18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,452 Blog Posts

Needing to Climb Out From a Hole

I was out all morning, doing things completely unimportant. Sacrilegiously, I neglected to even look at my positions and as a result of said neglect, I found myself in a 1.6% hole when I got back.

Understand something, the vast majority of my trading stocks are piece of shit worthless pieces of paper — flimsy companies rising and falling based off the caprices of the moron trader. It is my job, as a superior intellect, to front-run those morons and subtract money from their accounts and place it into my own.

Since then I sold the biggest winners and losers — kept the stuff in the middle, and now I am attempting to trade back to green.

The high and low lights.

CVNA +32%
WPRT -24%
KCAC +6.1%
CRDF -11.3%

My opinion of the market is mostly immaterial. We’re neither here or there. Your job, if trading, is to capture moments. There are industries on the move higher today, such as online gambling stocks and degenerate pot. SAAS has been stable and I imagine many of the COVID-19 LOCKDOWN stocks, like ZM, and DOCU, will be fine. We are barreling towards another lockdown — but this time the markets will not be okay. We will cross that road when we get there. For now enjoy the market’s resilience and be sure to take advantage of its many whorish attributes, while you can.

At the time this post ended, I was down 1.1%

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  1. purdy

    “Granpa, what were fundamentals?”

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  2. one-eighty

    Now’s the time to liquidate the quant.

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  3. ericbakerbruce

    Everybody should read The Great Gatsby once. Everybody should also try some Sativa Super Silver Haze and listen to the live version of Politician once.

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