18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Do Nothing Market on Exceptionally Low Volume; Eat a Sandwich

This is the perfect day to take off. Nothing at all will happen. Bill Hwang is finished selling his $5 trillion book and Credit Suisse is all but wiped out. Markets are doing nothing on incredibly low volume, reminiscent of a jar of lazy molasses spilling over the side of a dining room table onto a plush rug. You will find yourselves cleaning said rug for a long long time should you choose to do it.

I am widely position amongst a pastiche of Archegos names and will add to them should we dip. Mid-afternoon AMAT had sanguine comments during its ‘analyst day’, which caused semis and tech to drop. I don’t care what they said, for I know the certainty of the semiconductor business to be profoundly bullish, rooted in supply shortages. Pricing will improve and margins will expand, leading to high prices.

Inevitably, the market will collapse. But in the meantime, there are higher prices to both achieve and enjoy. My best guess is for the rally to continue, until we’re all tired bored sad fat and bald.

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