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The War is Still Guiding Markets

There are two wars taking place in Ukraine — one kinetic which NATO is losing and the other is monetary — which NATO is winning.

The Russian Ruble is down 50% over the past year, after initially rising post invasion. The perception was Russia could withstand the ensemble against them and prosper in the war. Since then, we’ve had a FROZEN CONFLICT. A frozen conflict is winnable for Russia if they’re willing to suffer. The west is more than happy to spend Ukrainian troops to achieve their goals — which is to subjugate Russia in order to warn China. The fact that so many former Russian vassals have sided with the west is evidence of them (Russia) failing to achieve diplomatic benchmarks. This is all very bullish for NATO fags.

I do believe markets are rising because they view the war as contained and beneficial for western nations, as morbid as that might be. To be clear, these people are monsters and they’ve proven this over and over again — especially during the COVID lockdowns and forced vaccinations. These are people who hate you, work to divide you, and now want you to support their geopolitical gambits because they have a biblical feud with Moscow.

I am sorry, but fuck off. I will never support the GLOBOHOMO.

NEVERTHELESS, this is the reason why the Ruble is down and the market is up and it’s important to accept the rationale of markets in order to profit from it.

Russia simply is up against a billion people who might not have a great army but have great resources and when pooled together can make a long term war extremely expensive for them. The biggest loser in all of this, naturally, is Ukraine. As an occupying power, Zelensky has chosen to sacrifice his people for power and the dream of becoming an American vassal. I cannot envision any scenario where this leads to peace for Ukraine. Even if the war ended today, Russia would have a blood feud against them for hundreds of years.

Bottom line: We are in bull mode and as long as status quo continues — markets should continue to move higher.

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  1. john galt

    Man this blog is awesome, never stop

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  2. bob smith

    Putin is as good as done. I give him 6 months, max. Why do you think he sleeps in a bunker without the first lady and cooks his own borscht?

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