18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
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Markets Sprint Higher; The Fly Wins Again

We’re running good and hard today, flaying all of the bears along the way. By “flay”, I mean we’re skinning them while still alive. Think about being a bear and now think about their lives, desolate and pathetic.

I conducted two sales this morning, in addition to my Quant duties.

FTNT +13.6%
BILI +6.66%

That’s who I am pal…fuck you go play with your kids.

Halloween went swell, although I got caught in a rain storm like an idiot, whilst just about to enter a makeshift haunted house. I drank like 3 or 4 beers and knocked out like a child, woke up, had a martini, knocked out again. I like alcohol, but it makes me fall asleep too often. I’m having a very hard time getting addicted to the stuff.

What’s on the docket today?

MOAR buys. I’m fucking buying into this melt up. I like the GOOGL for FIT deal and feel maybe GPRO is next, maybe. Who knows?

Bottom line: we’re in a bull market pal. Fuck off with your TVIX purchases.

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  1. ericbakerbruce

    Alcohol is poison. Stay sharp my friend, stick to the hallucinogens

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  2. spaceman

    So NOW is the time to think about the upcoming, oncoming CRASH just when the euphoria gets high pitched so before SHTF happens me, my GOLD coins and silver monster boxes are moving here https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2019/oct/31/us-city-preparing-itself-for-the-collapse-of-capitalism
    Do you think they’ll accept a section 8 voucher?

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  3. numbersgame

    Gold has been in a very tight range for over 20 days. Now, with the big moves the previous two days, it is setup to either break out or confirm the move in the markets and break down.

    I also read the article. It was very intersting. What is most surprising is the results of my fact-checking: Kingston actually *is* very diverse, in race (61% white), occupation, income(http://www.city-data.com/income/income-Kingston-New-York.html), religion, and even politcal belief (52% Clinton/ 42% Trump).

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