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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Leave Your Regards And Adoration For Le Fly Here

Once upon a time, this site was buzzing with miscreants. Before Exodus stole all of the energy and thunder, the free site was where the conversation was to be had. Some of the drifters and grifters might suppose iBC is no longer vibrant or very worthwhile, judging by the sparse comments on the blog — but that just isn’t the case. Thousands of comments and insults are flung around in the Pelican Room on a daily basis. Ruminations of my demise are grossly exaggerated, in spite of my apparent and obvious ever-lasting strength.

My virility is such that if I was trapped inside the jungles of India, surrounded by nothing but tigers, I’d punch all of their faces off until I was back in my hotel room sipping on black tea (dash of honey, some milk).

What did I do this morning?

Oh, I don’t know. How abut HARVEST SOME OF MY SHIT CROPS?

I sold MARA for +40%, FCEL for +33% and FNGU for +2.3% — just for good measure.

See pal, that’s who I am and you’re nothing…

…Fuck you — go home and play with your kids.

Pleasant comments about Le Fly can now be left in the comments section below. Thank you.

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Gold Hasn’t Even Begun to Move Yet…Watch

Goldfags throughout the universe are watching every tick now, as it swiftly moves into resistance — testing a 6 year traffic jam which has led to countless false starts and shattered dreams.

Seasonally speaking, gold is supposed to do well in February. According to the seasonality engines in Exodus — the returns should be both outsized and spectacular.

The reality has been nothing more than milquetoast — down 1% over the past two weeks.

As gold ebbs slowly like an overturned jar of sweet molasses — expect to see momentum traders enter the fray — providing tinder for this already moribund group of asshole stocks. Should gold not break out this week, I will quite literally chop my anatomy off and shoot myself into outerspace — never to be seen or heard from again.

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Wake Me Up When Bitcoin Breaks $5,000

You’re never going to be accepted mainstream. If your bitcoins rise too sharply — you’ll be placed under arrest and the IRS will seize all of your assets — tarnish your families name — and subjugate generations of your family to ridicule and scorn.

Bitcoin isn’t a viable option for anything but speculation. The idea that it can one day supplant the dollar is laughable and you know it. From a trading point of view, sure — bitcoins and etherum are pleasant distractions, no different from clowns performing at a carnivale or children frolicking in the schoolyard — beaming one another with tennis balls.

At the end of the day, believing that BTC is anything but fun is folly.

Under $4k, it is not even worth my time to look at — but only worthwhile to mock and ridicule.

At over $5k, I will take an interest and might even invest — for a trade.

From a stock point of view, there are a flurry of blockchain related plays that will rise with the ICO market — namely TEUM, RIOT, SRAX, OSTK, and MARA — just to name a few. In Exodus, I’ve isolated all of the blockchain plays and I’ll be watching them for action.

Speaking of which, I suspect we’re in the blow off top phase of the rally — which will culminate to an end of the rally at or around $175 QQQ. This should be a fine week to harvest gains and step aside, waiting for the homo-hammers at Apple to confirm that Q2 is looking all right.

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Gold Miners Less Than 3% Away From Testing 6 Year Resistance Level

Your grandchildren will one day ask ‘Papa — where were you when the great gold consolidation broke loose and shattered the hopes and dreams fo the bears’ (all said in an English accent)? Don’t be the shit-shoveler. Be the entrepreneurial guy who has his hands in everything — taking a piece of the action because he’s greedy and focused on ‘hustling.’

Look at that. Look at it. LOOK AT IT.

Why, the amount of money you stand to make in gold might allow your grandkids to avoid college altogether — maybe even high school. Why bother learning how to read, when in fact you can simply sell baseball cards and ‘hustle’ really fucking hard? I mean, fuck what the parents have to say. Your winnings in gold can help finance your grandchildren’s burgeoning careers in social media — getting their IG game on and maybe helping them build a Youtube audience.

Why, maybe they could take the entitlement you provide them with and start a wine tasting channel — which could blossom into this really fantastic venue for social mediaFAGS and hustlers, grinders, and high level keyed in entrepreneurs who don’t give a fuck about knowing how to read or write, as long as they’re being kind and empathetic and at the same time aggressively ripping people off with their hackneyed advice.

