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A Very Miserable, And Unfortunate, Worst Case Scenario is Playing Out Now

Hell of a market you have there. It’d be a shame if something happened to it. It’d be a damned shame.

Look on the bright side — the American stock exchange isn’t American anymore. It belongs to a weird cadre of globalist heathens who deserve infamy and persecution. Sure they’re in charge now and are enjoying their time in the sun — but everything fades and also renews. Their symbol of wealth and fame is held up by match stick legs. It dances around wonderfully and mocks those attempting to catch it. The friction it causes, from all of that dancing, will ignite those fucking match sticks and burn this entire son of a bitch down. They will pay for what they’ve done completely and entirely, or nothing will go back to the way it was.

A dark and brooding storm fast approaches — heading right for the dancing match stick fuckers.

The US 10yr is +7bps to 4.63%. WTI is +3.3%. The rally early enjoyed has been ransacked and now barbarian hordes are rampaging, LOOTING EVEN, all of the wonderful returns bulls had achieved for themselves since the beginning of 2023.

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One comment

  1. soupbone

    What goes around comes around. At this juncture any energy crisis, even a small one, will trigger hidden dominos to fall.

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