18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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NUTS — Raised MOAR Cash, Took a Hedge

I’m not gonna get lured into a net short position just because the market is nuts. Even though I know and you know the era of the short fast approaches, I shall not give into the temptation of practicing witchcraft and Voodoo on equity longs here.

I sold JNUG, RENN, GSUM, CRSP and NXTDW and I earned a hedge in buying SQQQ — but I still have my oils and my entire long Quant portfolio, which is slated to be updated in a few days from now.

Markets have shattered the ceiling, higher by 350, and President Trump is very proud. A once rigged stock’d market is now entirely deserving, unrigged, and non-manipulated, and totally fair and just and it’s going higher because MUH profits and US dominance over cowering failed states littered and festooned with low IQs.

We want markets to pull in just a little, this way we can buy again and again to our heart’s content. But my appetite wanes here, as the indices get pulled higher by the short hairs. The essence of speculative fervor has become a carnivale clown and the fun removed through the elimination of the short.

Dare I say, “The Era of the Short” is coming, once again, bringing with it tumult and danger — a spectacular display of doom that will make XIV look like a picnic in the south of France on a calm balmy day — paired with raw seafood and champagne.

Meanwhile, Le Fly is busy orienting himself with establishing a beachhead in the investment advisory field — which keeps me busy during my downtime and recently during the work day. My new dog is behaving, no longer trying to eat my old one. She has a tendency to mimic what she sees. Just yesterday my old dog growled at her, showing teeth, from a perch and jumped down to go after the new one. Quickly, the new dog jumped up and situated herself in the exact same pose as my old dog and snarled down in the same manner and fashion as my old dog — which gave me a good laugh, maybe two.

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  1. ferd

    Bill Mahar invites your new dog to be in the studio audience.

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  2. it is showtime

    Nice attempt to bait bears

    “A once rigged stock’d market is now entirely deserving, unrigged, and non-manipulated, and totally fair”

    Didn’t work fucker

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    • Dr. Fly

      Are you a human being or a stupid bot?

      IQ too low to detect sarcasm, eh?

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    • numbersgame

      He was just channeling Trump, who said today:

      “You don’t know until you test it, but I really believe I’d run in (Douglas HS) even if I didn’t have a weapon”

      I know this is a lie becuase either:
      1) Trump can’t run at all becuase he was judged phsically unfit to serve in the military in his prime, or
      2) he is a coward that dodged the Vietnam War draft with a fake disability.

      That’s your leader, alpha males.

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      • ferd

        In the old Roman republic, the politicians led the troops into battle. We ought to do that. I’d end these stupid wars.

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  3. JakeGint

    Fly, why do you allowt these ankle biting curs on your site only to fling their loose-boweled excrement at the Emperor Maximus Orangeus Julius Trumpicus? Why not have the Praetorians dush their crusted pates off the bottom steps of the baths?


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  4. greenwavetrader

    Really enjoy, and agree with, your creative and elegant expository clips of investing reality. Keep up the good work, and keep me entertained…….

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