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Facebook is No Longer an American Growth Story

I wore my XENOPHOBE robe before I sat down to write this article.

The globalization of American industry isn’t confined to just manufacturing, but social media too. We all know the pivotal role Twitter played in allowing radical Islamists seize power in the Middle East, through their ‘Arab Spring’ offensive. But I bet most people didn’t know India will soon pass the US in FB users, many of which are likely fake accounts created to inflate their numbers.

Currently, two thirds of Facebook’s 1.7b users are from ’emerging markets’ or the shittiest parts of the world.

According to eMarketer, India, Indonesia, Mexico and Philippines are the fastest growing countries for Zuckerberg’s tyrannical warehouse of misfits.

“From a monetization perspective it’s still dominantly the U.S. but from a long-term opportunity perspective it’s definitely emerging-markets,” Charlie Wilson, the Santa Fe, New Mexico-based managing director at Thornburg Investment Management Inc., said in an interview in New York.

That’s very true, Charlie Wilson. See, like big Pharma and a sundry of US based companies doing business abroad, they still make the bulk of their profits siphoning off the rotting corpse of America. After these vampires have laid waste to us and taken all they could, they would’ve already built gigantic businesses abroad and America would, essentially, become the new emerging market or shittiest place in the world.


Alas, the circle of life (takes XENOPHOBE robe off).

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  1. roundwego

    Smoke a bowl.

    Reality is that everything is a wave. There are no particles, just energy presented in different form. Nothing stands still. Everything is in flux. So all that realy happens is an osilation between polar opposits. So reality is infinate with dimishing return of success.

    Put down the pipe.

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  2. kugar

    Facebook is kind of funny. Started off as a way for kids to communicate and express themselves in a way their parents couldn’t see. People would post all sorts of wacky/inappropriate shit. Facebook was interesting.

    Then parents started using it.

    Now parents use Facebook as a way of keeping tabs on their kids. Plus you have your employers, extended family, etc. Now, Facebook is boring – at least, that’s how I perceive things and it’s why I deleted my account.

    I suspect the same thing will eventually happen in “emerging markets”. Seems like this kind of thing always goes full circle.

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  3. freebie

    Facebook is a communication tool. To me the biggest benefit has nothing to do with my friends, it’s about “liking” all of the things I am interested in and then being able to see what is happening with all of tyhose things. Products, bands and music venues, museums, my kids schools, news outlets, etc. I can open Facebook on a Friday night and easily find 5 things to do on Saturday.

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