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At this point I can’t even keep up with the TIK TOK. The bond market is throwing misdirection on a daily basis — but today we have real doom casting upon us with the US 10yr +10bps to 4.05%. This is not a drill — Jack. This is the real deal.

Listen to me, mortgage rates will encroach upon 8% soon and the FOMC will hike again because the CPI will be 2.10%. Since they’re autistic, they need it to be exactly 2% or below. Once below, the FOMC will cut rates — but by then it’ll be too late.

Just like in 2006 when Greenfuck hiked until the economy broke, the Fed is attempting to do that now. But you slobs have been resilient and your stubbornness to break is causing them grief — because assets are still expensive and there aren’t any deals to be had, lest you want to by Bed Bath and Beyond’s inventory.

The NASDAQ is down 70 — but panic is low. But you should panic and the faster you do panic the quicker the Fed can have their COLLAPSE and be able to text their friends to buy up the asset forfeitures on the cheap.

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One comment

  1. doughjadank

    Never do anything out of hunger, even eating.

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