At the start of this post, I had no idea I’d end up here — stream of consciousness and all. My apologies to Vayner-maniacs.

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New Accounting Change to Lay Waste to American Balance Sheets

Quite honestly, at first I glossed over this article as a formality. But then I got to reading this and started to think about the already $10 trillion large debt loads on corporate balance sheets and then started to think it might be meaningful in the future. Knowing Wall Street, they’ll find a way to ex-out these liabilities. But, frankly, anything that increases the leverage ratio, inherently, makes it harder for companies to borrow cash and is bearish.

This could be especially doomful for oil and gas, and retailers.

A new corporate accounting rule is about to pull an estimated $3 trillion out of the shadows.

Starting this year, companies are required to record the cost of renting assets used in their operations, such as office space, equipment, planes and cars, on their balance sheets rather than bury that expense in the footnotes of their financial statements, thanks to a new accounting standard now in effect.

The result will be trillions of dollars added to liabilities on their books. Until now, only leases that led to the purchase of the asset were accounted for in this manner. The change, by the Financial Accounting Standards Board, is supposed to make it easier for investors to evaluate a company’s financial obligations.

Sheri Wyatt, a partner at accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, said “It’s going to affect all companies’ leverage. They will have more liabilities on their books than they had previously.”

Morgan Stanley expects the consumer discretionary sector to experience the largest increase in debt because of this change, and it estimates the leverage ratio for the retail sector to grow to 3.4 times from 1.2 times.

U.S. public companies are committed to a total of $3 trillion in operating leases, according to International Accounting Standards Board. Companies with large amounts of operating leases include retailers and restaurants that lease properties and airlines and shipping companies that lease airplanes, cars and ships.

It may force investors, including quantitative funds, to change the way they measure certain financial criteria they use in making their investment decisions. Leverage — measured in the ratios of debt to earnings or debt to equity — is a fundamental number used when evaluating a company’s risk.

Analysts and sophisticated investors hadn’t really ignored the large amounts of lease obligations when calculating debt ratios. For many years, they have been capitalizing leases by multiplying the annual rent expense by 8 times to get the estimated value of the remaining lease payments. However, the numbers companies now have to put on their balance sheets may look very different than those estimates.

“I do think people will have to adapt to new metrics – and they may be surprised. The liabilities and assets that companies report may look very different from the ad hoc estimates that people have used in the past,” Todd Castagno, equity strategist at Morgan Stanley, told CNBC.

“Those very common metrics that people look at to value equities, to look at performance, to screen for high quality stocks, all those ratios are going to change,” Castagno said.

Does this really change anything, other than a cosmetic change on the balance sheet? No. However, there will be some adjustment, especially for quants.

Food for thought.

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Stocks Crush Shorts to Top Off a Stupendous Week of Grandeur

The past two years I’ve come to know a lot more about my readership and my suspicions are correct. You’re mostly gambling, dicking around the edges of the earth — tipped over and steeped in complete bullshit — heading towards a resolution you cannot come back from.

I can’t do this shit forever and what will you do when Le Fly isn’t here to direct you?

I’ll tell you what.

A fool and his money will quickly part. If you weren’t born into money, then you’re not supposed to have it and the universe is trying to take it from you. Want a clear cut way to eliminate the generational curse, the affliction of the middle’d class and canaille? Work towards bequeathing large sums of your net worth to your offsprings. It’s a simple enough task.

Afraid of them becoming wastrels?

Structure the trust to be anti-spend thrift over 25 years. Create an investment arm that will outlive you and help finance future generations with your good name. I often see people donating all of their money to asshole charities that do nothing for their legacy or their family name. Why not create a charity that is dedicated towards the betterment of your family?

Not the worst idea.

Into the bell, top pick is gold, via NUGT. I also bought LABU, AMRS and sold a bunch of shit. Just join Exodus already — Jesus Christ.

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Two New Purchases into the Fires

I imagine my portfolio to be a giant furnace heating my tank from which I shoot shells out from and maim people. I need to keep the furnace hot, so I toss new stocks into there on a regular basis — keeping this fucker going. Lots of enemies to destroy.

