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The Vaccines Are Coming

For over a decade I heard wingnuts talk about a grande globalist scheme to crash the economy in order to usher in a new world order. The mark of the beast would be delivered to the masses in the form of a microchip that was going to augment your brain and merge you with machines. Said merger would kill humanity, which would of course release a paradox unto the world that would move past correlation and into causality. The new human race could then space travel and wreak fuckery throughout the universe and mine for platinum on the moon.

Naturally all of this is happening now and you are going to be forced to vaccinate your children and your loved ones else face excommunication. You will not be permitted to school or to travel or work. Do not believe for a moment that the DEEEEEEEP state won’t sacrifice your lives in exchange for the grande plan immediately. Things must get back to normal. Hollywood must make pictures and museums must work at full capacity. In order to get there, you will, all of you will, have to take TWO DOSES of the COVID-19 vaccine, which will have harsh side effects for 15% of you. Some will die, collateral damage in this new world war we are fighting, the microbe that kills 0.2% of the people it attacks.

If you don’t like it, leave — but you can’t because travel will be for vaccinated only.

I will of course take the vaccine, possibly two vaccines if possible. I am very curious about the Russian vaccine and would like to enjoy that alongside the NIH one too.

Over the past twenty years we’ve slowly but surely seen Sears and Kmart give way to Amazon and Apple. Now with nearly a year of total lockdown, human behavior has shifted more aggressively than ever towards online vendors, eschewing the brick and mortar stores — but not crushing all. If you look at sales of WSM and other smart retailers, you will see massive spikes in their online sales. The big losers in all of this, which should come as no surprise, is the mom and pop stores, tiny businesses without credit lines or staying power. Those companies will die en masse over the next year, if not sooner. Also, the vaccine will not save them.

Enjoy your weekend.

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  1. moosh

    I’m interested in this rapture thingy. How do suppose this is interpreted and carried out in current day? Also, can you please un ban sarcrelidge or whatever? Way moar interesting than narcist. A very well done post, nevertheless. Thanks doctor fly!

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  2. mad marsupial

    This could get really crazy too. U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and cybersecurity researchers are warning that would-be thieves and bad actors are targeting the supply chain for the crucial shots.

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