18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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How Long Can Those Bastards at the FOMC Keep it Up

Think about it: who the fuck do those bastards think they are — raising interest rates on us — costing us inordinate sums of money all because the Federal Govt handed out checks to the poors, all because they shut down the economy because of the flu, all because they grifted and schemed with MRNA makers to both injure and steal from people.

I know some of you CUNTS believe the govt is this innocuous band of patriotic morons who’d never intentionally injure people for profit. What makes you so sure of that? If I told you they were all space aliens with zero attachment to humans in America — would it be more believable then?

Here’s the deal Jack — the Fed has gotten away with a lot of murders and they’re about to hike rates again today, as unbelievable as that might seem. The CPI is already down to 3% and those CUNTS, because they want their policy to come to fruition, will not stop until the CPI is 2%.

What that means for the rest of us is higher rates for purchases and/or higher cost of money period. The good news is, many of the people here already have money. The bad news is, your kids who are just now entering the workforce are 100% fucked.

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