18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,473 Blog Posts

A General Update on House Fly

I understand some of you are concerned about my house, so I will provide an upside.

I drank a bottle of Sancerre this evening with dinner, lemon chicken, rice, veggies. I am a master chef, and a master bartender, in addition to a master trader and blogger. Almost everything I do is good to great. A great person once said to me “you do everything great” and it’s true.

Getting accustomed to NC has been easy, but the kids are MEH on it, mainly because of their friends up north. The weather is HOT AS FUCK, always 90 degrees and the sun is stronger here. It burns my fucking face off. Also, there are waterbugs here. Fuck that shit. But overall, Cary is a very fine town, all new builds. You cannot fine a home built before 2012.

The refurnishing of House Fly is going well, spending $5k per day on SHIT from Restoration Hardware and Crate and Barrel. We are almost unpacked, but never quite so, since we have considerably less closet space here. I have 50 unopened boxes in my garage now and another 10 in the basement. My fucking Benz is still in the dealership, with CATASTROPHIC engine damage, costing me $10k. Other than that, everything is the same.

On the business end here, we are 50% done with Exodus 2.0. It will be called something else, with a unique domaine. It’s mainly me here on the site now, so I’m thinking about doing a redesign to ditch the front page and bring it straight to my blog. My new programmer/partner is from Germany, much younger than me, reminiscent of my original programmer when I started iBC in 2007. Things change, but everything is generally the same. People come and go, but “The Fly” is everlasting and constant.

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  1. ferd

    Your reportage would be much more interesting if you’d have moved to the real south instead of a yuppie bubble.

    PMs continuing lower …but bonds hanging in fine so far.

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  2. numbersgame

    Why do you still have that Benz? Clearly that Benz doesn’t want to live anymore.

    Minivans are far superior to SUVs for families anyway, unless you are pulling a trailer or live somewhere that 6 inches of snow doesn’t shutdown schools (snow fall in Cary melts completely within 48 hours).

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