I just added a little something to my furnace now — AMRS and LABU. Both are medically inclined, one a cure-all for all ailments, a Victorian Era elixir that strikes me as being bold bold and ridiculous. Pot will rot your brains and permit those in charge at your local think tanks — run over you with their DMT addled brains.

The other is LABU — a blanket approach to biotech. Although I am a Dr., I am not a Dr. — if you know what I mean.

Faggots inside Exodus have asked me to tell you that both HALO and ZIOP “look swell.”

And I quote:

“Sir Fly, we beg your pardon. Please instruct the masses of our intention to acquire shares in the aforementioned corporations in order to alleviate any and all selling pressures that might reside in the recesses of its bowels.


Fucktards Inside the Exodus Pelican Room (Annual Subscribers)”

And now I will collect my fee, a steak dinner, at a grande hotel — as my part in insipidly promoting their piece of shit stocks.

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Rough Road Traveled By the Bears — But It Might Get Better Soon

I am a deeply empathetic person. In spite of my ribald commentary and overtly aggressive way with the reader class — “The Fly” really does care. I care so much, I often root for others — even though it hurts my own interests. Whether I really mean it, or am simply lying to myself is a whole ‘nother topic.

On the important issue of bearshitting and shorting stocks to zero — it appears bulls will be running into a buzz-saw of resistance soon. Knowing this, I sold MNK, REZI and WATT today — all profitable trades. I have a slew of indecorous stocks now — THE SHIT PORTFOLIO — and feel a bit of regret today — following yesterday’s debauchery.

For example, why didn’t I sell FUV yesterday at $7.25, after buying it at $4.09? Up 75% on a day trade not enough? Now the stock is down 23% and I am literally sitting here rooting for something I know nothing about to go up. Soon I’ll probably start investigating the company and determine a long term reason to hold, or at least until it goes back to $7.

Saying all of this shit out loud is important, because now I feel like I already did it and know how stupid it is, so I’ll sell it immediately after publishing this post and book the grave 32% gain and be happy for it.

Oh, almost forgot — start harvesting your gains.

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Gold is Angling Here to Break Out

I’ll be brief.

Gold is in a six year Fag-Box. That’s a fact.

Since October of 2018, it has been trending higher — pausing — then trending higher again. We’ve been trading sideways for a few weeks now and I’m venturing to think we’re fixing to leg higher and get into the 1,325 to 1,340 region soon.

There’s some steam behind this move and no one is pricing in the gold miners for a bull market in gold.

Look at the price to sales valuation for gold in comparison to Basic Materials and how the premium has shrunk considerably. A bull market in gold would look like 2009-2010 at 6x sales.

Top gold picks: NUGT,  SAND and SBGL.

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Added a Little Something to My SHIT BASKET

I am building a SHIT BASKET. Any questions? I told you when my house flooded the fuck out — a magnanimous gain was just around the bend. At first, I thought it was because I owned CYBR and that stock is up 20% today — but no. The Gods had much greater things in store.

Also, my ZUO and triple sized NUGT positions are taking off — but that wasn’t it either.

I came upon a small piece of shit company this morning and seized upon it immediately, with savage qualities. Ticker is FUV and I own it from low $4s.

The stock is now screaming for $7 and I’m up nearly 60% intra-day, with no intention of selling. Gentlemen of my stature do not sell for morsels of money. We require gobs of it in order to festoon our homes with luxuries — bangles and baubles — little fucking asshole trinkets that require zeal to purchase them.

Seeing markets poised to BTFO — did I recoil from the dangers of risk and raise cash? Quite the contrary. I dove into the cesspool of muck and reemerged with fistfuls of shit.

Here’s what I bought into the bell.


The theme is electricity and power generation. This is what Wall Street wants now and I am the weather vane on top of the great grande roof — forecasting great dick-suckings to come. You cannot stop the buying, nor can you ignore it. Everything you think you’re doing is secondary to what I am doing — zipping fast and with alacrity — poised and graceful — both violent and carrying a heavy heart made from steel — immune to the pangs of volatility — because I am volatility.

Good day.

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