pudding

The market drops by a staggering 0.6% and all of the bears, dressed in their finest burlap tuxedos, come out to declare victory. Let me explain something to you, my good Sir.

THE MARKET IS SUPPOSED TO TRADE LOWER, after big increases. On the other hand, it is supposed to trade higher, after big sell offs. That’s what makes a market. The quickest way for you to lose all of your coin, AND MORE, is to react to the data on an intra-day basis. You’re blowing things out of proportion and making mountains out of molehills.

Since I believe we have more upside, rich with cash, I HOPE WE TRADE LOWER, so that I can buy some quality names cheaper. To be specific, a sell off today is exactly what we need, in order to cool things off a bit. The PPT closed at 2.99 yesterday. A small sell off today will put the score in the 2.50-2.75 range, well below the ominous OVERBOUGHT range of 3.10+. In other words, be careful about stepping into those fucking murderholes, but take advantage of price fluctuations when you think the market has it wrong.

In short, I will likely add to my longs in the last half hour of trading.

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Boring Tape

Based on the ADCT buyout, coupled with record iPhone 4 sales, I really like the networkers here. Look at ADTN, powering higher after good earnings. Who is their largest customer, you ponder?


Who else makes coin off At&t, you ponder, yet again?


I am going to keep it simple for you country folk out there. “The Fly” is into 4g plays again and there is nothing you or your stupid friends can do about it.

Details forthcoming.

UPDATE: I bought 2,000 CRNT @ 48.12

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The market is being quite classic this morning, acting all tepid and shit after a monster beat by INTC. Just when everyone got caught leaning one way, all bullish and shit, the market pauses and mind fucks everyone. Well, let me be the first to tell you, once again, there is still upside left in this move.

Now, I’m not talking about going vertical, after the move we just had. As a matter of fact, there is a distinct possibility that the market will trade lower in the short term, effectively luring a whole new set of asshats into the proverbial “bear vice,” in order to be properly squeezed at a later date. According to the laws of mathematics, dictated by The PPT, there is still upside in this move.

Nevertheless, because of the fucked up nature of this world, coupled with the fact that just about everything is a lie, I’ve taken steps to assure my assets are thoroughly protected, by way of large cash horde. Typically, I will keep a 10% cash position, just to give myself a bit of leeway with regards to actionable trading opportunities. But now, I am keeping 30%+ on a regular basis, so that I might deploy it into a VXX vehicle for proper and thorough hedging of my entire portfolio. Essentially, I do not trust anything;therefore, I need to keep insane amounts of cash on hand to protect my gains.

By the way, former iBC blogger, John Lee, launched his new website yesterday:ChartsGoneWild. In addition, he launched a premium service (finally), which is sure to be a great value to subscribers. When it comes to picking stocks, via charts, no one does it better than John.

As for this tape: we are mixed between robust tech and weak CRE/banks. Let me break it down for you in a mathematical formula:

Strong Tech+(weak CRE+weak Tech)/fear= Go Eat a Fucking Sandwich.

Top picks: NVDA, CIEN

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Back in the Saddle

After a long journey, “The Fly” is back in the saddle, sipping on a fine red, as the Mrs. dutifully unpacks the luggage.

For the remainder of the night, I will be preparing for tomorrow’s trading session.

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The Secret to Making Money

I’ve pondered this subject a great many hours. I’d query myself: “why am I able to make money in the stock market, while others struggle to stay above zero?” Over many years of research, both clinical and anecdotal, finally, I have the answer.

In my “field studies,” I’ve tested people with all sorts of backgrounds, sexual proclivities and of course levels of proper education. I’ve concluded, without a doubt, the reason why people do not make money in the stock market is because they, mind you, are fucking stupid. They are as dumb as a gorilla in a desert. There is no such thing as “perma-bear” or “perma-bull.” There is no such thing as “unlucky” versus “lucky,” only smart from dick-ass dumb.

You can argue with me all you want, but this research is definitive, having been established by the iBankCoin research lab in a “very scientific way.”

If you think I am suggesting that “The Fly” makes money in the market because he is smarter than you, that is correct. I do not hide my intelligence under some burlap cloak of disgrace. Instead, I flaunt it, like Liberace and his fucking piano fingers, with all of them diamonds on them, and shit.

The market is going higher today because smart people bought stocks. That’s all. When the market reverses and trades lower, smart people will sell their positions are go short (proper grammar is not required for smart people). It really is that simple.

With my money, I will do something smart.

Stay tuned.

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